Chronic Anal Fissures
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Help! Someone keep me going and help me cope with this. One day I think it is healing, the next, the excruciating pain is back after going to the loo and I just can't cope with it. I haven't been off work yet, but dread getting up in the mornings, can't tell anyone, but when you have a deadline to get to work, the last thing I need is wanting the loo on the way out of the door. So, I get up earlier to try to cope with that, result is that I end up in agony all the way to work anyway. I am convinced I have cancer and becoming more and more distressed - GP says fissure which is obviously evident and I guess would have taken some blood tests maybe if suspicious. I don't know but am virtually at the end of my tether on this and with the pain and becoming very depressed and anxious and almost unable to do my job. Shopping, driving any social activity is becoming impossible except. I am taking stool softenders and GTN prescribed for 5 days now with absolutely no difference. I will continue with it, have to go back to the GP in 8 days, but in all honesty, hold out no hope. This is just awful.
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FinallyHope susan31693
Gently press the heat pack directly up against your anus and keep it there, the heat forces the muscle to relax and stops the spasms, which stops the pain caused by the fissure. You can use a hot water bottle too as long as you can mold it to place up against your anus. Seriously. This saved me from so much endless fissure pain, it's like a concentrated hot bath focused directly where you need it, but without the inconvenience of running a bath and being stuck in a bath just to get relief. (I know baths are nice and all but not really always practical or accessible)
Best position is to lie on your back in bed, put your knees up like you’re going to do a sit up and then place the heat pack between your legs right up against your bum hole. Sorry for the graphic image but I can't really think of another way to describe it. Just be careful not to burn yourself, you want the heat pack/heat bag or hot water bottle to be hot but not so hot you burn your skin. It helps to wrap it in a pillow case that's soft and then if your heat pack is too hot, wrap it in more layers of the pillow case, which will protect you a bit more if it's too hot at first.
Before the heat packs I was taking dangerous amounts of pain meds to deal with the fissure pain which for me was all the time, including during the nights which were really hard... until I discovered the heat pack. Which thank God I did because they really work. Please try them, I understand this might seem silly and I haven't read it anywhere else but I know the suffering from fissures and this will help keep the pain at bay. Seriously, heat packs, heat bags or a hot water bottle pressed lightly up against your anus and held there, keep it held there and it will work. I sometimes keep it there for 15 minutes or more and then I take it off. Then when the pain starts up again I'll put it back and the muscle relaxes and the pain go's.
Try it. I had tried everything from which hazel oil in my bum to manuka honey in my bum (my wife called me sweet cheeks because of the honey), but the best thing to stop the pain has been the heat packs. Heat relaxes the muscle, stopping the spasm and the pain.
Ultimately though you want to find a solution to heal the fissure once and for all so I suggest the surgery. I've had Botox and that did not work, in fact I was in a lot of pain afterwards, then I got the fissurectomy/sphincterectomy combo surgery and I am finally free from it all. I know it sounds nuts to get a surgical cut to fix a fissure but it’s the sure way to fix it. Conservative methods like Botox and Rectogesic Ointment did not work for me, in the end only surgery worked. I wish I had done the surgery first cause I went through months of pain and hopelessness that I could have avoided had I just done the surgery first.
Though very important, make sure you research and choose a reputable specialist to perform the surgery. Don’t just go with anyone, find and choose the best that you can cause for me it was the 3rd specialist that ended up fixing me with the fissurectomy/sphincterectomy. The first specialist caused the problem, the second specialist didn’t help and made my pain seem trivial until finally I researched and found the best in my area and he, the 3rd guy fixed me. So it’s worth it, pay a little more, travel a little farther if you have to but see the best that you can or at the very least someone with a lot of experience with exactly that surgery. If you’re in Sydney Australia then the Prince of Whales private hospitals “Sydney Colorectal Associates” really have a great team; Dr. Newstead fixed me and I am so thankful for him but he’s part of a group of several specialists there that all seem good.
Until then though, heat pads, use heat pads to relieve the pain.
I’ve come on here to give people this info to help but sorry I don’t think I’ll come back to follow up cause honestly I just want to move on with things, so please take the advice above and save yourself pain and anguish.
Heat pads then surgery.
