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Hi, it's always there when I watch TV well little distraction but the minute the programme finish back in mind again it's like constant thing in your head going around..maybe if I'm out forget but come home again starts again so anxious for it to end I guess it's all frustration, my friend says let it wash over you but I try and then I can't do that to scary anyone like this with it constant on the mind or its me.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria.  Yesss!!  I was just thinking the same thing.  I just wish I could turn my thoughts off.  I'm constantly thinking about what hurts or feels weird and night I just keep watching my favorite tv show until I fall asleep

  • Posted

    Yes! That is exactly what’s happening with me lately! I can’t concentrate on anything but how I feel..the headache, stomach ache, ever present anxiety, any little twinge or’s really taking a lot of joy out of the holidays right now..Baking cookies used to be enjoyable and relaxing for me, and right this minute I am hating it, just want it over..the tedious steps, the mess, the clean up, it’s all on my nerves!!! And yes, if I’m at the movies or watching something interesting at home, I’m sort of okay but mostly I’m cranky, and really health anxiety obsessed..I wish there was an easy answer, or a pill with no side effects..I’ve taken a few that make it worse. Just knowing I’m not alone does help, so stay in touch! Take care and try to relax and let’s hope 2018 is happy and healthy for us all!!💕

    • Posted

      Me too. I try to put it out of my head. I can't watch serious shows anymore. And if a commercial comes on about a disease, like cancer or blood clots, forget it. I mute the tv or change channel. Because every pain or twinge I have drives me bonkers. The new year brings my regular rounds of doctors appointment.

      Right now where my arm joins my shoulder it feels like it's coming out of the socket. That's not what happening, but that's how it feels or maybe it just feels crampy. I don't know. My health anxiety is constant, every day. Ugh!

      Then I start to worry about the stress taking a toll.😂😂😂

    • Posted

      Oh Juanita- I think we were separated at birth!! Lol..i can’t freakin stand to hear commercials about disease, medication, treatment centers, it makes me sick and crazy lol..And now my allergies and anxiety and all the pains associated with it, are consuming my every moment..cough, scratchy throat, pain between my shoulder blades, weird stomach feelings, throbbing head at times..absolutely making me insane..more insane...whatever LOL!! How do people get through this!!?? I don’t even understand..I’m functioning at probably 50% of what is normal and what I’d like to be..housework seems impossible, just normal laundry, dishes etc is overwhelming. Ugh..let’s get through the holidays and don’t hesitate to reach out! ??💕😊

    • Posted

      Triplets!  Lol.  Mute or change channels.  (Drives the husband crazy). Can't look at FB just in case there's something sad.  Dishes and Laundry barely.  Floors and bathrooms..ha.  By far the health anxiety is the worst symptom for me! 

    • Posted


      I’m also getting pains in arms and my collarbone feels sore constantly 

      Every day I have a new pain it’s a night mare

    • Posted

      Yes!! It is truly the worst, i had no idea anxiety, particularly health anxiety was a thing i would need to deal’s always there, stealing my joy, that’s for sure, May we all have a happy, healthy 2018!!😘

    • Posted

      Oh yes, barely on Facebook these days, too much sad stuff. I might post something but scrolling is another issue. It's Chrismas Eve and I was all about going to Christmas Eve services at church. Woke up depressed and still in bed, asking God to forgive me for not going. I can't get away from sad stuff, I work at our local Police Dept. I've been on vacation since December 18th, going back December 28th. I'm already dreading it. I pray and pray. I don't have anything to be sad or anxious about, but yet here I lay in bed venting to you ladies. 😣😣😣

    • Posted

      I wonder am I ever going to be me again? I barely made it through my chores yesterday. When I do, I'm achy the next day. Like I said the new year brings my regular rounds of doctors appointment. My first is my mammogram in Jan. I'm worried about that because I've had this weird feeling in my right breast. I felt for lumps but didn't find any. Then I worry it's something else! Lol!

      Amy, I've been hoarse off and on since Oct. I don't if it's allergies or what.

      Deep in our hearts we know we're okay, but the mind works overtime telling us we're not. One lady said she wished it(peri menopause/menopause) would just kill her and get it over with.

      I just want to not be so afraid and worried. The health anxiety is the absolute worst! Sorry to go on so. I also have been having dreams so good some bad. The bad n

      ones weigh on me.

      I'm so grateful for you ladies, you have no idea!!! Big hugs to you Amy!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗

    • Posted

      Every little twinge or pain is like a nightmare because our minds tell us it's some dread disease! Today, my calves are sore. The other day the sides of my legs were achy. I was sure was something awful! At least we know we're not alone! ?????

    • Posted

      Awe I'm so sorry you are feeling like that today.  I've been there too. When anxiety strikes, I try to remember the battle is not mine, it belongs to Him.  And to count my blessings.  Sometimes it is so hard though to see through those worries.  I hope you are feeling a little better by now

    • Posted

      Oh Juanita- I’m sending you big hugs and saying a prayer for you. I also want the normal me back..which is not something I’d have said before all this perimenopause anxiety came up! I was constantly striving to be better, enjoy life and now it’s a struggle to “get through “ each day, let alone enjoy it! I also worry about EVERY little pain, ache,’s horrible! Like i feel at times, that I’m “okay” and other times I’m 100% convinced I wouldn’t have such strong (negative, paranoid, unhealthy) vibes if something wasn’t wrong! But I’m pretty sure not everyone who feels this way (probably close to NO ONE) really has anything serious to worry about in terms of a disease. I’m actually so angry, that women have to go through this crap and no one cares to find something that would help!! We are half the worlds population and we have to feel this horrible for years??!! Why???!! Ugh..I’m no help, but i do understand and it helps to know we aren’t alone. Hang in there, and keep in touch. 😘

    • Posted

      Thank you 2chr2015. As the day wore on I am feeling a bit better. I know that God will bring me through this, he's never let me down. 😊😊

      You ladies give me such hope and joy!

    • Posted

      Thank you Amy!😚 God sends angels in many forms and you ladies are angels!👼

    • Posted

      I feel the same Juanita! We are sent exactly what we need when we need it! 💕

    • Posted

      I am so grateful to all of you wonderful ladies who take your time to respond to all the twinges and fears I have as well. You are all heaven sent!  I don't feel so alone or isolated when I can reach out.

      You are all amazing! 


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