Citalopram 10mg - it does work!
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Hi I'm new to this site but been reading posts and what to share my experience... I'm 31 and have had anxiety and panic attacks for the last 5 years plus.. i got prescribed citalopram about a year ago but never took them... my honest thoughts were anti depressants are for losers, why do I need to take a tablet to make me feel normal? So i plodded on, then it got to the stage where my head was pounding all the time like someone had a grip around my brain.. felt dizzy constant dry mouth.. confusion... I thought I was dying and always thought I had something serious wrong with me... it got to the stage I was going to work but dreading it and then coming home and not even being socialble with my gf or child.. I stopped doing regular things with my friends and just wanted to be alone and close my eyes... it had turned into depression and it was getting to the stage where i didn't see the point of even living anymore I didn't want to feel this way and realistically prob wouldn't have the bottle to end it! I thought I'm going to go to the doctors for one last gonat how I can improve my life, I booked into see a different doctor as I thought it may help. As a grown 31 year old big lad I went in explained how I felt very emotionally, with absolutly no compassion the doctor replied "well I'm not a miracle worker I don't no what you expect me to do" I was shocked the attitude was not what I expected after a few other rude un thoughtful comments came my way I got up and left with nothing more than when I entered apart from the shock of what I just heard, to anyone with the nerve to do something to themselves I'm sure they would of walked out of there thinking that's it, no one can help even the doctor and carried on with there plans!! It however got me angry and I though I'm going to help myself and try these tablets, 4 weeks on now taking 10mg and I can honestly say I wish I had done it a year ago, I read the online comments and thought the side effects would be hell - I've not had any side effects? The tension headache was gone witching a few days and in general I feel like I'm engageing more with everyone, I've been out and just in general feel like I'm getting back to a normal life, I have the odd bad hour the odd bad day but they are the best thing I could of ever of took I've just got a prescription for 20mg as the doctor says they should give me the extra boost to get me fully back to me. Anyone who is thinking of taking but not sure take my advise don't think twice just take them and let your mind get back to normal so you can start to lead a normal life. Thanks for reading my story
7 likes, 68 replies
lois95799 daniel70816
0wen daniel70816
Daniel - glad to hear your journey of taking Citalopram has been mostly a positive experience for you!
Was it a regular doctor you were seeing? My doctor wasn't has harsh, but he pretty much gave me the same impression ["What do you expect me to do?"] . He's just a general doctor so all he has is scientific data which allows him to prescribe the medicine he thinks will work [he also said "all you can do is try [insert medicine name here] and see what happens" - which is mostly true considering you won't know how the med will do until you've taken it for awhile.
I think people are afraid to take the drug due to the side effects the 1st week or so. And then the more they research, they find out it can be very difficult to wean off the drug.
daniel70816 0wen
Thanks for your reply the doctor who had the bad attitude with me was a doctor I had never seen before, I thought I'd try a different opinion from someone I hadn't seen - we all learn from our mistakes. I was afraid to take the tablets as if you red up online everyone says the side effects are horrific so I didn't want to take them but I've had no side effects worthy of a mention so far
joel54682 daniel70816
Warning though, they don't tell you that but when taking Citalopram your libido or sex drive will take a huge dive. Some people can't even get hard or have sex anymore while taking these, this seems like a very very common side effect with Citalopram and it's a real and serious issue. I took 20mg for a bout 4 or 5 weeks now and I can't have sex anymore it completely killed my libido and I'm getting off them. Of course your side effect might different but that's something to consider and something I wish the doctor would have told me.
daniel70816 joel54682
Thanks for your reply Joel when you feel as bad as I felt and I'm sure others felt that is a side effect you can deal with for a bit as alternative is not coping with life
lois95799 daniel70816
I'd rather not orgasm than to deal with suicide...just saying ..peace
joel54682 daniel70816
Absolutely! If you and your GF can deal with that side effect then it's all good! Good luck to you!
katecogs daniel70816
Well done you for seeking help and starting the medicine.
