cannot sleep too many thiongs going on
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I have been up since 3.30 am this morning.
1. i think i must have overdone the knitting last night as i have pain in my left hand that has kept me awake all night.
2. i have been having a urine infection that wont go away, and after having a scan they found my bladder does not fully empty. I have had various antibiotics/pencillion but all they do is bring me out in a rash all over my body,and my eyelids are swollen. My friend suggest i have a bath in equal parts lavender/teatree oil, but i dont know if this will be ok, she says this should help.
3. i have lost my appetite and also half stone in weight.
I have a good diet of porridge oats/ fresh fruit/ fish/chicken/turkey dont eat a lot of dairy.
4. should i take a vitamin, could anybody recommend one
i am sorry to moan as some of you seem to be having more problems than me, buy i find it helps me to talk to someone who understands.
If anybody has any suggestions to the above i would be grateful to hear them.
Many thanks Margaret
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carol16456 margaret22251
Drink drink drink , water unfortunately . I have had something called interstitial cystitis and the one thing the urologist said was to never drink cranberry juice because he reckoned that it agrivated the wall of the bladder . Also to have a rest from eating dairy for a few days . The cystitis I get is not caused by an infection but he reckoned the same applied to kidney / urine infections . Worrying about it adds to the problem as well .
I know that pred gives you dry eye dry skin etc so perhaps more fluid 'which we all know means more time rushing to the loo 'may be a help to starting to feel better . I do hope you start to improve soon Carol
margaret22251 carol16456
I have heard that cranberry juice can agrivate cyctitis so i dont drink it, one of my friends really believes in it.
Hope you have a good day.
Regards Margaret
carol16456 margaret22251
margaret22251 carol16456
tina-uk_cwall margaret22251
i knit too but as of yet I do not suffer from pains in my hands but I do suffer terribly from a very painful right shoulder blade if I knit too much. So I pace myself and always stop knitting long before I really want to. I normally knit for about 2.5 hours in the evening and no more. My mother had arthritis in her hands so always went to bed with soft woolly gloves on, she said it warmed her hand up and helped with the pain, I don know if that could help you.
i don't know about the equal bath idea, I can't see that it would hurt. But hopefully now they know what the problem is they can sort it out. Also this is a silly thing to say but I had a dog that had a bladder infection that ascended to her kidneys following cancer treatment. They took a sample of her urine and tested it to see exactly what bacterial infection was causing her cystitis and then gave her an antibiotic aimed specifically at that bacteria. She took the drugs for a very long time and they were very low dosage. (Apparently there are 2 ways to approach antibiotic treatment, 1 is to bombarde the infection with high levels of antibiotics and the 2nd way is to use very low levels of antibiotics and take them for a long time. Perhaps you could speak with your Dr about pinpointing which bacterial infection it is and then they can prescribe you the antibiotic that is aimed at that bacteria.
fir your swollen eyelids, I sometimes put cucumber on mine when mine are swollen. I don't think the cucumber offers any healing properties other than it is lovely and cool on the lids and it is easier to put on than an ice cube that might be a little too cool.
margaret, I think you may have lost your appetite because of everything you've been through lately. Are you the Margaret that was unable to sleep because of chest pain. If you are then your body is probably very exhausted. To try and kick start your appetite try some porridge, boiled egg and toast, scrambled egg and toast. Maybe that will help. But I do believe that when we are feeling very low and we are run down our body just at the time when it should have lots of goodness tells us it's not hungry but just try a little and often. Also I believe that when you're I'll if you fancy something sweet, have sometimg sweet, and likewise if you fancy something savoury, have something savoury.
the vitamins I take as supplements are, vit d, 10 micro grams, vit c, 500 mgs, b complex, recommend daily allowance, calcium, 500mgs, magnesium 188 mgs, iron 14mgs, and cod liver oil that has abit more vit d in that makes up the above 10 micro gramms. Let me know if you are interested in which brands etc, and I'll let you know. I don't know if any of these suppliments are doing me any good, but the calcium, magnesium and the vit d is a must for us all that are taking preds because they help greatly with the bones.
presently because of everything going on it is very difficult for you to relax. I hope this break helps a little to take your mind off this frustrating condition and the effects of the essential but rotten preds. Do take care, christina
margaret22251 tina-uk_cwall
take care , Margaret
tina-uk_cwall margaret22251
the suppliments I take are, tesco iron 14mgs, one a day, tesco vitamin b complex, one a day. I purchase the vit b complex that's in the purple coloured tub. Tesco does many vit b's but I simply purchase the ones above. Tesco, cod liver oil, mobility, again they do all sorts of ones but the one I get in the greeny turquoise tub and each capsule is 1000mg and it also contains 5 micrograms of vit d, I take one daily. My remaining suppliments I buy online from a company called Nature's Best. If you purchase the big tubs there's normally an offer and bargains and me always get on very well!
natures best, time release vit c, 500mg with bioflavonoids, 250 tablets. I take one a day. Natures best osteoguard calcium & magnesium, with boron and vit d & k. High potency, 180 tablets. Now lots of people take 2 of these tablets a day but I just take 1. I take these tablets all at once either at lunch or evening meal but never with my preds or omeprazole.
hope this is of help. Enjoy your remaining holiday time. Regards, christina
margaret22251 tina-uk_cwall
paula63201 margaret22251
Sorry to hear you are having such problems.
To avoid cystitis and bladder infections, I try to drink 2 litres of water a day and then some. If I get an infection, I go to the doctor, provide a urine sample, which they check in the office using a dip stick. If that shows bacteria, the sample goes to a lab, which lets the doctor know which bacteria is involved. The doctor then prescribes and appropriate antibiotic.
A warm bath makes the nasty cystitis feeling better!
Hope you feel better and enjoy your trip!
EileenH margaret22251
margaret22251 EileenH
teenyjeeny EileenH
I see you had a bladder stretch 3 times can you tell me did you have water infections before and did they stop after it was done ? I don't have cystitis. I am not loking forward to having it done as I have the heart op then the hernia and think its going to exhaust me so much three lots of GA in thenext few months . and I thought this year was going to be better than last , doesn't look like it at the moment. the PMr is bad enough on its own without all the other issues !!!
EileenH teenyjeeny
The first was done in Germany and the most recent a couple of years ago here in Italy - no offer either time of GA, not even local anaesthetic. It was fine, bit uncomfortable and the pain is a bit sharp for a few seconds at each stretch but having had really painful periods all my life it was nothing in comparison (as I told the UK nurses). The second one was done in the UK - they did the cystoscopy and said they felt a stretch would be a good idea and said I'd have to wait for the anaesthetist. I asked why and pointed out the first time I hadn't had one. The doctor was fine about it - the nurses watching suffered most! Here in Italy there was no discussion, it wasn't even done as day surgery, it was an early afternoon clinic appointment and they just got on with it. They also routinely do colonoscopies here without anaesthesia or even sedation.
teenyjeeny EileenH
EileenH teenyjeeny