Cancelling Summer Trip due to Peri Symptoms
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I feel so terrible for having to cancel my 3 week trip to Europe but the way I’m feeling... ok one day then unable to leave the house the next .... it’s just not worth chancing it. The trip may actually improve my mood but to be 6000 miles from home with all these symptoms ... not worth it.
This surely is an ILLNESS ! And definitely not in our minds .
If anybody can make me feel better 😪 if you’ve had to cancel events .. or anything important please respond !
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chrisann144 lori93950
I am In perimenopause and I do feel your pain you just don’t know what will hurt or how you will feel I went to the outer banks at the end of April and honestly my symptoms didn’t really bother me while I was away strange but my husband knows how it’s day to day moment to moment but I was actually looking. Forward to the vacation and was excited for it! And when we had to come home I wanted to stay lol!!!! I think it will be a good thing for your body and mind good luck and let us know if you decide to go there are times I just push thru I don’t want perimenopause to ruin my happiness
lori93950 chrisann144
I will be with family there but if I start to feel weird or ill then i can’t return early or can for 7k.
My sister in laws mom just got air ambulanced back to the UK from California
On a private jet ! With drs and nurses so I’m trying to be sensible .
Amalie13 lori93950
Amalie13 lori93950
lori93950 Amalie13
katyD211 lori93950
Hi Lori...
I truly understand and can empathize because I have been where you're at emotionally. We just feel drained most days....trying to ride this stupid peri rollercoaster and not get flung off it!
For the past 3 summers I have considered cancelling plans. my kids and hubby wouldn't let me so I went. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stand the heat, afraid I might get sick, might have anxiety attacks, etc. But you know what? I planned my itinerary so I would have "cool down" breaks if needed. All that walking and looking and interacting with other women who were in similar "place"..( we can spot each other)..all that took me out of my own head and body. When I looked back I was glad I had gone.
I was just trying to rethink this year's and my daughter said " Mom, don't're a teacher and you need the break". So..I say all this to say no one would blame you if you cancelled, we understand. but I say try and go. I think it will help you forget this crap for a little while.
elizabeth142 lori93950
I am going through menopause
You get allsorts going on. You bleed on and off in Peri then it just disappears. I had it come back for one week, the doctor sent me for a scan to find out why. They said at the hospital, it’s like the last show. Nothing to worry about.
You can get headaches. Watch what you eat. Eat more healthy and do exercise. Walk as much as you can. That definitley lifts your mood. Find a new activity to do.
Stay positive be around positive people too. Treat yourself once in a while too. Make yourself feel better. Don’t dwell on your symptoms. Do what you want. Go on your holidays, and enjoy yourself. Don’t hold back.
It’s only the change and next phase of your life. Enjoy!!! X
lori93950 elizabeth142
However was in the emergency 2 weeks ago with what I thought was Lyme MS chronic fatigue turns out it’s just a life change .
Boy I’m no wimp and have weathered very tough times... was run over by a car and got through that . But this thing ? If you see many of the complaints for some people it’s debilitating ! Hot flashes sweating ringing in ears that’s nothing I can handle that ‘piece of cake ‘ compared to constantly feeling faint fatigue and terrible depression. I guess some women get it worse than others
maureen12052 lori93950
mauiblue lori93950
Yes i have had to walk out of places because i couldnt handle the anxiety. Decision making is daunting if paralyzing..I am unable to make plans for the very reason you just mentioned. I try to commit to the very minimum, not for lack of wanting to be part of things, but because i dont have it in me, and i dont want to let others down, it could be with work, my kids things that they do, most things.
I find it fascinating and ironic that im finally seeing others who feel a little better in the evening. EXactly myself.
I am in a hot climate and the sun is wretched. I am dry mouth and thirsty all the time and when evening comes i feel ever so comforted..but the morning come the dreads again..
nanc00951 mauiblue
I do as well and feel awful when I first wake up.
I wake up with a sick stomach that I once again have to start the day.
I hate waking up this way, and it is every day.
mauiblue nanc00951
Every morning its anxiety, darkness, nervous, low blood sugar, low mood etc. im really tired of it you have no idea..i can sympathize with you.
lori93950 mauiblue
And that’s what causes the fatigue I also read that women in Japan India and many other countries don’t go through this !
Believe it or not .... it’s NOT normal .
I had such a bad day yesterday had to cancel an appt due to feeling so unwell and soooooo tired. Even she said you can’t go on like this . Felt like smashing up the house as was so frustrated and fed up !
junieju lori93950
Have you tried yoga, a lot of people are reluctant to try, but most find when they do it is very helpful.
It is the gentle movement and relaxing meditation that helps so much.
It is a shame you have to cancel your trip.
Don’t let this beat you, you are strong and can get through this.
Sassyr12a junieju
Completely agree. I wake feeling overwhelmed but I've been forcing myself to do something physical which seems to increase my confidence and help manage the anxiety.
junieju Sassyr12a
But you are right, it is also good for your confidence.
As I say, it is easier to go down, then to get up.
