Chest muscle pain
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so tired of having pain in the chest pressing on my chest wall hurts and my breast hurts. i have been post menopausal for a few years and the pain has been terrible does anyone else ever have pain in these areas
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wendy36287 misty36246
hi ,no need to stress it happens to me and its scary. however i doubled up on my vitamin b and it helped. womens panadol helps as well.
lisa95354 misty36246
Hello Misty,
Yes I think this is a very very common pain. I’m postmenopausal two years and I still have it. Does it also hurt at the top of your rib cage, because that’s a condition, costochondritis, that has always been very common to have during this time in life. Underwire bras can cause that however for some reason it’s still one of the symptoms of menopause. Do you consume a lot of caffeine or refined carbs. Primrose oil or evening primrose oil works well for breast pain . however it has to be accompanied by a low sugar, low refined carb, low alcohol, no caffeine lifestyle . I think vitamin E possibly works well for that also. I know it’s a very discerning pain to have, but very common. My sister actually had it most of her life, but it turned out when she had an x-ray done, her sternum didn’t form right when she was born and that caused pain most of her life. She didn’t know that till she was like in her late 40s. Also many women don’t know that even though we are post menopausal our bodies still want to ovulate and still want to have menstrual cycles. So many of these doctors are clueless. My gynecologist nurse practitioner, I was not impressed with her at all. when I told her postmenopausal that my ovaries still felt like they’re being choked once a month she looked at me like it was crazy and she said oh that should still be happening. They’re just clueless totally clueless it’s completely normal I wasn’t even a year postmenopausal and it was still happening, she should’ve known better. My pharmacist is the one who told me that our bodies, long after menopause, still want to ovulate and have a cycle. It makes sense we’ve been having it for 40+ years. Mu gynecologist nurse practitioner, I was not impressed with her at all. My pharmacist is the one who told me that our bodies long after menopause still want to ovulate and have a cycle. It makes sense we’ve been having it for 40+ years try to journal on your calendar when the pains seem worse, I bet you will find its worse at ovulation or when you would have been ovulating and also the time your period used to be. I have problems every month like clockwork at the 14th when I used to ovulate in between the 27th and the end of the month 30th, when my period would’ve been. I mean the crying jags, breast tenderness, quick to anger etc. I hate to say this but its almost like a curse, you get rid of the cycle, but you still have the symptoms for years. Oh that’s ironic, I didn’t even realize until after I said that, they did used to call our menstrual cycles the curse in high school. I don’t believe that, I think as women we are inherently beautiful beings that contribute so much to the world and our cycles are part of that contribution, because we can create the most incredible thing ever, children. Anyhow, I hope this helps a little. Don’t think you’re alone with this pain because you’re not. also try to do a type of yoga, Google it, where you stretch that muscle in that area. I think that helps greatly. Just EVEN standing and arching your shoulders and chest area back, opens that area up:)
misty36246 lisa95354
I Did something that i always tell people dont google lol i thought i had lung cancer. i have history of fibromyalgia which is so much pain down my arms chest shoulders. just wish it would go away .
did you have muscle pain down your arm and feel tired all the time
grace50455 misty36246
hi Misty, I have pain in my shoulders and down my arms and hands all the time, I went to ER a couple of years ago because chest pain that I thought was a heart attack but I was told it was costochondritis. I now have pain all over and my GP says it rheumatoid arthritis . the ER Doc said that its caused by stress.
lisa95354 grace50455
hello Grace, have you ever been tested for fibromyalgia, google fibromyalgia triggerpoints and see if you have those. Your pain sounds like fibromyalgia. fibromyalgia seems to be a lot like a bad gallbladder is, it takes years to get diagnosed. i’m not diagnosing, but I was just telling Edna on here that I think a lot of women on this forum have fibromyalgia and are NOT dagnosed and don’t know it. At this time in our lives if we have fibromyalgia it’s worse along with the menopause, they trigger each other. When a woman has fibromyalgia and going through menopause, you don’t know which symptoms are which... it’s like throwing gas on a fire. Cutting out sugar, caffeine, alcohol, stress, refined carbohydrates .. not being sedentary... and exercising ...along with eating a healthy diet/ lifestyle help fibromyalgia. I don’t have a clean diet, but I’m just giving good advice 😉
edna29227 misty36246
Hi Ladies,
This topic is just bang on time for me. I was ok last few weeks, but since yesterday, I dont know what happened, I woke feeling down and my head hurts and feeling heavy. Then today my heart rate was 91 in the morning and Im feeling so bloated, keeps on burping and a feel slight pain in the middle of my rib cage. I actually googled symptoms for heart attack and it seems Im having them all.
What a relief to read your stories. Lisa, I absolutely think you are right. Our bodies still want to ovulate once a month. And yes, our doctors think OH ITS PART OF MENOPAUSE, DONT WORRY!!They dont know what they are taking about and what we are going through. They are just quick to prescribe meds, which, Im sure, they get commission. Btw, I was told by my doctor I am the oldest, so far, on menopause. Im 58 now and post meno for nearly 2 years.
My only consolation is prayers. I do go down on my knees and talk to God and surrender everything to Him. Honestly, He is the only one that can give me strength.
Hang in there ladies. We're in this together.