Wow - bad doctor. I'm sorry you had that experience, and you're not the first one to have been spoken to in that manner either. For a person to have plucked up the courage and gone to seek help, which is something many people find extremely difficult to do, and then to have been spoken to like that is unbelievable. Yes - to some other person, the outcome could have been much worse, and that doctor would have had a lot to answer for...
Anyway - I'm glad you've found these meds are beginning to work. So many people have the same attitude you had at the beginning 'anti depressants are for weak people, losers etc etc' yet they are medicine just the same as medicine that is tailored for people with diabetes, heart problems etc etc .... and they don't try and cope with their condition without help, so neither should anyone with depression / anxiety. Its a condition just the same as any other.
Depression / anxiety affects your physical body as well as your mental state too, and often people who try and cope just find themselves embroiled in it - which is then harder to come out of.
When anxiety / depression hits, it'll bring the strongest person in the world to their knees.
Its great getting back on your feet isn't it.
ps ...... and find a different doctor
K x
tracey54123 katecogs
katecogs tracey54123
Yes - that's what I tell (non anxious) people especially when they 'poo-poo' anxiety as nothing more than feeling a bit nervous. They seriously have absolutely no idea ......
K x
tracey54123 katecogs
Yes!! My brother made a fly away comment not too long ago how he has next day anxiety after alcohol.... I never missed him (verbally) 😂 if only he knew real anxiety, trips to a&e medication, no sleep, all that goes with crippling anxiety 😣....
Anyway kate while I have your expert knowledge and attention, I am currently 8 weeks in to 10mg citroplam I have been up dosage to 20, naturally like us all I'm worried, I have 3 tabs left of 10 I'm going to start 15mg for a week or so to adjust and see how I go what do you think?
Also thanks for staying on these boards reading through everything of yourse prior to even taking meds helped me through more than youl know.
Much love T x
katecogs tracey54123
Oh the times I've heard people talk 'expertly' about anxiety when they've never suffered from it ..... sigh. I have a colleague who 'knows' better than anyone else, even though never encountered anxiety herself. All too often I've heard her say 'everyone gets stressed, depressed, anxious, but when I feel low I just get myself outside and get on with life'. I tell her ... If only it were that simple then there'd be nobody suffering now would there .......
People have absolutely no idea.
I think increasing to 15 is a good idea instead of jumping straight to 20mg. Increasing to any dose will probably give you side effects, but I expect it'll be less if you go to 15 first instead of doubling the amount. I'd probably do 15mg for 3-4 weeks before going up to 20mg - 1 week isn't long enough for your brain to adjust and settle.
I read a good post on here this week - someone said 'this drug is more about time to get your brain levels right than it is about dose strength - each time you change dose the clock resets and it’s like starting from the beginning'. I thought that was a great explanation of dose increases.
You're doing well at 8 weeks - a long way in, yet still early days. Stick with it and you'll begin to feel different as more time passes.
K x
Moaney86 katecogs
I was wondering if I cld jump in. I’m having a tough few days after feeling much better before hand. I’m on 4weeks 5days of 20mg. I’m feeling so hopeless. My anxiety has settled hugely (just the odd flutters throughout the day) but I seem to be in a very low depressive state of mind just now. I hope this is normal? I’m so fed up!!Â
tracey54123 Moaney86
Hopefully kate will chime in for you.
I would say at 4 and a bit weeks if your anxiety is lessening that's great all the rest will follow, I have read alot and feeling depressed/anxious are all good signs the tablets working. I'm a8 weeks in and anxiety is still lingering just much more manageable to bear!
I never have suffered from depression so can't comment on that side of things.
Give it 4 more weeks and I bet you see a huge difference. Take care 😊
katecogs Moaney86
Hi Moaney
It does tend to work like that - those bad days will follow good ones - its seems how recovery works. It took me 6 months to recover and throughout that time I had good and bad days - though the good days got better and longer throughout that time, so its not all doom throughout.
