Cant take it anymore
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The last four days have been total hell, I am going again to the dr. The joint pain, swelling, chills, chest tightness, and muscule aches is ridiculous, I went to our emergency clinic last week, no flu, no fever, the nurse said it sounds like you are just having a really bad peri with the joint stuff. None of the natural stuff is working, I feel like crying. I dont understand why this is happening and why I cant get any relief. I dontwant to do an HRT, but I cannot imagine going through this for years. So, making an appointment tomorrow. Has anyone had this and what have you guys done with success.
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MrsMerm lennie45832
just the pits isn't it, I find it horrendous working, it takes me days to get over it, unfortunately my job entails 10 to 14 hour shifts!
Anyway, I honestly believe the best way through this thing is HRT
However, it's difficult getting the right one, don't give up though, there is a taylor made hrt "supposedly" for everyone
Good luck Lennie
lennie45832 MrsMerm
MrsMerm lennie45832
my theory is:-
Get the right HRT (remember THE RIGHT ONE FOR YOU) and your zest and energy will come back
your drive will help you get moving to lose that weight hun
I'm overweight too
well maybe I should start taking my own advice, I've tried 3 different types of HRT to no avail, I still believe the right one is out there for me Lennie
Here's to us and a NEW YEAR
Mrs M xxx
Zigangie MrsMerm
I read an awful lot about HRT before going on it.
Firstly the GP gave me premarin. I don't know if you are in the UK but I think this is their first "offer" it's the cheapest and is made from conjugated horse hormones.
Basically pregnant mare urine.
For me this was unethical and at that time I thought these horse (premarin, prempac - C, prempro, premique or the combined menopausal - osteoporosis drug Duavee (formerly known asAprela)) hormones were the only ones available. Mine went straight into the bin! Please read how they obtain the said urine from these poor animals.
Right the woman's health initiative (WHI) study into hormone replacement therapy and was stopped abruptly because it became clear that long term risks clearly outweighed the benefits were using Prempro.
We are NOT horses! These hormones have more side effects it is well known that they are not well tolerated by the human body.
Then you have your synthetic hormones of which one is livial (as far as I am aware this is the only one containing a synthetic testosterone type hormone)
I have a list here a lot longer than the mare urine ones (36 in total) and in not going to list them.
Then you have bio identical hormones of which one I am using brand name oestrogel. This type also comes in patches.
They only contain estradiol.
We make three different types of estrogen and I have recently found Hormonin which has all three (I'm using oestrogel but any problems and I will ask to try this one).
You need Progesterone unless you have had a total hysterectomy. The most natural is Micronised progesterone brand name Utrogestan.
Oestrogel and Utrogestan are what Professor John studd recommends (along with testosterone)
Probably the best you could do would be to see a private meno doctor if you can afford it. They will prescribe bio identical hormones made from plant extracts and very likely use all three estrogens they will also very likely prescribe testosterone especially if you have libido problems.
There are not many GPs here in the UK who are willing to prescribe testosterone as it is unlicensed for use in females and they have to prescribe "off licence"male ones which they are allowed to do but most seem unwilling.
Australia is the only country at the moment as far as I am aware who have a testosterone product especially for women (those lucky ladies)
So if you are able please go as naturally as possible. Hopefully by doing this you will be less at risk of adverse side effects. Also waiting months to see if this is the one that agrees with you.
Hope this helps lots of you lovely ladies and saves you from all of the research I had to do before I came upon this information.
BugglyBot Zigangie
You've kind of helped ease my mind a little more about them too x
jackie95472 lennie45832
debbie03785 lennie45832
lennie45832 debbie03785
lennie45832 debbie03785
metamorphed lennie45832
I don't know how long you are like this? My own experience started over 6 months ago and I went through a terrible time with severe tendonitis in arm shoulder and terrible palpitations and chest bone pain. 6 months later, these pains have mostly gone. I still have the tendonitis in shoulder and arm but this is also because i caused myself further injury during a peri related panic attack at the very start of all this. Ask your doctor about your vitamin D3 levels.
I found that these pains got worse if I drank alcohol (very little) and caffeine and any sugar, sweets etc.
Hope you get answers soon.
lennie45832 metamorphed
lisahelen lennie45832
metamorphed lennie45832
Try to keep your stress levels down. I drink one cup of chamomile tea (takes getting used to) before bed and it helps with any remaining anxiety, which by the way is almost back to the way I was before all this hit me.
Let me know how you get on. It definitely got better for me within a few months, when I really thought during the bad bits, that it would never improve!
take care
lennie45832 metamorphed
BugglyBot lennie45832
lennie45832 BugglyBot
metamorphed lennie45832
Yes do keep us up to date with what happens. Just look at the replies you are getting. These women are all experiencing the same. Caffeine is a no-no as others are now confirming by their messages.
BugglyBot lennie45832
jackie95472 BugglyBot
Brevis metamorphed
BugglyBot jackie95472
metamorphed Brevis
I took a course of vitamin D3 which helped enormously. Not immediate, but now 6 months later, although sometimes, in waves, I feel discomfort, my movement has improved and I don't feel crippled as before.
I think (although I know I was low on vitamin D3) that over time hormones start settling making symptoms less severe. That is my experience. I hope you feel relief soon. How long since this started?
Brevis metamorphed
It's only in one arm. Initially I thought it was linked to the bulging disc in my neck which was operated on last January. It has come back though. I suppose I've had it for about 2 years on and off. I might ask the physio to try acupuncture. I'm now seeing a shoulder specialist as the neck chap doesn't think it has anything to do with my neck any more. I'll try vitamin D3. Does your pain feel like sciatica except in the arm?
metamorphed Brevis
It is deep nerve and tendon pain. Awful pain. I would imagine similar to sciatica although I have not had that.
Yes acupuncture (also called dry needling) gets deep into these points and brings relief. They placed needles in my arm, shoulder, back and neck, so this could be really good for you. A few sessions over a few weeks and you will feel better. It is sore for a day or two after, but if you are used to the horrible pains of tendonitis, this will be nothing new to you.
take care
lennie45832 metamorphed