Catheter Size
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I am new to CIC. My PCP precribed it after an ultrasound showed a RV of 200ml. I'm using the Speedicath Standard 16 FR. I'm wondering if it would be better to try the 14 or even 12?
The reason is that it passes through the prostate fairly easily but when it reaches the bladder spincther I'm only able to get it through about 50% of the time no matter how I move it or how many deep breaths I take..
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arlington jwrhn1951
The speedicath compact male works best for me - the part that passes through the prostate bladder is 12F (the bottom part that only goes in the urethra is 18F).
Urologists have recommended starting at 14F with other catheters I've used but the one mentioned above works best for me and is by far the easiest. Some have found it too short but that's probably on a case by case basis.
cartoonman arlington
I received a sample ("Not sterile; do not use!" for inspection, two years ago, but have never tried one. It looks carry-convenient, but... (1) how do you extend it for use, without touching the "operating end," and (2) what do they cost per piece???
arlington cartoonman
My insurance covered it.
You take the cap off the green part and then pull it out by the exposed white handle (about 3/4 inch long that guides it in but doesn't actually go in to the urethra). There should be instructions out there somewhere. Maybe at coloplast website.
Thanks to all for the insight.
Although my prostate is enlalged the PSA going from 2.7 in 2005 to about 9 +/- 1.5 for the last couple of years my main uriinary problem is nuerological/nerve. The VA seems to deal more with guys with service connected injury/traima from the recent conflicts and in that group prescribing he larger cahers seems to work best.
I am going to order the next months ctheters in a day or two. I 'm thinking going to the 14's straight tip would be a good choice (looks like they will be the Speedicath and I cant change that and they work good )...
BTW When I do get ithe catheter into the bladder the spincter mussles want to push it out. I've read to insert it about 5ml and then withdraw slowly after is done but in my case I stick it in and its pushing it out fastly, I have to hold it , do any of you goys have the same experience..
I'm a curious sort, so in addition to making the log of the daily cathter voiding I figured it would be interesting to see what I normallly do in 24 hours. Turns out I'm fairly consistant between 2500-2800 a day. Given thar should I even be doing CIC with my numbers?
arlington jwrhn1951
Yes I do have the same exerience of the catheter being pushed out of the bladder - but only when I've waited too long before cathing and the urgency has built up.
johnclen jwrhn1951
Yes I too have to hold the catheter in. It tries to come out on it's own. I push it in about 3/4" after it enters the bladder. Then when it stops draining I pull it out very slow, stopping when the flow starts again. I repeat that until it's out of the bladder.
gbhall jwrhn1951
Nearly 3 litres a day is a hell of a lot, must be beer ?? The reason you have been put on CIC is not difficulty in peeing, it is because of retention?
Retention does ultimately lead to a UTI, most especially when you are CICing.....Bit of a chicken and egg really. Retention is not normally a problem if you can urinate normally all the time, so if I were you, I would discuss it with your Uro with repect to the potential for UTI's whilst CICing.
jwrhn1951 gbhall
arlington gbhall
My uro explained that the low level infection that is usually caused by CIC is more properly labelled colonization and, while not optimal, isn't dangerous unless it becomes a full blown UTI with a fever, etc.
A new twist, My provider at the VA dosen't want to go to the 14's until I have a cytoscopy done. What the heck is that for..I assume they will be sticking something large up the urether and into the bladder....
vaughn43529 jwrhn1951
I had the cystoscopy done and it wasn't bad. They numb the euretha and you don't feel anything. I was awake and watched the moniter. Didn't even seem like you was watching your own scope. Plus you get to see how your bladder looks not just what the doc tells you.
I got dressed afterwards and got on my motorcycle and rode home.
I am now 30 days post Greenlight surgery and finally rode my bicycle for the first time. Didn't bother me like I thought it would.
If I get the urge to go I have to go. I am using Depends guards for now just in case.
glenn77 vaughn43529
Glad that things seem to be working out for you. The two (or was it three) cystoscopies I had were not very uncomfortable for me either. Unfortunately, my doctor must have display equipment from the dark ages. There was a single crt display, maybe 12" diagonal, with a raster (lines) display. And it was up beside my head, so I could barely see the screen by craneing (craining?) my neck. After the GreenLight laser procedure left me totally incontinent, and a second cystoscopy was scheduled, I called and asked that a CD of the examination be made so that I could see what the sphincters and urethera looked like. Sorry, they said, we don't have that capability. And that's a practice with 12 or 13 urologists.
jimjames jwrhn1951
That's nonsense. I also read what you wrote about the VA dealing with more injury/trauma which I assume means nerve damage. Perhaps a bigger catheter is warranted, I don't know, but that's also why they probably are prescribing a straight tip since someone with nerve damage can have a normal size prostate but you don't. You really should try a Coude tip which is designed for larger prostates. FR14 would be a good size to start with. Call up Coloplast and they will send you free samples. I would ask for a few 14's and 12's. Get both coude and straight and see what works best. The particular model that a lot of us like is called Speedicath.
jimjames jwrhn1951
Hi jwrhn,
If you're cathing for retention, the rule of thumb is to use the smallest catheter size that will work. FR14 is a good all around size to start with because it's stiff enough to pass through most prostatic obstructions, yet not too large. Only if an FR14 won't pass, would you try FR16. I started with Coloplast Speedicath FR14 an then dropped down to FR12 after a bit of practice. I generally recommend this as a model to follow because the FR12's can sometimes be a little too flexible for first time use. I also use what is called the "coude" or bent tip. It is designed to go around large prostates without sticking them. Also, less chance of a urethral puncture which is called a "false passage". No idea why your doc started you with a FR16 straight. You should ask but in all due respect very few urologists, even the "good ones" seem to know much about self cathing.
vaughn43529 jimjames
When I was self cathing I went to the urologist and he asked me who taught me how to do it. I told him the nurses at the hospital when I had retention. It sure wasn't him. He doesn't spend enough time with you to teach you anything. He should take the time to answer your questions and educate you. Most of us this is new to us and we need to be informed. I have learned a lot from this site. Also the nurses I have had have been great and tried to answer my questions.