carbimazole and sore throat

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Hi I been taking this tablets for 6 weeks now (3 5mg 3 times a day). I read in the leaflet that came with it if you got sore throat STOP taking the tablets and see your doctor, what I would like to know is how bad must the sore throat be to stop taking the tablets? Can anyone tell me before I rang my GP.

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    Forgot to mention, had a FBC done yesterday and I now have low white blood cell counts! Get this thyroid out of me!
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    Hi everyone,

    Im new to this so would appreciate any help.

    i was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid in February this year and was given Carbimzoledose of 40mg daily. I. Had prior to going to the Doctors lost nearly two stone in weight and my skin is hanging everywhere. I was a very active person but like you guys feel tired for most of the time, even though I try to beat it and around family act normal but secretly suffer after. 

    The past 2 months things got worse. My father became ill and I looked after him for about six weeks prior to him being taken into hospital where he died one week later. Arranging his funeral was so painful as we lost our Mum six years ago and it brought everything back. Somehow I coped well at least I thought I had. On the morning of the funeral I was sitting on my settee with paramedics around me wired up on a monitor and being told I would have to go immediately to hospital as my heart rate was 169, tremors were worse than I had ever experienced and really bad chest pains.  I refused to go as I wanted to go to my fathers funeral and promised that I would go to A & E immediately after the funeral. I am now on 60mg daily plus Propramol 40mg 3 times a day. 3 weeks on I feel worse than I ever have felt in the sense of being so tired and no energy I even have to ask my partner to carry the Hoover up the stairs. Will things improve?? 

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    Hi! I'm not quite sure myself. The doctor told me to stop if I got a sore throat and I assumed it didn't have a degree. I didn't take my tablets today because got a sore throat last night which persisted into today. I was searching online for advice when I came across the formum. I must confess how grateful I am for all the was shared. I'm now convince that this is not a 'mind over matter' thing as I've been told on many occassions.

    I was diagnosis with hyperthyroidism 4 years ago. I took carbimazole for a year but the muscle weakness was driving me crazy so I changed my diet, habits, etc and stopped taking the meds. I got better... I was to my old self again... so much so I stopped the diet etc. Sadly, I got a flare-up of the illness 3 months ago and I can't seem to get out of it. I can't work, exercise, study, or even sleep properly. My heart and all my pulse points pounds. I'm always tired and out of breath. Sometimes I think I'm going to die. I'm now on 30mg carbimazole and 2 1/2 propranolol daily. The doctor suggest radioactive iodine but I don't want to do that. And now that the sore throat is on... I don't know what to do. Sorry for the long post.

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      Hi I was told by my consultant that unless the sore throat was really bad then not to worry. However if you are worried then go to the consultant to get their advice. Maybe give you a lower dose of carbimazole.  Phyl
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      Thanks much, Phyl. I think I'll visit the consultant tomorrow.
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      Hi think that is probably the best sighkee.  Hope all will go well for you. To get dosage right needs a lot of patience and can take time. Phyl
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    Hi there i had sore throat so i down to 2..5mg twice a day i feel a alot better
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    Hi all, I was diagnosed with Graves on the 15th of December, my GP referred me to an endrochronlogist immediately who put me on 5 gms carbimazole x3 td. Both my doctors are away for Xmas hols and just this morning I started to have vaginal bleeding, find this really odd as Im post menopausal. What should I do, discontinue the medicine till my docs return on the 15th of jan? Help! 


    • Posted

      Hi taz78710

      Recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism on the 6/12/17 was put on Carbimazole 5mg. Iam on menopause and today i had similar problem as yours so to say and my doctor is on vacation,will be back next year in April. When i saw yur post i was hoping one will answer yu so i can also to benefit on it. Iam soo concerned and scared too as they are soo many causes that might trigger this. Since yur post is 3yrs back, perhaps yu got the reason and solution, please help me

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    Hi, I have just found out that I have an overactive thyroid after visiting the walk in centre and being told I had an inner ear infection which couldn't be treated. I visited my gp after my friend who is a nurse told me she would come with me, I thought at the time it was odd she was saying that, I'm an independent person and don't need my hand holding, I've subsequently found out I had tremors so bad she suspected I had Parkinson's. Having 2 small children is challenging with this condition, I'd got to point I couldn't walk up stairs holding my 7 months old baby. I am on treatment for both the thyroid and my heart racing but only now as I'm starting to feel better do I realise how poorly I was. I have my first appointment with the specialist next week but I was just wondering if anyone has a timeline for when you come off treatment? I started to feel poorly in mid March and I started on treatment 10 days ago. Thank you for any advice
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    I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroid last Friday and put on Carbimazole 20mg.I went to the Doctors the week before and cried my way through how I was feeling which was pretty bad !((I NEVER cry as a rule let alone in front of a stranger)....

