Chronic EBV?

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Hey Everyone! 

Over the last couple of months, I have been having a multitude of strange symptoms. I have gone through an immense amount of testing with very little answers. I've also done multiple and thorough neuro exams and have no weakness or atrophy. I do not have lyme disease and have tested extensively for it. I also do not have a vitamin deficiency. I have had a brain and full spine scan which were both negative. I have done vast other testing and have been cleared by infectious diseases, cardiology, endocrinology, auto-immune (numerous exams), gastro (endoscopy to check for celiac), etc... The only blood work that came back really abnormal is my EBV. Here are the values of the test: 





Quickly going over it, my symptoms are as follows: unprovoked muscle soreness, muscle twitching, feelings of off-balance/coordination (hands and legs), random sores in my mouth, heavy anxiety, joint/body stiffness, brain fog, vision floaters, occasional pins/needles, and heartburn. This all seemed to start one day with a one-off instance of blurry eyesight that cleared up quickly. I was sick with a mild cold at the time then the rest of the above symptoms started to appear and have been going on for 8 months. 

I'm just so curious as to whether or not this could be the cause and if so, does anyone know of an effective treatment? 

Any insight on this would be really helpful. 



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37 Replies

  • Posted

    These are the symptoms of EBV, which you should be diagnosed as having glandular fever/mono? It's a illness that takes a very long time to recover, so don't think of it as a chronic will get better over time. The best medicine is to rest and take it easy when you can. Try to keep a positive mind that you will get better soon. Eat healthily and try and look after yourself as much as possible. Some will recommend supplements, but they haven't done much for me, but I guess vitamin c cannot hurt. I'm also around 8 months and I'm feeling a whole lot better than I did say 3 months ago, but I do have little set backs, mainly when I'm more active or get stressed about things...when I don't need to. I've settled for in my mind that it just needs to runs it's course and your body will deal with it best, when it can.

    • Posted

      I’m taking about 30 supplements and although I’ve had a few good days here and there ( having very bad day today ) not sure they’re helping me either . 

      I have just started the Monolaurin which is supposed to be anti viral and very good for EBV . Just the whole process of THIS IS STRESSFUL.... not knowing from one day to the next how you are going to feel . 

    • Posted

      Hello Lori! 

      Thanks for letting me know. I have started to take greens, vitamin D, vitamin C, and B12. The greens seem to have helped with my energy a bit and skin issues but not much else. I actually also bought a bottle of Monolaurin and was planning on giving it a shot soon. Can you let me know how it works out for you? 

    • Posted

      Hey Dodge, 

      I'm not really sure if I ever had mono, I remember getting sick was a horrible stomach bug a few weeks before all of this happened. Otherwise, I don't recall anything that was all that severe. I agree that some days, I feel much better than others, I'm just waiting for the day that I get up and everything is gone. One of my biggest issues is that I always fear that a HORRIBLE new symptom will appear one day (thinking not being able to pick-up a frying pan or something). Weakness scares me the most but I have not had any and still exercise extensively. Further, fatigue has never been a symptom throughout all of this or at least I have not let it prevent me from doing anything. I've gotten so used to these symptoms over the last 8 months that I feel I may not ever notice them being gone as it will always be an expectation to have them. Thanks! 

    • Posted

      Well be careful with the workouts ... I kept working out like a maniac for 5 months as had no clue I had mono . I would go so tired which was the wrong thing to do . Now I’m just doing the minimum I have to .... you would know if you had ‘the fatigue’ it’s so overwhelming . 

      Have you had positive blood tests

    • Posted

      Hi Shelin, i'm sorry to hear you are also experiencing this.

      We have the same problem and symptoms except i am dealing with swollen lymph nodes too, do you have it also? I hope we get better ASAP..

  • Posted

    Rest , rest and rest some more , yes I have all the same symptoms and a few more. I have tried it all. I believe time is the best cure. Although eating right and supplements can’t hurt and I ate good and exercised before this horrible virus. I have 9 months down and what I have noticed is all these horrible symptoms are more mild than they used to be and my energy is way better.  For me after 8 months I’m finals seeing some good improvements. Hang in their as time passes you will return to not at some point. 
    • Posted

      Thanks David, I'll just hang in there for now and try to just accept it for what it and and continue living my life. Does anyone else have any other input? Thanks! 

    • Posted

      It’s just a waiting game I’m 6 months in and had one of the lowest days yesterday . In bed by 5.30pm with fatigue that I could never explain to anybody .

      It’s the mental stuff that gets you too the depression is unbelievable and boy I can’t wait for this to be over . Losing it ! 

    • Posted

      Lori I’m so so sorry your having a ruff time right now. What I can say for me anyhow is that those bad times get shorter and shorter and lessen as time goes on. Hang in their good times are coming , this is not forever. I know it may seem that way now but it’s not. 
    • Posted

      Thank you David just a bery bad couple of days ... boy this must only attack very strong people .. definitely not for the weak . 
  • Posted

    Yeah, this whole thing is just horrible. The symptoms seem to just stay the same and never really get better or worse... rolleyes Hang in there everyone! 
  • Posted

    How is everyone doing today ?It seems like most people only post when they are really sick. For me I slowly get better and return to as normal of a life as I can right now , then I get ill again. But the bad times are not as bad as they used to be and the good times seem like they last a little longer.  Man o man this Epstein Barr virus is horrible. What a life changing event. From what I have read most people are sick with this crap for 10 to 18 months. Does anyone have a positive story ?????
    • Posted

      Hello David, 

      Some days are better than other days! If I sleep really badly, the symptoms are far more present. Ignoring them in general is the best possible solution though. I have been dealing with this for almost 8 months and I DO feel that I am getting better but I also feel that I still have some time before it goes away completely. My PCP is now thinking that it may have derived from a coxsicle infection (who knows!).

      I'm glad that you're feeling better overall! 


    • Posted

      As we know this is a slooowwww recovery . Ok so good times are coming ‘more often’ that sounds like you’re on the road to recovery . I’ve had a few good days in July and an ok week in August then bam ! Right back at ya! All symptoms return and worse. 

      Nobody deserves this torture and it is torture ! I’m not discounting any other Illness and I know a lot of people are suffering out there but boy this one can literally brake you .

    • Posted

      Yes if I sleep badly I can just forget the next day .... I literally sit all day watching the clock waiting for bedtime . 
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      Shelin , How are you doing ? Hoping you are feeling better !!!

    • Posted

      My dream is to have a positive story one of these days in the not so distant future.....I will be more than elated to write that post! Sadly, that day has not come yet but I will persevere - on month 10.....


    • Posted

      Oh I know Kiki, I do understand, with my situation too just want to feel that day come where I feel that the breakthrough has come and God has helped me get over the issues I've been facing, and can joyfully do things to help others through my own recovery story.

      I believe you will have that story to tell Kiki, it's just it will come in God's timing, wish we understood better why things go on sometimes, so hard to endure and be patient and keep encouraged and pressing on somehow. But Kiki, believe me, you ARE going to have that recovery story to tell and you will be much stronger, lighter, free-er and happier for the new lease of life you will have in that day when you are well again. I believe that 100% for you Kiki. And if it's not today or tomorrow, don't panic - because it will come.


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