Yes this is completely normal. The meds are working in the background but you probably won't begin to feel anything for a while yet. For some it can be 3-4 months, some earlier and some later - we're all different. You won't feel any hope because at the moment you're in the middle of it all and can only see doom / gloom and be consumed with negative thoughts. That's normal.
Recovery often creeps up unexpectedly. Already you've noticed the anxiety has settled - that is most definitely a sign. Bit by bit little things will happen and you'll probably not even realise them.
Just keep going - even though you won't think the meds are helping. It takes a long time for your brain to adjust to the levels. You will start to feel lighter and your spirits will pick up again.
Remember these fluctuations of symptoms will come and go over the recovery period. Expect them - they're normal and you're on the right track.
K x
katecogs tracey54123
Yes agree - feeling depressed is all part of the anxiety condition. I didn't have it the first time I took these meds but when I restarted them after a break I was so depressed for months. It eventually lifted and I recovered again.
K xx
tracey54123 katecogs
Good morning kate
I started my 15mg this morning will keep you updated on my journey and fingers crossed it's a smooth one 🤞
Moaney I hope today is a little brighter for you.
Tracey x
Moaney86 katecogs
Thank you for your input. It truly does help me. I was at the GP today as I have started with slight panic attacks again. (Mild in comparison to before) Just wanted some reassurance and advice. See, I started to feel better before, after about 2 weeks. But sadly I found out I was pregnant and it set me back quite considerably. My partner and I are not in the position to have another child. So without going into detail, I had to make a big decision as well as deal with new hormones taking over my body. Although I don’t feel I’m emotionally effected by this all, my GP does however, and has said this will have caused my blip and the hormones will take a bit of time to readjust which can effect me emotionally too. So I am trying to be hopeful about the Citalopram but it’s so hard when I’m feeling this way.
You have explained it so much better to me than any of the GP’s I’ve seen the last few weeks. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experiences and being honest too. No point in sugar coating the recovery process really. 😊
Moaney86 tracey54123
Hi Tracey,
A bit of a bad start to the day but after reading these replies I feel hopeful again. I don’t suffer from depression, but the only way I can describe my mood is as though I am. I started Citalopram for panic attacks and anxiety. They have gotten much better but recently my mood has completely dipped. I’ve had a lot going on that I guess will play a huge part in why I may be feeling this way. It’s just so hard. I’m just so desperate to be back to my normal self again. I have two little kids that need mummy to be at her best. They keep me going for sure but at the start of this I struggled to care for them. My partner and our families had to all pull together to help. It filled me with guilt 😢 I want to be better for them more than myself.
tracey54123 Moaney86
Hi moaney
I'm sorry your having to go through all this and I'm sure your hormones are playing a huge part in all this just now.
A new gp I recently seen and over the last 6 months I've seen alot 😣 had suggested that I seem to lapse for 2 weeks of the month and put it down to menstrual hormones which made me feel like well it some kind of a good answer to all this.
A little of my back story is I was just randomly struck with crippling anxiety in April, normal day went to work came home and randomly started to feel ill 2 days later gp said viral infection lots of water and rest I done just that, weeks later was getting worse, a&e and 3 gps stuck to viral infection... travelled to Greece for a week's holiday that had been booked the year before, I was so ill I ended up travelling to a hospital on the last day as I hadn't eaten for a week and had crippling dhioreah, don't know how but got home and a gp then diagnosed anxiety. Like yourself I have a 3 year old who's autistic and requires alot of attention but I couldn't do it I had to go to my mum's for 3 days with no notice or warning and leave my son with his dad.
Kate said in a previous post that anxiety will bring the strongest person to there knees and I cried when I read that because it's so true.
I find the physical symptoms hardest to deal with 😭 ....