God Bless us all.
lisa95354 edna29227
hello Edna, stop the presses, hold the boat… Your doctor told you what? That you’re the oldest to be in menopause, is that correct or am I hearing that correct? Who does he think he is even saying such a thing to you, what is he on the Menopause panel of the world, OMG what an insulting insulting thing to say to a woman. I swear these male doctors take out all their rage on their female patients it’s like were bull’s-eyes. Back in the day and my mothers time at her mothers, women I don’t think went through menopause till they were much older. thus, the “Loopsy babies“, that’s why there were so many babies born when women were in their late 50s because they were still getting your period sporadically. That doctor of yours needs a kick in the ass and I would find a new one ASAP. I think all the women are having the issues with the heart rates, but I think it’s worse when you have a heart rate monitor or BP cuff at home because it’s driving you crazy to test it all the time or check it all the time. Don’t give me wrong those things are very handy but sure as heck not when you’re going through menopause. Oh yes and waking up melancholy oh my God we all know that feeling preach it sister preach it. It’s for real and it’s on ending. So many things help but it only covers a percentage. Do you have any unfinished business in your life, how are things going with your relationships etc. I journal and I’ve tried to take care of things in my life that need tending to of course there’s always more 😉 I pray to God as well and I do read a “Jesus calling“ daily devotional. there are actually a lot of weird feelings in our head, I know I used to get a lot of Temple pain there was a Bizzarre pain at the crown of my head at the time when I would men straight when I was menstruating that would start at the crown and run down the side of my head. also menopause is much worse when you have fibromyalgia, it goes both ways Fibro was worse and the metal was worse. I can’t help but wonder how many people how many women on this forum have fibromyalgia and are not diagnosed. I was recently watching a Iyanla VANzant, I think she’s a genius. She said, 'When a violation is not addressed it becomes a lifelong burden.' I think this time of life is much harder for women who went through childhood trauma, especially when it’s gone unaddressed. You are not alone with any of these physical or mental pain’s, remember that;)
edna29227 misty36246
Sorry ladies I forgot to mention, fews months ago I got soya crazy days. I consumed so much. I read somewhere that its good for hormones. Maybe it was because I felt much better. But then when I had my recent breast ultrasound, to my surprise, I have 4 nodules on my left breast (I had 1 small one 2 years ago). Anyway, the breast specialist said that soya should not be consumed regularly because it can hasten the development of nodules on our breast. WOW!! Clearly, we are desperate for any help we can get we will grab anything. I learned my lesson. I now do extensive research before I take anything.
Good Luck ladies.
lisa95354 edna29227
Edna.... that is very good information. You are right tho.... in moderation soy is good. in my supplement I take 500 MGs of soy bean extract, I don’t know if that’s different than say eating dry roasted soybeans. I ordered like a 5 pound bag of that from this nut company and my husband thought I was nuts… LOL After I read, too, that a lot of soy, wasn’t good, I threw them out. Evening Primrose oil helps with any breast issues and I think vitamin E. Thank you for the information, good to know 😃
Keljo48 misty36246
Misti, I know that you posted this a few weeks ago. But I am going through what sounds like the same thing. I am 51 and about two years post menopause and I feel like this year has been nothing but breast issues. In January I had breast pain in my right breast (then transferred to my left) it lasted more than 6 weeks. I had a 3D mammogram. They said it was clear. Apparently I have fatty breast with scattered glandular tissue. Which I guess means I have fatty breast with scattered dense spots? Anyway, my pain went away. I would get a breast pain for a few hours but not like before. Up until a week and a half ago. I had a small skin absess lanced on my upper pubic region. I was on sulpha antibiotics ( a first for me) for 10 days. About 3 days in I had left breast pain that turned into feeling like something wedged? under my left breast. It was more really uncomfortable than pain. That feeling moved for a bit to on top of my left breast. I made an appt with my Dr. But the whole situation got much worse. About 8 days into the sulpha antibiotics not only did I feel like I was hit by a truck I woke up with a pain in my upper right chest just about my right breast. It was easily a 12 on a 1-10 scale. I ended up in the ER that night because it was so bad. They did blood works, X rays. more cardiac blood work, CT scan. EKG. Was told that it was either a chest wall strain or inflammation. Take either ibuprofen or naproxen. I also developed a fever. 99 at the ER, it went up to 100 that night and the next day. I was felt like I was dying. The next two days I had horrible diarrhea. I went to my Dr appt and she did a breast exam and said she felt inflammation in my right breast that was concerning. No kidding? She had access to my ER visit info on her computer. I have large breast. So when she did the exam I believe she hit my chest wall inflammation. It hurt!!!
She referred my to a Breast surgeon for evaluation. I have an appt Aug 8th.
I talked to the Dr who prescribed me the sulpha told her about the fever and diarrhea and she said stop them. I had two doses left. About 24 hours my temp turned to normal, then my diarrhea went away. My chest wall still bothers with me if I over strain. But I still have my left breast issue.
I never had this issue last year. I had breast pain but not like this.
Oh and here's the thing my Dr told me that she just had a patient that had "clear" mammograms except the year before they ignored a small very light gray area. That turned out to be breast cancer. WHAT??? Makes me feel I can't trust my mammogram.
I hate that I have to wait a month to find out anything possibly helpful. 😦