    I came to the conclusion that it was all to do with the menopause as I am 50 until I started waking up with sore throats and headaches EVERY MORNING for weeks.I had been feeling unwell since last December(2014) when I developed severe allergic conjunctivitis.I had never had this before and this went on for four months and was debilitating to say the least.Finally sorted it myself after cutting out wheat from my diet which had an almost immediate effect.In the bin went all the eye meds that they had put me on !!! During this time my skin was itching and I was breaking out in burning rashes everywhere. My bedtimes then became a nightmare! I would burn all night and basically get zero sleep.In addition I was tired,dizzy, shaking and generally feeling horrendous.This time last year I was happy and healthy and had only recently had my own beautiful wedding on the beach in Mexico.So Doctor did tests and I got a call the same day from the surgery to get there urgently.Unfortunately they were shut so I was there first thing in the morning and managed to see a doctor who told me it was fine...I wasnt dying as we thought after the call I was JUST hyperthyroid and gave me the tablets..This was Friday !! Anyway forward four days after Carb,,,was shivering..following day nearly passed out and by the Thursday I was in the surgery wringing wet with sweat,,mouthful of ulcers and honestly thought I was going to die.Saw nurse practitioner who diagnosed high fever and throat infection and gave me antibiotics.I threw the tablet leaflet at her that said to get yourself to A and E if you have any of the symptoms and she argued that Carb would not cause these symptoms so I very impatiently told her to read the bloody leaflet then and get me a blood test like ASAP !  She did,I came off the tablets and fever much better next day.Mouth ulcers still uncomfortable but I dont have any more yet ! However 9 days on I have now found a lump in my neck ! I am due back at the Doctors next Tuesday but am sick of all this already.I am usually hyperactive and busy and never ill,I am now a mess. Covered in rashes,tired,weak,hoarseness in throat and just cant wait to see what the next tablets they give me are going to do !! Have ordered a load of books and immune boosting the meantime.This is a horrible illness.I hope you all get well soon . 

  • Posted

    Hi everyone

    I really wanted to thank each and every one of you guys for the posts.. I was just an online passer-by but you all made me feel like I found a little piece of the net where I belong lol...

    Yep im in that mushy mood today lol.

    I like many here have had an overactive thyroid for quite a few years.. About 4years now! I thought it was managed for a while but it came back. And at 28yrs old, its not the funest thing to have to deal with but thank God there are people who understand!!

    Frm eating lots and never seeming to have enough, to tremors and muscle weakness.. Its a lot to deal with.. And now im getting sore throats and coughs every two weeks or so and have also had to do a test. I was so worried about that until I read the reassuring words from everyone on here.

    You guys really understand and that is just amazing!

    Although over a year ago, the info you all left on here has really helped me and has been a pick-me-up.......

    Please post replies guys ..... Let us know how you are all getting on now

    Till then,


  • Posted

    Hi all,

    I'd just thought I'd give a little update.

    I had a total thyroidectomy in June 2013 (thankfully the specialist didn't make me go for more radioiodine). I was in hospital overnight and then discharged with my new meds, levothyroxine, dose based on weight to begin with. Recovery wasn't too bad, obviously sore but nopt unbearable. The scar has healed nicely and it is only 3-4cm long. It basically looks like a blemish!

     Had a little hiccup in the first month as I was taking my multi-vitamins at the same time as my levothyroxine, therefore affecting the uptake (calcium & iron do not help). You have to take it on an empty stomach and then avoid caffine and calcium for an hour after. Anything containing iron must be taken at least 5 hours before or after levothyroxine! Who knew?

    Anywho, I managed to get pregnant pretty quickly afterwards and had my son in July 2014. Levothyroxine has to be increased during pregnancy and I was still monitored closely by my endocrine doctor.

    5 years on from first being diagnosed and I have now been discharged! My dose still requires the odd tweak but I can say that I feel a million times better than before.

    My advice to you all, if you're offered surgery................. go for it!

    Good luck people! xx

  • Posted

    Hi when i had a sore throat i phoned for a telephone consultation but the dr didnt seem concerned i think its if you are ill with it really if ure worried phone them up i took carbimazole for 20 years dr finally persuaded my to have radioactive iodine now im underactive its taken over a year to get it normal but im ok now
    • Posted

      Hi Shelly,

      Well hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have had flu like symptoms with this sore throat and feel awful

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