You will get through this 💖
It's hard going and the tablets take along time to kick in but there is light and the end of the tunnel.
Keep strong and stay in touch Xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
I was similar as in mine came out of no where too. I was at work one day and had a panic attack. (I thought I was dying) saw a GP that day and it was confirmed. I was ok for days after it until I had to go back to work. Then the panic attacks came thick and fast and the anxiety was unbearable. I was in a crisis situation for a few days and put on diazepam and Citalopram. First two weeks were horrendous. Heightened anxiety, nausea, unable to eat, upset stomach etc. It got better though and I was able to get out and function much better. That’s when I noticed my late period. Once I found the news out I went down hill rapidly. Again I started thinking the meds weren’t working for me and I was stuck this way forever. I got through the procedure (just last week) but it was hard as there were a few hiccups along the way, so my anxiety was rotten again. Better again for 3-4 days and then all of a sudden I’ve hit rock bottom again. But not so much anxiety and those horrible physical symptoms. More severely low mood. And spells of anxiety. I hope it is just a blip. I so desperately want to be me again. Bringing up children is hard at the best of times but when we are like this it’s almost impossible. 🙈
I can’t remember if you mentioned before but how long in are you? Do you have these 2 week issues every month? I really hope not? Are you much better in yourself than before? Sorry for quizzing I’m just curious. xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
I had only 2 panic attacks and they were before the citalopam 1 was when I was given propanol and I panicked because I thought my heart was stopping, 2nd was when I was in my mum's staying and thought yet again I was having heart issues, looking back now I feel sad because o was in a&e 3 times in 1 week and had heart ecgs bloods taken so much I looked like a dart board, all came back fine, anxiety is a horrible illness to deal with especially when it hits out the blue.
I do think in the last few weeks you've had alot of emotional things to deal with and that in itself taking even the anxiety out of it would make anyone feel down and very out of sorts. You did what was right for you and you need to be kind to yourself.
I started 10mg on July 9th few blips first few weeks but nothing compared to some horror story's I read online. My appetite picked up week 3ish and my sleeping is all but back to normal now. I started 15mg today actually and took at 10.30am nothing as of yet. Don't get me wrong I still have anxiety and I know this because it seems to be the physical symptoms with me I.e. my bones in my chest wall and back that's how I know I'm still in fight and flight mode, I am however 70 percent better than I was in July so that's a positive thing. Little things I notice daily like wow I just sat and watched that whole programme without having to get up and pace around.
I do feel the anxiety flare more at that time of the month yeah hense the upping dosage. I want to get to 20mg but I need to be realistic and kind to myself first.
Kate is such an expert and she reckons a good 6 month for full benefit. I'm holding on to her words.
What dose are you on and how far in are you?
katecogs Moaney86
I'm sorry you're going through all this - yes indeed it'll no doubt have caused you to have a blip. Anything can set it off, so dealing with the added emotions will have an affect.
People who have anxiety are often caught in a cycle of anxiety / fear / anxiety. The anxiety itself causes such fear in a person that they then fear the feeling, which in turn adds more anxiety to the anxiety they already have. Anxiety also causes weird thoughts, a racing mind, tiredness, depression, aches, pains, racing heart etc etc and these can also be alarming which again frightens the sufferer - all of which causes yet more anxiety into the pot. So you get stuck in a cycle of fearing anxiety and the anxiety feeds itself. Cut off the fuel and fire dies. This is with the medicine, understanding anxiety and help from books or both methods together.
Citalopram will help you through this. Just let it do its thing and don't chase recovery. It'll happen in its own time.
K x
Moaney86 tracey54123
Oh that’s not so good. I’m the sameness I’d say I’m half way there just not quite where I’d like to be. I don’t have patience though which I will need to work on for this journey. I seem to settle a bit better at night but the mornings and through the day lately have been so hard. It’s hopefully only temporary as I was a lot better a few days ago. I don’t get the physical symptoms anywhere near as bad as before and I feel I can manage them just now. But my emotional state at the moment is what I am struggling with most.
