Chronic Vaginal E Coli infections

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Hi everyone,

 So the last few times I was treated for BV (in the summer of 2014), it turns out once the cultures came back, that I had E Coli and not Gardnerella. It is chronic and goes away with antiboitoics, but comes back right away a few days after the antibiotics are through, especially after a period. I am taking 50 Billion probiotics, using apple cider vinegar down there to restore pH, etc. I have no new sex partners, have been married for 10 years, and he was tested and does not have E Coli. Has anyone strugged with E Coli infections? My doctor says that E Coli is another bacteria that is present everywhre, and when your pH in the vagina is off, it cannot fight off the normal bacteria and they flourish. All of my bloodwork has come back fine, except I just found out I have the beginning stages of cervical cancer. The doctor thinks this is all related, but I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this. It's miserable and I'm tired of having infections. If you have any insight or experience to share, please do! Thank you! smile

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143 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi, could you private message the products you used to treat the e. coli? Thank you in advance and I hope the cervical cancer was treated.


    • Posted

      Hi there could you private message me on what you used to get rid of this stuff . I am new on this site. How do you private message .

      thank you!

  • Posted

    Hi Marie, wondering if the e.coli situation has gotten any better? I have been treating for yeast infections for almost 2 years now and a recent lab test shows e.coli is present instead. Do you have other good remedies that has helped you other than the change in diet?
    • Posted

      Hey I am still experiencing symptoms of e.coli. It is causing inflammation and pain with sex and yellow discharge. Has anyone gotten over this and what exactly did they use?
    • Posted

      Hi Maggie,

       My symptoms have gotten significantly better. I do still struggle with it, always a few days after my period right before I ovulate?! Craziness...I am on hormone therapy now and have been for a few months. My progesterone is up to a healthy level now, but my estrogen is still very high. I'm now back on birth control (haven't taken it since 2009!) to see if that will help with the high estrogen.

      I still think a very green and super low sugar diet helped me the most. Along with super high probiotic does (I take two capsules each morning, they are 70 billion each!), vitamin D, warm lemon water in the morning, and lower stress. Once I lowered my stress, I saw a big change. I use the boric acid capsules or a low probiotic (about 5 million) vaginally as needed for relief or comfort. 

    • Posted

      Dear Marie,

      Your comments are helpful and this thread is giving me the most help in a sense where I know I am not alone!

      One of the many gynocologist I have visited told me oral probiotics doesnt really help if I have recurring infections, but it seems that it does for many of you. I will continue to take those and the discussion about whether to take it empty stomach or with food is very helpful too.

      Have you tried routine exercise? My doctor tells me recurring infections show a poor immune system and I guess eating organic foods is also part of building up the immune system. What is D mannose?

  • Edited

    Reading this, I see it has been going on for a while without resolve.  I don't even know if this will help since we are all different.  I read a lot of research and have been able to "cure" various autoimmune type problems, but a while ago I got an e.coli infection that kept recurring.  As supportive as doctors can be, the answer is always antibiotics.  I think mine started with some family stress (father dying, mother losing it and brother not helping) or possibly a combination of leaky gut and stress.  Regardless, after a couple of prescriptions of antibiotics and the return at the end of each, I started reading.  For the most part, this keeps it under control, although something will set it off (I am still trying to narrow down what that is) and I will take a gram or two of D-Mannose to eliminate a lot of excess infection.  

    There is a fair amount of research on L.Rhamnosus GR-l & L.Reuteri RC-14 for vaginal health,  Since I have always had weak kidneys which would be exacerbated by this type of thing, I also take S. Thermophilus KB19, L. Acidophilus KB27, & B. Longum KB31 to keep the kidneys healthy.  This actually works better than the antibiotics and for the most part clear.  

    The only other thing I can add is to repeat much of what has already been said.  Eat as healthy a diet as you can afford.  Avoid the sugar and starchy carbs.  Eat organic as much as possible.  I think anyone here already knows about hygiene so there is probably no good reason to beat that drum.  

    The last thing I will add about probiotics, if you do decide to use probiotics, I have read all the discussions about whether to take them on an empty stomach or with a meal. On an empty stomach your PH is too low for many to survive, with food the acid will kill many. What some researchers have found is that, the survival rate is higher with fat.  I take mine on an empty stomach with a couple of tablespoons of sour cream... you could use whatever fat based item that is palatable for you.

