Chronic nausea without vomiting and then some... No I'm
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Hi all! I have had chronic nausea for about 4 years. In the beginning, certain foods or drinks triggered the nausea because it wasn't all day everyday.. Now it's all day.. No matter what I eat or don't eat. I am bloated and have this indescribable discomfort in my upper abdomen just under my ribs. It's almost a burning sensation but does not hurt. It's just uncomfortable. One gastroenterologist told me I had acid reflux and ran no tests. My physician says it's a chemical imbalance and prescribed me medication that I have been on for 4 months now with no change. He also says it's anxiety.. I do have really bad anxiety because I have a phobia of throw up. It's gotten so bad that it's scared me out of having children.
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I'm not sure if I can edit my original post because it was posted before I was finished. I am also taking an anti anxiety medication which seems to work some days. I have levsin to take as needed but I don't feel like it does anything to help relieve the nausea. My lower abdomen is pretty tender to the touch all the time. My new gastroenterologist has ran a full blood work up and taken x rays of my abdomen and everything came back normal. We are scheduling an endoscopy. He also mentioned gastro paresis and/or IBS. In the past, I did get an ultrasound on my gallbladder and they discovered a small polyp and I was told that it was so small nothing needed to be done about it. I am just tired of feeling like this. I am almost afraid to leave my house because I am afraid of feeling sick while I'm driving, at work, at the pool or beach, out with friends,at the movies, or anywhere in public. This is also hindering my relationships with my family and boyfriend.. Everyone is tired of hearing me say that I don't feel good. (No I am not pregnant)
katelyn177 chelsea09688
chelsea09688 katelyn177
I haven't been tested for celiac. My nurse friend mentioned that but I'm not sure how they test for that. I haven't done much research on things that haven't been mentioned by a doctor that I've seen. The only time I'm not worried about feeling sick or actually feeling sick is when I'm sleeping. i will say that my nausea doesn't wake me up when I'm sleeping.. This is so strange. I'm 24 and I feel like I'm constantly worried about being sick that it might actually be making me sick! It's hard to enjoy living and being young when all I want to do is stay home and sleep.
sanya11314 chelsea09688
Very easy screen test for celiac disease
(but you need to normal gluten containing diet,
normal wheat/rye bread, pasta in your diet....):
(Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG-IgA),
sometimes Endomysial antibody (EMA)-IgA (is more expensive and correlates with IgA-tTG anyway);
those antibody blood tests are better than antigliadin (AGA) antibodies.)
If that blood screen test was positive,
it needed to be confirmed in a small bowel biopsy.
(since the blood screen test can be false positive.
Screen tests rather are very sensitive than specific, rather more false positive than false negative in order not to miss many)
There is a genetic testing for coeliac (HLA DQ2 or HLA DQ8), but the problem:
just because coeliac was genetically possible, doesn't mean the gene was switched on, only 1 out of 10 (some studies say 1 out of 30) celiac gene carriers actually have active celiac disease. Those with a not turned on gene do not need to avoid gluten (but can pass on disease).
Hence rather stick to blood screen and go from there.
All the best.
(I am just surprised in years of nausea that this was never ever checked)
philippa61759 sanya11314
When I was undergoing tests last year and no one knew what was wrong, celiac wasn't even mentioned. I had to ask to be tested for it and one of the doctors I was seeing was amazed it hadn't been considered. I had the blood test which came back negative.
sanya11314 philippa61759
funny, isn't it.
It was THE first test (the blood antibodies) included with normal routine panel, when we started out.....
different docs, different countries, different start of procedure to tick through the list of 'offenders'.
katelyn177 chelsea09688
katelyn177 chelsea09688
Yes, all I wanna do is sleep also because you don't feel the pain
sanya11314 katelyn177
My daughter actually can't sleep due to pain or wakes up because of pain, only sleeps few hours per night interruptedly. Very exhausted.
How do people sleep with severe abdominal pain?
We get amitriptyline, melatonine, pregabalin...but nothing helps.
philippa61759 sanya11314
I have one good doctor in my practice. The others seemed useless. One said my symptoms were confusing and said she hadn't got a clue. I asked her if I needed a smear test at one point because I was worried about my cervix in case that was causing my pain. But once again she said she didn't know. I asked two other doctors and they said it wasn't necessary in my case.
philippa61759 sanya11314
sanya11314 philippa61759
Would love to find other conditions, still on the search.
Sporadic tachycardia in sitting position (sinus rhythm, so ok).
Hemorrhagic luteal cysts, controlled now with pill.
Appendix is out, colon adhesions cut, transverse colon is clearly prolapsed with its omentum and small guts (but dismissed by all docs as to cause any ischaemia, MRI was only half heartedly done re blood supply/pelvic congestion, many detail pics missing).
Endometriosis not excluded since surgeon didn't care to look for atypical tiny endo....
small bowel disease/striction not excluded (no camera endoscopy, no barium study)
The abdominal pain is horrendous (nausea, emesis less the concern now since lap), independent from bowel movement or food, and very much there were uterus/bladder is radiating to the right (ascending colon), but deeper inside and cramping nature. Only narcotics work, but cannot be taken on regular basis of course and are bad for gut function.
If only she could find some good few hours in a row sleep (and me too), that would save the day.
sanya11314 philippa61759
'didn't know' might be a correct honest answer, but wouldn't she rather refer to specialist or investigat and find out (which is ok, I don't expect a doc to know everything right there right now) or look up , when last PAP smear was done?
chelsea09688 katelyn177
It's less pain and more discomfort and tenderness when pressed on. I got my nurse friend to look over my blood work from last month and from a few years ago and she said that I have never been tested for celiac. She also informed me that my triglycerides were high on both and for me to try to lower them and see how I feel. So thats next along with a celiac panel.
philippa61759 sanya11314
The doctor who said she didn't know, didn't bother referring me to a specialist. She only asked me if I thought I had IBS which I thought was strange because I was hoping she would tell me what she thought since I didn't have much knowledge of the condition at the time other than my brother having it and his symptoms were different from mine. I ended up going to someone else who also couldn't help much but at least referred me for an ultrasound which found 'nothing remarkable'. In all I saw eight doctors and one of them recognised my symptoms as IBS and told me I didn't need to repeat the tests because my symptoms were no worse over the three months I had them and I had developed no new ones.
I have never had a PAP smear because I was told in the past if you are not sexually active it is unecessary. Two doctors have given the same advice recently. My mum had a bad experience with one and I can't tolerate internal examinations. When they tried to do a pelvic ultrasound along with the standard one, after two attempts they gave up because it was too uncomfortable. I am very petite and the scanning instrument felt gigantic. inside me.
philippa61759 sanya11314
The two of you must be going through hell. It makes me thankful that I finally got a diagnosis and the IBS doesn't bother me too much. There was a point where I thought I wouldn't get any answers and my brother who is a plastic surgeon told me at one point to prepare for that eventuality.