I’m 5 weeks in tomorrow and I was put on 20mg from the start. I was considering upping it but you’re right I read a lot of Kate’s posts and she is my new oracle. She has made more sense in the last couple of days than any GP I’ve seen over the weeks. 🙂
Moaney86 katecogs
tracey54123 Moaney86
You have done what I wish now I had done and went straight to 20 mg and just dealt with side effects all the one time so really you should be proud of yourself looking after 2 baby's and going through what you have, your aide effects have been worse than mine but realistically you will more than likely very soon settle on 20mg and not have to mess with dosage 😊
Keep buisy that's a major part of how I seem to have got through the initial start, please keep posting and let me know how you are and I will check in and let you know how I'm getting on.
Kate's knowledge in invaluable purely because she had previously suffered for 15 years, I can't even begin to imagine how she got by, she's a good mentor for this medication and keeps things realistic but positive too 💖
Take care and treat yourself when you can Xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
The start and where I am now is what’s helping me realise it is working. I was shocking. Begging to be taken to hospital most days. It was pretty bad. I lost 10lbs and was so sick most days.
Now I’m better the kids keep me busy. I take them out for long walks just around the estate. It helps so much.
I will defo keep in touch. It’s lovely to have someone who can relate so much to what I’m going through. You take care of yourself and I’ll msg again soon. Hopefully with good news 🤞🏻 Xx
katecogs tracey54123
K x
Moaney86 katecogs
Were any of you given diazepam? If so how long for? With these tough days I’m back to them if I need them but trying to hold off and do other things to keep busy. I’ve got 6 left and for some reason I’m holding on to them for dear life instead of using them. 🤦🏻???
tracey54123 katecogs
Thanks Kate 2nd day today and actually okay 😁 but I'm not nieve and know side effects can creep up few days in. It is a small dose just an extra 5mg so fingers crossed. Hope your well x
tracey54123 Moaney86
I wasn't just the propanol but I really don't like them 😣 use the diazepam when you need and I'm sure the doctor might prescribe more just to see you by this rough stage, if your struggling with sleep zoplicone 5mg got me by for a few nights.
Even if you don't feel hungry try eat small bits of toast and decaff tea, i have just recently started drinking coffee again after months of not and it's amazing 🤣 .... Xx
katecogs Moaney86
I'll private message you re the book as my post will be deleted if I mention it here x
katecogs tracey54123
Yes those side effects can often appear days after increasing - weird meds
You can even go to 2.5mg if you find 5mg still too much - I know some people decrease by 2.5mg. Yes thanks I'm well - tired, but thats only because I went to bed way too late!!! 
tracey54123 katecogs
To be honest Kate I think i know myself that extra 5mg I do need, compared to the unmedicated anxiety the side effects are nothing 😊 Instead of dreading side effects I've actually said come on do your worst and felt nothing 🤔 .... keeping a positive mindset has helped tons. I watched big brother last night and other crap tv was after midnight I fell asleep too 😲 x
katecogs tracey54123
Thats so true - preparing for the worst and just getting on with it often the best ploy
Only saw Big Brother on the first night to see who goes in ....... yes I fell asleep on the sofa till 3am then went to bed, hence the spaced out feeling I've got today lol 
Moaney86 tracey54123
I was given that too. I tried it for a couple of days and I felt it was making me feel worse so I stopped it. I don’t think I actually needed it. Just another different GP throwing tablets at me.
I try and hold off with the diazepam because I worry about getting hooked 🤔😖 It’s only 2mg and I haven’t used them much lately at all. Just need to ride these few days out.
