Chelated Magnesium
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I saw on this forum someone recommended Chelated Magnesium so I ordered some but I have forgotten what it is for and also please could someone advise on how much to take and when. Thank you (poor memory=it's my age )
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MrsMerm janehj
I'm taking Magnesium but don't know what the Chelated is, anybody out there?

What dose of calcium should I be taking?
bye for now Janehi
jayneejay janehj
chaleted is the best one to take , no upset tum
one in morning and one before bedtime.. depending on which strength you bought and what brand ..
i will repost the info on it in a min
jay x
useful magnesium info ....
i take Solgar Chaleted ( Bisglycinate) Magnesium
Magnesium bisglycinate is an essential mineral needed for more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.
This mineral is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, protein and fatty acid formation, activating B vitamins, supporting muscle activity, nerve transmission, relaxing blood vessels, clotting blood, temperature regulation and ensuring intestinal mobility also called bowel movements.
Magnesium bisglycinate is magnesium bound to the amino acid glycine. This binding makes the magnesium highly absorbable.
For example you would have to take 4 times the amount of magnesium citrate to get the equivalent amount of magnesium bisglycinate.
The bisglycinate form of magnesium does not require stomach acid for absorption as it passes into the cell via its amino acid transport which means even those with poor digestion or absorption get the benefits.
Magnesium bisglycinate is the only magnesium shown to cross the blood brain barrier which makes it an excellent choice for aiding those with depression and/or anxiety, or migraine headaches.
Stress of all types including chemical, emotional, hormonal or physical stress depletes magnesium from the body.
Since magnesium relaxes muscles and nerves, more magnesium is needed when you are under stress.
When we are under stress our adrenal glands produce cortisol which further increases acidity in the body thereby increasing the need for even more magnesium.
Because magnesium is required in the metabolism of estrogen in the body, low levels of magnesium increases estrogen leading to estrogen dominance. Symptoms of too much estrogen include premenstrual breast and uterine pain, headaches, backaches, premenstrual depression and mood swings. Women on the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy also become deficient in magnesium as the drugs deplete magnesium.
Anyone with an estrogen dominant condition like endometriosis, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, period problems or breast cysts need magnesium bisglycinate.
Interestingly, many women crave chocolate during their premenstrual and menstrual period. Chocolate is high in magnesium!
Magnesium deficiency is common due to our consumption of processed foods and the depletion of magnesium from agricultural soils and water.
Magnesium supplementation can help with many conditions from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or heart palpitations, to insomnia, anxiety and depression to fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and leg cramps at night or following exercise.
Always make sure when you are purchasing minerals that the label states whether or not the dosage is in its elemental value. This tells you if you are getting exactly what you are paying for.
Which Magnesium Is Best?
Magnesium oxide and citrates are laxatives causing diarrhea and they are poorly absorbed.
Magnesium bisglycinate is much better absorbed and it does not cause diarrhea.
Magnesium bisglycinate is four times more effective than citrate forms of magnesium
MrsMerm jayneejay
Now can you tell me how much calcium I should be taking PLEASE
and as I have truly horrendous body pains/cramps should I take quinine (drink tonic water)
Mrs Merm
jayneejay MrsMerm
i dont know about calcium on its own .. see what the bottles say on them..
i take Natecal daily .. a tablet containing both calcium and Vit D3 in one
chewable white powdery tablets ..
i take mine before bed time
never taken calcium on its own ....
have look on the bottles and see what it recommends
jay xx
MrsMerm jayneejay
going to see GP next week and will ask him, I got Vitamen D3 in glycerin capsules.
dont know about quinine ..
i take B6 ( 150mg) for achey body etc and chaleted magnesium
jay x
jayneejay MrsMerm
good luck with that.. doctors dont know about medicine so calcium they may not if heard of it hahahahahahahaha
jay x
Snatchpiece jayneejay
Hope your still keeping well Hun!! 😄😄
Do you not take the soluble mags tablets still and use the spray?
As I only use the spray twice a day not sure if I need to use both??
take care sweets!
