Cervix open/close
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My daughter in law has me really worried she said when you have a period your cervix opens, well I had this unexpected period 19 months after not having one. I stopped bleeding the day before maybe 2 days before I had the cervix biospy and attempted uterus bisopy which failed because cervix was closed. Why wasn't it open since I just had a period? The GYN said because I hadnt had a child in a long time. Confused and worried
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lynda20916 carolrd
Hi, Carol,
I think that as we age, the term "open" may suggest that your cervix dilates--but I think how much it actually does may be a function of lots of things, whether you've had a child, age, and how many and what type of hormones you have in your system. When estrogen decreases, your tissues become thinner, and less pliable. So, I think that even if it does open for periods, the opening isn't that large.
Did you have your biopsy done? Just wondering. If not, I'd suggest you have one done by another method, just in case. xx Lynda
Best of luck! xx Lynda
carolrd lynda20916
done by another method? No I havent yet I see him Tuesday for setting up surgery for thursady but after his office experience and attemp to try to get the biospy makes me nervous to have him put me to sleep and do it. I've only had done so far the transvaginal ultra sound (due to bleeding heavy and no period for 19 month almost) it showed 9mm thickneing of uterus lining. I had a lower tummy ultra sound for ovaries and maual pep for infection, STD and make sure I was bleeding from uterus also had cercix biospy and pap smear and all of those result was good all normal. Now I have to get the uterus biospy I just dont want to be put to sleep and I'm not comfortable with him doing it so I'm wrestling with that.
Sochima822 carolrd
Sorry carol, but your cervix closes after you have a period, no rocket science there. If your period ended dilating the cervix would be only other option. Not sure this is what your having done. If your period ended normally then what's to worry about? Sometimes you can have break through bleeding post menopause. Sometimes our bodies go through what would be bleeding symptoms without any exactly bleeding, like I feel as if I should be bleeding because I have all the symptoms of having my period, then 6 months later I have a light period. Our bodies are just adjusting to depleting hormones. You're probably not yet in menopause but thought you were because you're experiencing way too many symptoms.
carolrd Sochima822
well but mine was a heavy period and the gyn says because I went almost 19 months with out one I'm in menpause and should of never had break through bleeding or heavy period. I may have had like a day or two spotting in between those 19 months but can't remember . Has anyone go that long without a period and then have a heavy one happen? Not sure if this is normal but June 2, 2016 I had heavy period start (i'm pretty sure I had ovualtion like almost 1 1/2 weeks before that had the ovualation dischage ) the heavy bleeding lasted 4 days and then it stopped completely for 5 days and then started back spotting ( only when wiped not sure if some was from Transvaginal ultra sound or not havent been sexually active in 8 or 9 years) that lasted until July 4th.
Sochima822 carolrd
That's why I'm saying you were probably spotting very lightly in between those 19 months. It's normal to have light spotting. Our bodies just take a long time to transition into menopause. Your hormones may have gotten reactived, lol, it happens. Look at all the ladies here going through symptoms even though they have no real periods just slight spotting? The transition is not overnght.
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd
My aunt had heavy bleeding until she was 62, so 59 is no biggie. What type doctor says "you have to be" when it's your body decides when it's time to stop producing eggs, no your doctor?
fixed typos:::My aunt had heavy bleeding until she was 62, so 59 is no biggie. What type doctor says "you have to be" when it's your body that decides when it's time to stop producing eggs, not your doctor?
carolrd Sochima822
How all that female stuff down there works I am totally ignorant too. I don't look up that stuff on internet anymore because of my chronic panic and anxiety it throws be into a horrible attack. I had just started my period of heavy bleeding when I went to ER and the transvaginal showed uterus lining was 9 mm my hopefully last question is : Could the uterus lining have thinned any after the bleeding had stopped?
Sochima822 carolrd
Sochima822 carolrd
This was publish in a medical report from ncbi national library of medicine: I can't post the link here but this is what it says:
In a postmenopausal woman without vaginal bleeding, if the endometrium measures > 11 mm a biopsy should be considered as the risk of cancer is 6.7%, whereas if the endometrium measures < or = 11 mm a biopsy is not needed as the risk of cancer is extremely low.
carolrd Sochima822
Sochi, but I was bleeding and mine was 9mm it didn't say anything about if you was bleeding. :-( what year was that published? I'm just slightly confused since I was bleeding.
carolrd Sochima822
Sochi822 • about an hour ago**Normal in this case is someone who is regularly bleeding and not going through menopause as you say you are
Yeah, I wasn't regularly bleeding it had been about 1yr 7mos since I had one. But I hear that some women who were post menopausal women that had full blown period with like 2 to 3 years not having one.
