CBT for anxiety!!!
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COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY for anxiety... Does this therapy help? Has anyone had any success with this please share your experience! Anxiety is such a big part of my life at this time, going thru peri/meno... I just want to learn how to live with all this ANXIETY until one day and hopefully soon it goes away or at least manageable.
I get anxiety over just about everything, no really everything, I get anxiety from driving , I get it inside stores , I get it if someone calls me , I get it thinking about my aging parents, I get it over my health, and the health of my family, I get it over food and that everything I eat I get reactions to it. I get anxiety over taking medication I can't take anything! Who has anxiety over medicine... So I'm having this awful anxiety over pretty much everything in my life!
I am searching for a therapist now that can help with it. I would love to know anyone else's coping strategies when it comes to their own anxiety and what exactly are you anxious over, and what brings it on for you and what on earth settles it for you...
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lana07071 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 lana07071
Thanks Lana.. I was vey shocked also to learn my symptoms were anxiety really I didn't know what the heck was happening to me, until of coarse a couple visits to the ER and doctor, and was told to go get a good therapist, and try CBT, I've heard some good things about it so thanks for sharing and hope it works for you and me too!!! I did get a script for Xanax to, but haven't been able to take it yet as I suffer from anxiety from meds as well, but who knows hopefully with the right therapist and the right therapy I can nip all this anexty in the bud.. Take care😀
dirios Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy014 - I'm sorry you're feeling this way, what a total drag. I have had anxiety in the past and my husband had terrible anxiety like yours - out of desperation he tried meditation, and I am telling you it has changed his life completely! He's not menopausal of course, and anxiety and depression can be a symptom of menopause, but meditation is good for everyone - at first it was hard for him, he didn't like it, but he made himself keep doing it and after only a few times he was hooked. He used to worry about EVERYTHING, he operated almost solely out of guilt and obligation, thought he was defined by his anxiety and worry, but now he can separate himself from the feeling, and let it pass. I meditate too because i am in daily chronic back pain that seriously limits my life, and meditation has really helped me with the anxiety and depression around it - and helped me relax and feel whole even though my body is hurting. Good luck to you!!!!! xoxoxo
Gypsy014 dirios
Hi Dirios, so do you still have the anxiety or has it passed for you? Are you going thru the meno/peri? Sounds like your hubby has/had it bad, thanks for sharing it really truly helps to know I'm not the only one anxiety can be very consuming! I'm very hyped and ready to attack this full force with CBT therapy, meditation and whatever else it takes, glad you mentioned the meditation heard good things about this as well.. Now if I can just apply all this to my own situation, I think I will be good! Thanks again for sharing...
dirios Gypsy014
Yes, happily the anxiety has for the most part passed for me, I still get it a little, but chalk it up to menopause plus just being a messy human being.
My husband's anxiety was horrible and since meditating it's almost gone. And I agree - it helps so much knowing you're not alone!
Good luck with your CBT, I googled it and it sounds great - kind of like what meditation does for you - realigns your thought process. Doing both will surely help! xoxo
mary27278 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy
What does your anxiety feels like? Because when I eat , drink, or take any type of pill , my whole body reacts especially the stomach. I tried to eat breakfast today but as soon as the food hits my stomach , I got very nausea and shaky. It really doesnt have to be somethimg to bring it on it just happens even if im moving or still. I was wondering if this is anxiety because I never heard of anyone else that it affect that way. Mine seem like it's all day i want to confirm if this is really anxiety ..
The good thing about it everything calms usually calms down in the evening.
Gypsy014 mary27278
Hi Mary, well my anxiety comes out of no where a lot of the times and really I think subconsciously I'm thinking something bad is going to happen when I'm not even thinking about anything bad! For many months my anxiety would hit me every morning early 5am or so and just laying there in bed I just could not take it I would have to get up and do anything just to keep my mind off it, I would get very shaken feel like I can't breathe and I would burp/belch a lot and that would sort of help with the feeling of not being able to breathe!