Well done for trying the physical
Sassyr12a junieju
Hi junie
Anything which increases my heart rate really, so brisk walking and cycling mostly. I have a heap of other health issues so I'm a bit limited but I'm 43 with ovarian failure and so been in this anxiety nightmare for most of my life without realising the link to hormones. My theory is, when I'm anxious my heart rare shoots up, I'm clammy, feel sick etc. So I'm trying to get used to that feeling through exercise so the physical anxiety has less impact. I'm off work at the moment as I was anaemic, have thyroid disease, hormone issues and that's to go along with ulcerative colitis, osteoporosis and an ileostomy. I decided when I went on sick leave that I was going to try to work hard on management of the anxiety.... Thinking it would be good for me anyway! 3 months in and the anxiety is still there, but I'm not as afraid of it xxx
junieju Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a junieju
Not a lot tbh, but that's my choice at the moment. I didn't want to start taking something for it until I know the Hrt is being absorbed at the right dose. Knowing that hormones etc make me anxious I thought I'd be treating the symptoms not the cause, but I'm going for bloods tomorrow and seeing the GP on Thursday and see where we go from there. If the dose is right , then I'll happily take something for the anxiety because I'm absolutely done with that - it's the worst for me xx
lori93950 junieju
I just have to ride this wave and get through it .. it’s like a bloody prison sentence . I wake up every morning feeling ill and takes me hours to come around . No way I can travel feeling like this ...I’m just praying and meditating that it levels out soon . I can’t stand it !
No matter what my willpower is .. if you’re feeling so ill and IT IS an illness not wise to travel alone across the Atlantic .
lori93950 Sassyr12a
junieju lori93950
Sorry did not realise you were travelling alone, yes it is wise to get yourself felling a bit better , then consider travel another time.
Do you have a one to talk things through with?
junieju Sassyr12a
All taking and helping each other.
lori93950 junieju
junieju lori93950
Let’s hope it passes very soon.
Keep in touch let us know how you are.
mauiblue lori93950
And yes our diet is rubbish and has a great deal to do with our symptoms.
and btw
the reason there hasnt been a breakthrough is because this is not a mans disease, otherwise would have been figured out eons ago..
Guest Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy, I relate to what you say about anxiety... you wrote about having UC and I have Crohn’s disease on top of a whole host of peri problems. Managing chronic illnesses and menopause is a disaster and yes, the anxiety is a nightmare. I’m working on being less afraid of it, too, and it’s taking baby steps to do it, but it’s a start. You are going through more than many people can imagine and I hope things will turn around for you soon for the best. Take care. 💕🌸
Sassyr12a Guest
Hi Liz
Thanks so much that means a lot, as you say and know with crohn's and other illnesses, it becomes a full time job trying to work out what's wrong or what is going to drop off next! It's amazing the damage that hormone levels can have and had I known 20 years ago, I would have started hrt then and could have avoided everything I have. It's lovely to hear from someone with a similar problem and outlook. I hope you start to see some improvements too and thanks again xxx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
It’s a crime against women . We are NOT educated about this. so is everybody just suffering silently ?
It is ruining my life ... tired and faint ALL day in bed by 8.30 NO ENERGY . This illness could actually make somebody lose their home .. job ... partner. It’s a very serious issue that needs to be addressed
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori,
I know it's frightening to think how many women are suffering and fighting the system to try to get help. I have been lucky in that my homeopath is such a supporter and sees so many women with crippling anxiety which has been badged up under mental health but is actually due to menopause. Had she not pushed me, I really dread to think of the damage being done. Good to have support from other women, otherwise we would be completely alone to deal with it I think xx
mauiblue lori93950
Completely with you Lori, if we would have KNOWN we would have prepared somehow someway...atleast mentally prepared ourselves which is half the battle. I went for quite a few years now that i recall in my 40's clueless as to what was really taking place,
YES i wholeheartedly agree and so well put that this is a serious issue that needs to be taken seriously. You nailed it.
junieju Sassyr12a
Have you ever taken HRT
Sassyr12a junieju
This time around, yes for 3 months now. Over the past 30 years, probably only about 4 times I think. Each time there was a change of opinion with the GP and the risk associated xx
junieju Sassyr12a
Well I thought it to late to start hrt.
I am post menopause but still suffering.
My doctor thinks it to late to start, but I seen a gynaecologist yesterday, she said I should consider hrt.
I have tried for years to see it through without, but it is not getting any easier.
Doctors do not have time to talk you through it.
And going private is so expensive.
Thanks for your reply
Sassyr12a junieju
Hey junie
I completely understand, and I went years not knowing what to do for the best but I think our bodies and our symptoms are what should be considered not our age. I'm 43, and in clinical terms I guess you could say I would be moving into peri menopause but if the symptoms impact your quality of life, I say do it. Why suffer? I know going private is expensive but if you could manage it for a consultation you should come away with a prescription from someone who knows more that the GP. In my case my gp then agreed to support it. Otherwise, gynaecologists can prescribe and alsi endocrinologists if you can get a referral. Keep banging on the door junie till you get what you need, you deserve to be the best you xx
junieju Sassyr12a