CFS or something else?! PLEASE HELP!!
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I am just looking for the most amount of personal stories and information as possible.
The last year of my life has been a brutal one. At the age of 22, I am in the lowest of lows and I desperately need some help!
Here’s my tale:
About a year ago, a couple months after an extremely strenuous relationship, I began noticing that I was tired all the time…and all around, I wasn’t really satisfied. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed my friends, and activities…but life just wasn’t as bright and vibrant anymore after a month of noticing this ever-present fatigue, it got a bit stronger. I would wake up each morning completely zombie-mode…and that feeling would remain throughout the entirety of my day, until my head hit my pillow that evening.
Initially, I suspected some form of sleeping disorder. I set up a sleep study, got my thyroid checked, ferritin levels, all the basics. Sleep study revealed I sleep just fine and all my other blood tests came back negative.
The fatigue and the weight of the world slowly got worse over the next handful of months, UNTIL I woke up one morning and everything escalated greatly. I felt completely stoned or drunk. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt inebriated. I felt totally disconnected and spacey. I felt as though I had no control over myself. I lost drive and motivation. I lost a lot of confidence. I always had an incredibly sharp memory. It was actually something well known about me to those in my family and friend circles. Yet, on this morning, almost all new information could not be retained. Things that happened earlier in the day, by evening, I felt they happened a day or two before. I could no longer recount the activities I took part in. This is possibly the worst of all the symptoms. The extreme short term memory.I used to recall mon-sun quite clearly. Now, things that happened just 2 days ago seem to have happend ages ago and almost are lost. I have an impossible trying to recount my full week. I have no context for time and I sort of feel like I’m just floating through life suffering.
For months I visited doctors getting tested by specialists. I visited a neurologist, infectious disease, I had an MRI, & I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING. My doctor literally said “I have no idea what this could be. I am beside myself” TOTES reassuring! I tried altering my diet entirely to organic and all natural. I continued my workouts and ran 15 miles a week. I tried sleeping even earlier. I tried all I could think of .
I have scoured the message boards and found a few people suffering from the same, but without answers.
I’m not sure if depression is the culprit, but depression sure has found its nasty venom-coated fangs into my veins. Tired, depressed, failed memory, no drive, scared…it’s no way to live. I want my life back.
PLEASE OFFER INSIGHT! I will be so grateful
Taylorsaurus Rex
3 likes, 36 replies
Shreddie TaylorMason
I am so sorry to hear of your problems. It is so awful that such a vibrant young person should be suffering so. I believe that you have suffered severe trauma in your relationship which has taken its toll on you physically, emotionally and psychologically. I am not a believer in this 'all in your head' thing that doctors often try to foist upon us but I do believe that you are depressed. This depression, like mine, could be because of the physical illness you have and the symptoms you describe could easily be CFS/ME. It is true what Andrew says that this is often the diagnosis after elimination of many other known illnesses. You must continue to monitor how you feel and stop pushing yourself so much physically because this exacerbates CFS/ME and you could find yourself even more unwell.
First, however, I think you must address the depression you are feeling. It sounds as though you are spiralling into a deeper and deeper depression as time goes on and this will only serve to make you feel even worse. It is a devastatingly debilitating illness which robs you of your way of life and it takes courage and strength to manage it. Most people who suffer go through a grieving process for the life they had and the person they were similar to a bereavement. So if you are suffering from depression you will find yourself unable to cope with what is thrown at you. Please, please see a doctor to help cope with the depression and maybe then you will be in a better state to cope with the awful symptoms of CFS/ME. I speak from experience having had this for 7 1/2 years. I fought the doctors who told me it was depression because I knew that I was physically ill, and not as a manifestation of a psychological problem. I fought until I saw a psychiatrist who told me I was severely depressed because I was so ill. With CBT and antidepressants I managed to get this under control and am now coping better than I have for a long time.
I am unlucky in that I am still ill after all this time. I am, however, hopeful of a full recovery and hope also that I will be able to go back to work and regain some sort of active life. Not everyone stays ill like me. You have every chance of regaining your full health, as others have done, so it is not hopeless. Research your symptoms and try what you can to make yourself feel better. Keep coming back here for the advice and information that others on this site can offer you and please, please, try to see someone about your depression before it takes a complete hold of you. Sorry this is a rambling message and a bit disjointed. I am tired and it is late. However, everything I say is meant as an encouragement to you to take charge of your illness and help yourself to get better, with the assistance of doctors and your own strength of character which is obvious in your message. Good luck.
GeorgiaS Shreddie
I just want to add that not all of us resort to antidepressants, it's not the only route. I use St John's Wort and sometimes a light therapy box and they work wonders!
TaylorMason Shreddie
I also am able to lift weights and run and not have it increase my symptoms of exhaustion...
so I am not sure!
georgeGG TaylorMason
With that denial mantra you are nowhere near turning the corner to recovery. Please listen to these many kind and concerned contributors. They have been there in the coils of CFS or ME, some still are. The common factor is that they recognise where you are.
TaylorMason georgeGG
I repeated myself so that the response would show up for each individual poster...
I am grateful for each and every comment that has been posted. I am thankful for each person that has taken the time to post.
Excercise makes me feel better not worse. Nothing I do Is making my condition worse. I've seen chronic fatigue specialists and they didn't think it was CFS...
Thanks for the post.
georgeGG TaylorMason
sylvia17461 TaylorMason
TaylorMason sylvia17461
I also am able to lift weights and run and not have it increase my symptoms of exhaustion...
so I am not sure!
georgeGG TaylorMason
andrew22534 TaylorMason
jelelly TaylorMason
Sounds a lot like cfs. Have you not been to speak to your gp about the possibility of it being cfs?
My cfs started after resignation of a job I had for 23 years had stress anxiety then glandular fever. Fibromyalgia. And cfs. Its horrible that feeling of not belonging, sleep issues. Fuzzy memory I get it all. It makes me very low and I crave for the person I once was to return. My relationship is dead. But despite it all I try to remain positive.
TaylorMason jelelly
I also am able to lift weights and run and not have it increase my symptoms of exhaustion...
so I am not sure!
georgeGG TaylorMason
sylvia17461 TaylorMason
Shreddie sylvia17461
andrew22534 Shreddie
sylvia17461 Shreddie