Catheter Size
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I am new to CIC. My PCP precribed it after an ultrasound showed a RV of 200ml. I'm using the Speedicath Standard 16 FR. I'm wondering if it would be better to try the 14 or even 12?
The reason is that it passes through the prostate fairly easily but when it reaches the bladder spincther I'm only able to get it through about 50% of the time no matter how I move it or how many deep breaths I take..
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vaughn43529 jwrhn1951
Did they show you how to do it?
jwrhn1951 vaughn43529
Yeah they showed me but sometimes it just won't work. I'll give it a minute or so and then give it up...
Light1 jwrhn1951
jwrhn1951 Light1
Thanks, thats the info I was looking for. I get them through the VA so I don't have any say on the brand but I can get them to drop the size just didn't know how small to go...
Light1 jwrhn1951
cartoonman Light1
Damn those red rubber types to the Middle Ages! :-D 14s are what I've been using exclusively, and yes, hydrophylic! AND--- the Coude tip is only could for certain conditions! Maybe yours, but for others of us, it tears us up inside. Been there, done that! But yes, 16 is YUGE! Can't imagine pushing THAT pipe in! So you have some sorting out to do,,,,
gbhall jwrhn1951
stebrunner jwrhn1951
Hi, Jwrhn,
When I started CIC 8 months ago, my uro's staff insisted I used a FR 18! I had been reading about CIC on one of the threads on this site and negotiated with them to use a FR 16. The FR 16s didn't work well for me. Now I use FR 14 or FR 12. Because of my BPH I use the coude tip.
Like you, I had trouble getting past the bladder sphincter in the beginning. It takes time for your body to get used to CIC, and now I rarely have trouble. I found it helpful at the bladder sphincter to apply gentle pressure--do not force it! Eventually the sphincter would tire or relax and let the catheter in. Sometimes I would do a light cough.
On this site there's a really good thread on CIC--
I learned a lot about how to CIC successfully on that thread. Jimjames and others there are very helpful.
Best of luck to you!
johnclen jwrhn1951
I tried the 16 14 and 12. Both straight tip and coude tip. My urologist's nurse recomended the 12 straight, speedicath, so that's what I've been using now with very good results.
I sit when cathing and go slow. I slow down more when I feel it passing through the prostate and then when I come to the spincther, I stop advancing and just apply a very gentle pressure and wait. In less then a minute, the spincther fatiques and relaxes, allowing the cathether to continue. It does the same thing with any size but the 16 seems to be a little more difficult. The straight tip 12 works very well for me.
cartoonman jwrhn1951
?!?!?!?! Why on Earth did they START you on something that large??? Please try the FR14 as soon as possible. They have worked for me well for over 2,000 caths. Also, be careful, as there are two tips: straight and "coude," the later being hooked or beak-ended. The latter works for some conditions, the straight for others. I was sent a coude-tipped box by mistake when I was first starting out; PAINFUL!!!! If coude tip is not right for you, you will know it!
glenn77 jwrhn1951
You are so fortunate to have a doctor who told you about CIC. I sure wish mine had done that rather than selling me on a quick and TURP that's been disasterous for me. Since it was your PCP pointing you to CIC, he/she didn't have a financial interest in your having surgery, so you got some good advice it seems.
cartoonman glenn77
Thanks, jwrhn! But actually, my doctor DID NOT tell me about CIC. My urologist had 'em put a Foley and bag on me, and said, "We'll fit you in for tests in 5 weeks." I went home, researched on-line, fired that uro-doc, got another who could get tests the following week. After a few days of The Bag, I asked new doc for the CIC instructions. The nurse, an Eastern-European-born/Spanish Inquisition holdover (I meantion Eastern Europe, because her Slavic-accented English just added a shudder factor to the instruction session. "YOU TAKE AHOLD OF ZEE PEE-NUSS LIKE ZIS!!!" Think: LADY DRACULA! :-D I have done better since those early days... :-)
johnclen cartoonman
Ha ha, great post for Halloween.
glenn77 cartoonman
cartoonman glenn77