Yayayo FinallyHope
Jazzy1339 FinallyHope
Hello - so much I have read about surgery. I am so glad yours worked. I want to cry every moment because of the pain of my fissure. Meds seem useless, home remedies painful too. I've read where the LID surgery is done some work and some don't. One said he has pain now from the cut the surgeon made and won't heal. I'm scared of surgery but have been dealing with this for almost 3 months. Im saying to myself hang in there give it more time to heal. I drink water religiously but am tired of running to pee all the time. I want to be normal again. I think it's healing and then one bowel movement seems like it ripped it open again. Trying to explain the pain to someone who you have to explain what a fissure is in the first place just doesn't understand. I'd rather have my fingernails ripped off me one by one. Im thankful for this forum and being able to talk to people that understand. Waiting to decide on surgery.....
Condohead susan31693
I did proctosydl and gtn prior to this with lactulose. I eat a good diet and drink loads.
I am now on diltiazem and have been told follow up in 8wks. I'm off work completely.
My wife has just spent loads in waitrose on manuka,coconut oil, cod liver oil, extra virgin organic olive oil and it is all now up my bum! With a hot water bottle on. One tea spoon oil inside tummy with cod liver oil tablet.
I was hoping the Botox was going to stop the spasm.... It hasn't! This is ruining my life. All I want now is the lis surgery.
I keep trying to tell myself that it's just a small cut in my bum and that its shouldn't hurt... But as you all know, I've never had to psych myself up so much ever in my life just to have a pooh! And the chronic blasting pain that comes for tens of hours following.
I was wondering about hypnotism? I've tried looking at relaxation techniques etc...
I'm loosing my mind with it all really. I know I've only got a certain amount of grace from my wife and kids before everyone really gets fed up. This brings me down. I like all the suggestions.... But can anyone really actually help???? Please!!!!!
How long has it taken others to recover from a Botox? Was it painful ?
Desperately in need of support!
josh2121 Condohead
Condohead josh2121
I got taken by ambulance to a n e and they kept me overnight on loads of drugs. I was given Botox which didn't work. I went private and he referred me to nhs that afternoon. I had sphincterectomy. On epidural.
Instant relief. Back to work and gym etc now. No pain at all. Saved my life! Go private. Someone like bupa will give you a package quote. But it will need nhs doc referral.Never looked back!!!!!
mercy90318 Condohead
Since last year, I don't think I have had a single BM that hasn't made me howl in pain. I finally made the call and got in for a doctors visit on the 12th last week. The doctor wasn't even able to do an exam properly due to pain and told me my options were nitroglycerin gel, botox or a sphincterotomy. I told him I was sick of the guessing games and I wanted the sure fix, so on Friday the 13th, I went under the knife. Now, it's only been a few days, but I'm already glad I did it. The sharp pains before have been replaced with a dull ache and even though it still hurts, there is actually an improvement and this pain will actually end instead of going on for months. Do a sphincterotomy. You won't be sorry. Expect a few weeks of rest, but at least they give you some nice med to take the edge off.
toorialay18313 mercy90318
mercy90318 toorialay18313
My first BM was the very nextop day sometime later afternoon. It was not painful. It was uncomfortable and scary, but you just have to let it come without applying hard pressure. Gently push, but not for long. SITZ BATH IMMEDIATELY!! I can not stress that enough. Stool softeners that work best for me was miralax. 1 cap fI'll per day for the first week. Ease up as you feel better. Lots of fiber, but ultimately, try to eat small meals. I survived. Each day you feel better and better. Eventually, you just feel normal. Best of luck. Don't be too scared. It is scary, but it's less scary right after your first BM.
zedong70718 susan31693
Yayayo zedong70718
Jazzy1339 susan31693
toorialay18313 susan31693
Hi, I had same issues pain imance I thought is cancer. But the doctor says the cancer doesn't have that much pain. For as I am in more advance stage next week they gone check what I have. I have skin tag it's not much as in the beginning. Take stool softeners helps alote take Sizth bath 15-20 min 2-3 times a day . Then put cream. After bm try paracetamol. plenty of water fibre food.if you are at the beginning stage ask your Gp anoheal cream. It's ok it help at the beginning but the I had hard bm then the progress is slow. I will ask my surgent to do surgery other ways I can't do anithing. Don't panic there is always light at the and of tunnel.good luck