Can't work out
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Hi ladie hope everything is going well for you all just wanted to no if any of you try to exercise and after 5 minutes can catch their breath like they're exhausted and your heart starts racing out of your chest ever since I've been going through this never-ending roller coaster I've gotten so many symptoms I think more than the 66 mentioned in this forum when I feel better I try exercising but I feel exhausted after I try I don't last even 5 minutes I've gained so much weight and it's so frustrating because I want the old me back and it's so hard just wanted to know if anybody is going through this if you are sorry for that it's not easy take care hugs!!!
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gilly_64426 marisol06794
I hear you. I lost weight but trying to work out to me is a chore. I too wish I had my old self back.
I trying to eat more health foods to give myself a boost. It's snowing in my part of the world so less sunlight also give me horrible feelings.
kelly55079 marisol06794
Yes.. I have tried to exercise and thought to myself it's impossible even 10 minutes on the elliptical. But each day I tried to do something and eventually built stamina. Keep trying even if it's a brisk 10 minute walk a couple times a day. Also, I believe what you eat is so much more important than exercise. If I eat alot of eggs and veggies with some fruit/oatmeal and alot of water, then I don't crave the junk as much. It's tough because I don't care to eat that amount of veggies every day BUT if I don't then I start to gain.. Ugh I friend of mine who is 55 does this fasting thing every 3 days. I couldn't do it but she claims she feels great... So just experiment and find something for you.
marisol06794 kelly55079
hi Kelly I would take your advice I actually haven't been taking care of myself in the food Department I get anxious and actually I eat anything but I will start trying to eat healthier i actually went out yesterday to buy a dvd by leslie sansone just walk it's pretty good it's not overwhelming maybe you can try it i used it today and it went well Thankyou for your advice hugs!!!
gilly_64426 kelly55079
I think it might be worth the try.
marisol06794 gilly_64426
Hi gilly I really haven't taken care of myself eating healthy I get anxious and I just start eating away but I'm trying to do my best I just started a diet today and went out yesterday and bought myself a DVD from Leslie Sansone just walk it's actually pretty good I started today and it's not overwhelming it's just a walking exercise so I won't get that tired maybe you can try it since you can't go out due to the weather it's worth a shot I find it to be pretty good I will try that diet you said you doing I really need to lose weight I've gained 30 lb since all of this started around 4 years ago this is not a fun ride can't wait to get off this crazy roller coaster hope everything is going good for you hugs!!!
gilly_64426 marisol06794
marisol06794 gilly_64426
Thanks gilly i will try with that I'm glad I found this forum where I could talk to ladies that are going through the same thing I am I really have nobody to talk to about this since I don't no anybody that's going through what we are it's good to have support from you wonderful ladies god bless!!!
gilly_64426 marisol06794
dawn70425 marisol06794
Hi Marisol
Yes the menopause is very crap as your aware of this, I’m being going through it for 4 years now, and can’t have HRT so got to ride this out..
Dose your breathing feel ok when your sitting down? And do you notice your heart beating when you walk up staires, or is it just wen you doing a lot of excercise??? Let me know will you, big hug to you 🤗x
marisol06794 dawn70425
hi Dawn you're so right about that it's crappy feeling like this all the time I've been going through this living hell for 4 years myself it's like a never-ending thing when it's not one thing it's the other I do feel my heartbeat when I'm doing exercise not really when I'm going up the stairs and when I'm sitting down my breathing is fine now but a few months ago I had a terrible shortness of breath which I ended up in the emergency room they did every test known to man and thank God everything came back okay I just think it's one of those symptoms of menopause because I have gotten a lot of symptoms can't even start naming them but now it's more of being tired like if I want to exercise I could do it like maybe for 5 minutes and then I'm worn out I hope we get through this I wish you feel better soon enough we'll be off this crazy roller coaster take care hugs!!!!
dawn70425 marisol06794
Hi Marisol
Glad Iv been checked out and all ok... I get out of breath just walking up the staires and can feel my heart thumping, if I just sit down for the rest of my life I’d be fine😂...
I was at the hospital wensday and been told that I’m getting out of breath due to my heart working to fast, this is y I ask you, and they have said they have to slow it down as working to hard, and this as all come from two years ago I use to be at the gym 6 days a week then my breathing went bad, and was told I’m lucky to be alive as got blood clots ( PE ) on my lungs...
I always worry when some one says they out of breath, like you did, as my doc missed the blood clots for 6 mth, and just said it was all on my head, with the breathing... but we all know our own body’s and how they work... a friend I new died in her husband arms a few month ago, she couldn’t breath, and was found to have died from the blood clots to her lungs, only 42 ??....
So do listen to your body any way, my menopause as nothing to do with my breathing, as I was fine 2years ago....
I do hope your breathing gets better in time, but please, please if you or any one out there are not sure, as your breathing does not get better even after you, tried excercise, diets, and so on, do get checked out, only takes a blood test, id hate to think of any one eles out there going through what I did ....
Please keep in touch on here and let’s us know of your progress, I’m sure ones this crap menopause passes we will feel sum what better lol.. big hug 🤗x
marisol06794 dawn70425
So sorry to hear about your friend Dawn and your situation too it is very hard going through all of this I've had so many symptoms that I can't even count them I feel much better than before I couldn't even walk get up out of bed I would be so dizzy I would be nauseous I would have joint pains headaches I would get brain fog to the point that I ran a red light twice my husband didn't want me even to drive anymore I would forget things and then just stand there and feel like okay I can't think what's going on with my brain but thank God it hasn't been that bad lately it's just me getting tired and stomach issues I have to watch what I eat I get so bloated I also notice that I would get heart palpitations but it would be a week before my period or after I have a doctor's appointment soon so I will be talking to him about that let's see what he says because I really don't think that the doctors even know what we go through it's just crazy how they don't have any real solution to menopause and what goes on with us I really don't like drinking anything for it anyways I just rather ride it out and pray to God that this is over soon I really hope you feel better I will keep in touch and I will take your advice if I see that my situation gets worse thank you and God bless!!!
dawn70425 marisol06794
You too ... no docs don’t understand what we go through, I still get brain fog lol... talking to my daughters and can’t remeber things🤔and just have to say menopause playing up again haha ...
One day, we will get through this, and be the person we were... good luck to you big hug 🤗xx
Sochima822 marisol06794
If you're used to working out and want to go all out as if you're normal, you can't. You need to take it slow, I'd get off the treadmill dizzy, I could barely walk. So I decided to take it much slower, like just walking for about 5-6 minutes at 1.8 speed, then do a sprint for exactly 15 seconds, then as I built up stamina over months I would go for 20 seconds then 30, that was my max. It's good if you have a friend go with you. Don't do aerobics, that's too much if you can do Zumba do it but at a slow pace. I would 1 song n skip the next and no jumping. Hope this helps.
marisol06794 Sochima822
Hi sochima I will try it that way see how it goes for me hope it works for me too because it's very tiring every time I try to do anything just wish this was over soon and we can get our normal life back it's been so long I even forgot how I really used to feel before all of this craziness thank you for your advice hope you feel better soon hugs!!!