Sochima822 carolrd
Exactly, carol, while our bodies are transitioning into menopause a woman can have a full blown period after not having one for sometime. That article is recent 2014. Just recently there is a lady here who posted her having periods and she's 67 years old. Now that is a long time to be having periods but she has them and all her tests come back normal. I tell you no doctor can dictate when the body wants to stop production, it will run it course until it's done.
Sochima822 carolrd
Just have them dilate you, do the test, make sure there are no issues and if there are hopefully you've would have caught it early.
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd
Yes, it sounds as if your doctor threw the fear factor at you. Sorry, instead he/she should have been more compassionate about it or at the very least said, let's just check to rule out any issues. This is how my doctor talks to me.
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd
I'm in peri-meno still for the past 8 years. When you're having a period it's usually 8-11mm.
Sochima822 carolrd
I hope your nerves have calmed down. Carol, I'm not sure your doctor knows what he or she is talking about, because during menstral cycle, the endometrial wall can get as thick as 10-16mm. So please stop worrying.
lynda20916 carolrd
Hi, Carol,
I was out yesterday, meeting with a doctor. I have surgery scheduled very soon. I was at 8mm, but post menopausal for much longer than you have been. If your uterine stripe, as they call it, is over 4mm they routinely do a biopsy, which is a good thing. The sedation helps them to do what they need to do to get a good sample. I wasn't sedated for mine, I wish I could have been. But my husband held my hand and helped me through it. I was more scared of the biopsy than the surgery, in fact, because I'd be awake throughout. But, everyone is different.
But the point is to get a sample and find out what's happening as soon as possible. Stay strong and you can do what needs to be done to keep yourself healthy! Best of luck, and let us know how you do!
carolrd lynda20916
lynda20916 carolrd
Hi, Carol,
Would have replied sooner, but I was out. I had my biopsy on Tuesday the 5th of July and the Doctor called me with the results late Friday afternoon the 8th, about 5:30. He apologized for calling so late, but said he knew that I would want to know. (I live in the southwestern US.) My doctor is 62, and does things the "old fashioned way." He wasn't going to make me book another appointment to come in and get the news.
My menopause wasn't very typical, because I had a thyroid condition. By the time I got diagnosed with that (which says nothing good about my former gp--it took almost 2 years) my periods had completely stopped. I was about 42. I went on HRT because at that time doctors in the US were prescribing it because of the need to absorb calcium. Then I read that the presence of HRT only helps with calcium absorption for about 5 years after menopause. Got sick of having to pop pills and have periods every month. So I think I was only on HRT for about 5 years.
So the spotting that I had, which started on April 14th had not occurred before.
Hope this info helps! xx
lynda20916 carolrd
Oops. As to the biopsy, the doctor made three tries, once with the pipette (which is what I think it was, couldn't see it
, then had to insert something to open my cervix. Didn't see that, either, but felt that one for sure. Then he pressed down on my tummy and it felt as though he was dragging a tiny basket through my utuerus backwards. It was NOT pleasant. If I could have been sedated, I would have opted for that--but I wanted to find out what was going on.
Hope this helps!
carolrd lynda20916
lynda20916 carolrd
Hi, Carol,
I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I'm lucky enough to have my surgery scheduled soon because someone else canceled their surgery. I won't deny, it was a shock; and I gave myself one day to feel all the feelings I was having. My husband and I let our children know, then other family members, and finally close friends.
I wrote in to Patieint, also, for all the support that is so lovingly given, and I got it.
I want you to know that I was terrified of that darn biopsy! I have IBS-D, so I had to postpone 2 appointments. But once I had my diagnosis, I knew what was going on, I felt loads better.
Maisie is right, some people have little or no discomfort. Everyone is different. (It wasn't my intent to frighten you--I apologize.) But being sedated will make your biopsy easier.
The point is to get it done, so that you and your doctors can fix whatever's going on and get you better. xx Lynda
carolrd lynda20916
I'm so sorry! I'm really scared even more now because mine is 9mm!
maisie05 lynda20916
carolrd lynda20916
Lynda, I am not that strong and I am scared worse than ever i'm 9mm which is more than yours. This fear is tormenting me horrible even more now. I see my gyn Tuesday. Going to be hard to get through the weekend !
lynda20916 maisie05
lynda20916 carolrd
carolrd lynda20916
spotting April 14th did u have full blown heavy bleeding? I am so scared I had to go for a walk! I just can't think straight or postive! I can't remember if anyone on here post menopause had at least a 9mm and bled and got bisopy that came back normal. If anyne did please be patient with me and let me know one more time.