I would then take a shower if I wasn't to panicky if I was I would pass on the shower and do some laundry let my dogs out start my cooking my food from scratch for the day, anything to keep busy, but all the while doing so I would cry and have bad thoughts ( doom gloom) over anything parents with their health issues ECT.. Then midday, ANXIETY would ease up a little. But will come back if I get a call or have to drive somewhere or just because, and watch out if something really was wrong and I get that phone call it sends me into a full blown panic attack!
As far as food certain foods smells, dust allergies that I never had before now bother me bad, so I do not eat a lot of different foods for fear of feeling like I can't breathe, lots of belching after eating, I don't really get the nausea bad but when I do i can't eat then either, but for the most part I'm on a eating schedule every couple hours just to keep my blood sugar up and to keep from feeling sicker from not eating at all regardless of feeling nauseous I eat it anyways, or at least I try to. What about you do You have to keep yourself on a eating schedule as well and are there things you can't eat either??
lana07071 Gypsy014
Mornings are hardest. I get shaky no appetite, nausea. Until you get to a therapist, try YouTube for Michael sealey hypnosis for anxiety or mind quieting.very much like meditation. It helps.
Gypsy014 lana07071
Thanks Lana, what you wrote took several hours to post so just reading it now... Yes mornings are definitely a challenge uggh!! I did hear back from therapists office and I am all set up for my first appointment come this Monday, so hope it can get me to a better place soon.. And I will be looking into this on Y.T.thanks for sharing😌
lana07071 Gypsy014
pplmarcia Gypsy014
Hi all,
I have premenopausal anxiety; I have never been anxious person and now get them even when I get excited.... did not know what was going on. I was subscribed Valium but do not want to take; so I learned to manage them I know when they are coming on and relax and breathe thru them. I haven't had any since taking a natural herbal supplement to help with the hormones
Indifferent Gypsy014
Anyway if you are interested the vitamin is called Progressive ChewableMulti for Adult Women. I think the secret is that it is in fact chewable. You know the tablets you swallow often come out as whole as they went in. These go straight to where they need to.
mary27278 Indifferent
Thank you! I found it on Amazon. I'm very impressed that it has so many ingredients. I'm ordering today. I hope it helps me .
Gypsy014 Indifferent
Thanks indifferent yes the joys of peri/meno.. Wow 5 years that's a long time, do your anxiety symptoms just come and go whenever, and did you have all this anxiety before peri/meno started for you and it just worsened? I tell ya it's no fun at all, just hope I wake up one day and poof all my symptoms are magically gone!
Indifferent Gypsy014
Mostly social anxiety. Being around more than a couple of people really gets my anxiety going. Some of it is definitely primenstral. The week before my period is usually horrific, and I am due today or tomorrow...I did a weekend of camping with 15 people this weekend and didn't need to "hide" even once!
I think I had anxiety at certain points in my life this has been the worst 5 years ever. Intrusive thoughts (which should be on overload this week but aren't for the first time!)
And some of it comes with too much sugar intake (which worsens during the time before my period because I crave sweets during that time...so it is a bad combination, lol!
But I also ate a bag of caramel popcorn last night and I am still not needing rescue remedy so I have to say, these vitamins are definitely doing something. Oh and they REALLY increased my energy and reduced the brainfog significantly. I am very very happy and impressed with them. I am just starting my second bottle now...and I went and bought them, so that tells you something lol! It says to take three a day, I take 2. One in the morning and one with lunch. My house hasn't been this clean in two years, AND I have been helping the guys side and stain the log siding on the house. So YES! I feel wonderful!
Indifferent mary27278
mary27278 Indifferent
The one on amazon are not chewable but caps. I can't do caps because of sensitive stomach. Where did you buy the chewables?
Gypsy014 Indifferent
Thanks indifferent I'm so glad to hear you're feeling much better! And hopefully with the right therapy I can get to this, fingers crossed..
Indifferent mary27278