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My CHRONIC AFIB veers into a mode which affects the Blood Vessels in my head WITH EXTREME TIGHTNESS. At the same time I simultaneously experience EXTREME TIGHTNESS in my heart area.
I take in the morning: Diltiazem 180mg, Metoprolol 25mg. In the evening I take: Metoprolol 25mg, Warfarin, & Atorvastatin Calcium 10mg.
The result is a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE feeling in my head and heart which make me feel too damn tight and that I feel I need something to relax my vessels. Sometimes I have to take Lorazepam or Magnesium, & Potassium to try and relax this tightness.
i've been on dozens & dozens of Meds for my AFIB the last 25,years and it has all been ineffectual and a horrible experience. I actually believe that these damn drug medications TRIGGER ALL THESE HORRIBLE FEELINGS. The drugs certainly don't make me feel better because I feel terrible on these crappy drugs. NOTHING WORKS AND I FEEL TERRIBLE. I also fee l that the constant erratic blood movement through my head WILL REALLY DAMAGE MY BLOOD VESSELS.
The Doctors are fixated on lowering the Heart Rate but I believe there are big prices to pay with these heart rate lowering drugs. NOTHING WORKS AND I AM ALWAYS FEELING TIGHT, BAD HEAD FEELINGS AND MY RATE IS STILL IN THE 120's/130's. Do these Doctors have a handle on this serious AFIB or are they just guessing? Because it seems THAT NONE OF THESE GODDAMN DRUGS WORK.
In in the last 30 to 40 years there hasn't been one advancement of one new drug THAT ACTUALLY works.
I AM NOW 72 and will be 73 in December. Somebody please help me with good advice as to why these damn ineffectual drugs ARE ALWAYS GIVING ME TIGHTNESS IN MY HEAD AND CHEST. It comes and it goes without explanation but these feelings can last for hours and hours, everyday AND I NEED RELIEF. PLEASE HELP ME WITH GOOD ADVICE.
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GotAbitBetter Kingjerry42
Bisoprolol also knocked me out : reduced my heart rate and made me feel freezing cold even in a warm room and incapable of doing anything. Am now on 1.25mg in the morning and things are a bit better but I still get breathless climbing stairs, as you do.
Very much doubt they will cease medication even if you have an ablation: I hate taking tablets, and didn't have to do so until this AF came along and now I feel as though I might rattle but at least I'm still here to tell the tale.
Maybe you need to be referred for an MRI scan. Have you had a 'stress test' recently by the Doctor?
Bear in mind that the tightness in your head might be nothing to do with the heart issue but one around a different aspect of your health.
Like you, I can't understand why more progress hasn't been made over the years regarding a cure for this condition: I do however think you need a thorough medicines review in case the drugs are conflicting with each other - as a first step your Pharmacist can do this.
Good luck and keep trying to resolve the issue: gently remind that Doctors that their role is to ameliorate your symptoms - you can't do it on your own. Do you have a Cardiac Nurse Consultant/Specialist in your area? They're often more sympathetic than the Doctors!
Kingjerry42 GotAbitBetter
In 1989 I had a Thyroidectomy and after the operation my Doctor put me on Synthroid. At the time I had intermittent AFIB, but never CHRONIC AFIB. The Doctors at the hospital advised that I should not be on Cardiac Drugs at all.
However as time went by, the synthroid was giving me numerous bouts of AFIB and one thing led to another and I began regular usage of Heart & Heart Rate drugs. IT WAS A BIG MISTAKE. Once I began daily use of these drugs I became a CHRONIC AFIB PATIENT. The heart drugs are like narcotics. Once you begin taking them - YOU CAN'T GET OFF THEM because the Sinus Rhythm becomes permanently dysfunctional and it is almost impossible to stop taking them.
Thank You again for your advice.
Very helpful.
Jerry C.