Returned off hols 5 days early as one of our dogs was rushed into the vets and sadly she was diagnosed with cancer and was very poorly and we decided we wanted to come back to say our good byes😰😭. Millie was the one who had a pace maker fitted two years ago and had been doing so well!! She would have been 12 at the end of this month and we have 3 others who are the same age, so semi dreading what will I am sure becoming in the next year or so!! Thinking on a more positive front we are so lucky to have had such wonderful memories and fun with all of them!
Take care Hun xxxx😔
jayneejay Snatchpiece
oh i am soooo sorry about your dog... being a dog lover/owner i truly understand the pain it causes.. i lost one aged 2 in 2012 to epilepsy which was controlled and diagnosed from the age of one, then it delevoped into cluster fits and he was having multiple daily and in end the vet said he could not go on like it and put him to sleep, i cried for two weeks solid 😥 he was a tri colour cocker and a real cheeky moneky...then i lost my old Dog the next year 2012 the one i rescued in the middle east and brought home through quaratine etc .. so i know the pain ... 😞 big hugs, think of it as what a good life you gave them and it wouldnt of been that good any where else for them 😕. big bugs big hugs big hugs
as for magnesium ... yeah i use the magnesium oil spray morning and before bed ..
i stopped using the efferevescant at night as it upset my tum, ( well i think i was right it was that ) it was the laxative type in it 😮
so i now take the Solgar Chelated Magnesium ( bisglycinate) ... one in morning and one at night- aswell as spray.. ( spray is for my back pain )
and... no upset tum.. yippeeeeee
take care hun
be strong
jay xx
Snatchpiece jayneejay
Anyway thanks for this info about the magnesium, do you really need to take both though as I thought the spray if used twice a day would give you the recommended allowance? I had problems with a powder I used to use so stopped it because I spent more times on the loo. Don't really want to take tablets if the spray will be enough! 😒
Joy xx
jayneejay Snatchpiece
hahaha chicken ...
i dont really eat meat much at all... especially when other half never here ..
the info above i posted mentioned
saying about craving chocolate could be a magnesium deficiency 😳
well thats me i use to crave it awful before periods when i use to have them..
and still do ...
well the magnesium i suppose its up to you whether you take more ..
its such a good mineral in my opinion and protects the heart ... ( heart attacks and stroke etc ) i am quite happy to use both..
trying to get other half to take it daily too..
if its the first line of treatment for heart attack well i am trying to get him to take it ..
a fella we know of here age 44 ... felt odd a couple of weeks ago, his wife said he went all grey and said i will just sit out and get some air, she did his tea and went out to tell him it was ready and he was slumped dead in his chair .. aged 44 massive heart attack .
so sad ....
when people have heart attacks and survive the paramedic and hospital give magnesium as first line of treatment via injection or IV ..
also good for many other things too
Chelated doesnt upset the stomach .... been taking it two weeks and not one upset tummy morning..
jay xx
MrsMerm Snatchpiece
I love dogs
, and would love one (but I am single and couldn't find the necessary time to care for them properly), but they don't live long enough, I'm sorry for your loss and thinking about you xxxx
I do have a naughty little cat though which I adore, but maybe some day when I retire I will get a doggie, a lab or collie (my fave breeds)
Mrs Merm
remember all the love and care you gave them.............................
Snatchpiece MrsMerm
thank you so very much for your lovely kind words regarding my sad loss of our pup Millie. This afternoon I have been printing a load of beautiful photos off and will be putting them into a memories album for my son who was only very young when they were born and is now 23! That is the one thing that no one can take away from us are the beautiful memories which we have made over the years!
The kindest thing I have done over the years is to give a loving home to a rescue pup who has never been lucky enough to be given the unconditional love which many dogs are so lucky to have my lot especially.
i hope one day your dream comes true to give a lovely dog a wonderful loving home!! 😊 thank you once again for your kindness!!
Have a lovely evening.
Joy xx
jayneejay janehj
solgar chaleted magnesium (bisglycinate )
i take one in the morning ... and one before bed as it relaxes you too..
it says on bottle take up to four a day but i just take two.. so its up to you..
i also use the magnesium spray oil twice daily too on. my achey back ..
so i absorb it that way too..
jay xx