    We have been really busy this year doing things on the property, but when winter comes and I am stuck inside, when I figure out what sets it off once in a while, I will let you know what it was... in the meantime, I keep D-Mannose around for those emergencies.

    I hope this helps someone.


    • Posted

      Thanks for your response! I have heard about the that's helping with the vaginal E. Coli infections? I'd heard it was good for the urinary tract E Coli, which I don't get, but I'm wondering now!
    • Edited

      It is really the probiotics that I mentioned that keeps it under control, however if I do get a flare up (which happens once in a while... need to track what I do daily to see what sets if off), then I take D-Mannose. All D-Mannose does is clear a lot of the infection, it will not cure it.  The bacteria adheres to it and get flushed away.  The 2 lactobacillus (L. rhamnosus & reuteri) strains I spoke about, have good clinical results for vaginal health and the other 3 strains (total of 2 pills twice daily) I take because a UTI can easily get to your kidneys and they help keeping your kidneys functioning well.  For the most part I don't have that many flare ups and probiotics beat the heck out of meds that kill off everything, not just the bad stuff.  I would give you the brands, but apparently that is not allowed here so I just gave the strains on the research I have read.  The trials say you have to take at the least about a billion CFU's in a dose for efficacy.  If you would like the link to some research, let me know.  Please remember, that not all symptoms (and potentially problems) are alike.  Some people have pain, discharges, smells, urgency, etc. and others don't, but still have a problem.  Things like douching can only make it worse, antibiotics kill everything and can make it worse by a returning bacteria with nothing good to fight back.  Everything I have cured, at least so far, has come from a lot of reading (mostly published research, not that all research is equal) and natural ways of combating whatever the problem is.  There are always side effects from meds and if you can take care of the problem without them... it is a better way to go IMHO.

      I would think it would at least be worth a try without using something more harsh.

      Regards and good luck.

    • Posted

      Hello lns, can you send a message regarding specific brands of probiotics and whatever else you are using? I am aware that we are in different countries and the same brands may not be available, but its good to have names in reference. My question is, when you get a recurring infection, do you still use antibiotics or other ways to cure it?
    • Posted

      First let me apologize for how long it took to get back.  The email account I use for posting (on the rare occasion that I do), signing petitions, etc. I don't go into very often.  I just saw your question today. Sure, I would love to help you, because I know how frustrating it can be when the only answer anyone has to give is antibiotics and the like.

      This is a representative study on (there are quite a few) on the L.Reuteri RC-14/L.Rhamnosus GR-1 strains and vaginal health.

      If I do have a recurrance, I take an extra dose for a day a two which usually takes care of it.  If I think it is heavier than just a light one, I take a gram or two of D-Mannose.  A lot of active infection clings to it and it is eliminated.  There are a lot of brands just make sure there is at least a billion LIVE cfu's.  A search on google of the two strains should give you what is available in your country.  Just make sure they refrigerate the products before they are sent to you and of course you should do the same after you receive them.  

      I don't know if they would work for you the same as me, but I can say for me, it is better than antibiotics which wipes out all the good stuff you need.  I have been taking this somewhere between 6 mos. and a year and it I find I have less and less problems.  

      I will try and check my posting email account every few days, just in case you have any other questions.

      I hope this works for you.


    • Posted

      Hi there, can you please forward me the specific probiotics you use? I am in the US, so I'm not sure I will be able to get it here, but it will be worth a try.

      Thanks for your help sad

    • Posted

      Hi there, 

         Where do you purchase D- Mannose?

      thanks so much!

    • Posted

      Hi Ins, can you send me a message also with the specific brands of probiotics and other products youre using? This has been a nightmare for me for many years. I appreciate your help.
    • Posted

      I have had issues with E Coli and BV for at least 15 years if not more. IM 36. Just recently I have given Pro Biotics a shot. I have been taking 1 for about 2 months now. It took about a month for me to see any real results however now I am so much happier. My sex drive is  back, I dont have a smell, no itchiness anymore. Its awesome. I also recently started taking another pro biotic to go with the one I take daily for stomach and vaginal health. The first one is only for vaginal health. The research I have done is the Lreuteri RC-14 and L.Rhamnosus GR-1 strains are the best at helping BV and other vaginal bacterias like E Coli.  You want to be sure both of these strains are in the Pro Biotics you use or it will not work as well. I started taking the other one because Well why not. If one helps my vagina this much maybe the other will help my stomach and digestive health as well. NO more anitbiotics for me. I am seriously happy about this relieve that I have finally found.


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