CFS or something else?! PLEASE HELP!!

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I am just looking for the most amount of personal stories and information as possible.

The last year of my life has been a brutal one. At the age of 22, I am in the lowest of lows and I desperately need some help!

Here’s my tale:

About a year ago, a couple months after an extremely strenuous relationship, I began noticing that I was tired all the time…and all around, I wasn’t really satisfied. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed my friends, and activities…but life just wasn’t as bright and vibrant anymore after a month of noticing this ever-present fatigue, it got a bit stronger. I would wake up each morning completely zombie-mode…and that feeling would remain throughout the entirety of my day, until my head hit my pillow that evening.

Initially, I suspected some form of sleeping disorder. I set up a sleep study, got my thyroid checked, ferritin levels, all the basics. Sleep study revealed I sleep just fine and all my other blood tests came back negative.

The fatigue and the weight of the world slowly got worse over the next handful of months, UNTIL I woke up one morning and everything escalated greatly. I felt completely stoned or drunk. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt inebriated. I felt totally disconnected and spacey. I felt as though I had no control over myself. I lost drive and motivation. I lost a lot of confidence.  I always had an incredibly sharp memory. It was actually something well known about me to those in my family and friend circles. Yet, on this morning, almost all new information could not be retained. Things that happened earlier in the day, by evening, I felt they happened a day or two before. I could no longer recount the activities I took part in. This is possibly the worst of all the symptoms. The extreme short term memory.I used to recall mon-sun quite clearly. Now, things that happened just 2 days ago seem to have happend ages ago and almost are lost. I have an impossible trying to recount my full week.  I have no context for time and I sort of feel like I’m just floating through life suffering.

For months I visited doctors getting tested by specialists. I visited a neurologist, infectious disease, I had an MRI, & I had about 20 different blood tests. NOTHING. My doctor literally said “I have no idea what this could be. I am beside myself” TOTES reassuring! I tried altering my diet entirely to organic and all natural. I continued my workouts and ran 15 miles a week. I tried sleeping even earlier. I tried all I could think of .

I have scoured the message boards and found a few people suffering from the same, but without answers.

I’m not sure if depression is the culprit, but depression sure has found its nasty venom-coated fangs into my veins. Tired, depressed, failed memory, no drive, scared…it’s no way to live. I want my life back.

PLEASE OFFER INSIGHT! I will be so grateful 


Taylorsaurus Rex

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36 Replies

  • Posted

    Just an up date ,I received my book " recovering with T3" by Paul Robinson any one labeled with ME/CFS should have a look at his site even if all thyroid tests are normal  certainly worth a read it may just be the answer to suffering . The symptoms for ME/CFS and thyroid disease are more or less the same . So many people are   Misdiagnosed myself being one of them , because doctors stick rigidly to TSH blood tests . I don't want to annoy or upset sufferers of ME/CFS I know it is an awful debilitating illness I just thought I would put it in the mix in the hope that it at least leads to some of you to question your diagnosis . I know I looked for any scrap of information that might help me return to good health .sylvi 


  • Posted

    Hi. You have written this as though it were me. It's good to know I'm not alone. On the other hand it's not good...

    I remember waking up one morning in September 2013 and feeling totally spaced out, dizzy, floaty, drunk, disconnected, loss of drive..... no particular reason. No previous illness or trauma or stresses. ...

    I was told it was anxiety because of a Menieres attack (I have Menieres Disease) which subsequently lead to depression. I was off work for three months trying to adjust to anxiety and in the end I just put up with it...

    Since then I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and CFS but I'm still not totally convinced that is the reason.

    For someone who used to be so sharp and motivated I am pretty much close to useless. .. I've just lost my job because my cognitive abilities have not improved and I can't remember anything. I'm not very good with people either.

    I have recently seen my doctor and she has told me to come off all medication so we can start again.....

    I am hoping for some sort of answer as I can't afford not to work so I have to get back to being me pretty soon....

    I will keep you posted to provide any insight to this as I too just want my life back......

    • Posted

      Hi stephanie, Im pretty much in the same route as you. Lost my memory, short and part of long term too. Been trying really hard but nothing. Also lost my job and now Im teying to find a solution. Have you tried anything that worked?

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