I’m finding close to evening time much easier and more relaxed so I hope this is it starting to progress a bit more. Hope you’re adjusting well to your new dose. You must let me know if it takes the dips away when it’s that time of the month. I hope so 🙏🏻 xx
Moaney86 katecogs
Than you 😊 xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
Your doing so well going straight on 20mg and having hardly any help med wise, it will get better it just doesn't feel like it just now, I'm 9 weeks in on Monday and it's safe to say things are on the up, like yourself I was convinced that was me doomed to feel that way for a long time 😣 it's been in the last couple of weeks things have improved and I don't want to tempt fate but 2 days in to 15mg and I feel "lighter" that's the best way to describe it, almost like my heads letting me breathe 😊 it will come to you very soon it's just a waiting game for them to level out, I drank alot of chamomile tea when I started out the meds and found they helped me relax alot, just a thought if you want to maybe try it.
I hope today was a decent day for you Xx
tracey54123 katecogs
Feeling good today, feel like my brain is letting me think clearly and I feel so calm 😊 could they kick in so quick? Who knows!!
I'm not usually one for big brother but my mother and neighbour kept talking about it so got myself addicted 🤣.....
Hope you sleep well tonight and make it from your sofa to bed 😂 😴 Xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
Yesterday was hard and this morning is starting off the same again. 😢 My nausea seems to be back again and my apitite is poor again. I’m glad you are on the mend. I know my time will come. Just wish it was now xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
Do you take your tablet in the morning or at night? I've read that some people switch times and it lessens the side effects? I've always took mines in the morning and use to take it after a bowl of cereal but like you had to force food down 😣 ....
One doctor said don't worry as long as your eating small bits you won't die.
Your nearly there now another week or so and things should improve side effect wise, I remember before citroplam my biggest thing was dizziness I had to have my ears checked and a balance test, I always felt like I was gonna faint and was walking funny but it has all but gone, it's amazing the things anxiety does to your body and brain, very frightening.
As hard as it is try eat something and drink lots of water. Xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
I’m back to slimming world shakes. They got me through the first 2 weeks as I couldn’t eat a thing. I manage lunch most of the time just struggle with breakfast and dinner. Problem is I’m type 1 diabetec so not eating causes issues there too. So I am trying.
I’ve managed to organise some therapy sessions through my work too while I’m off, so hopefully I’ll learn some good coping mechanisms to get me through to the end.
I take mine in the morning as I read it can interfere with your sleep and I dont want to be up all night. My sleep has been ok. Not much different to how I sleep in general since having the kids. So don’t want to mess it up. 🤦🏻???
tracey54123 Moaney86
It always helps to get a good sleep, shakes will see you by and give you some fuel too.
I would love some therapy, I'm in Scotland and the waiting list is so long 🙄 I really don't think I have any underlying issues to deal with but maybe I'm wrong and have bottled things up too long.....
I would like coping skills so let me know what's advised to you and will give them a try 😊 .....
I'm a little on edge this afternoon so maybe I've not dodged the side effects fully 😣 .... xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
I’m in Scotland too just outside of Edinburgh. I was recommended Changes, a charity based organisation, but apparently everyone is sent their way and they are something like a 9month wait for 1 on 1 counselling. I went privately at one point. She was lovely and said that listening to what I’ve been through over the last year or so I have just become overwhelmed and my body has decided to say enough is enough. She reckoned that the medication should be enough to see me through. (I’m not so sure) I work for a bank and we have a great support system, I wish I had contacted them sooner. It was my boss that suggested it. I’m looking forward to getting the full support I need. Have you tried the CBT online? I don’t have a laptop or computer just an iPad so I couldn’t do it. I’ve heard great things about it if you are in the right frame of mind to learn that is.
Ive been up and down today but managing better than the last 2 so here’s hoping. 🤞🏻 I hope you have a better evening xx
Moaney86 katecogs
My book came today. I couldn’t get it on audible but probably for the best as I use that mainly to help me fall asleep 😴 I listenined to Dr Claire Weekes on audible. She makes so much sense. I hope to try and implement that thought process at some point. I’m going to start Paul David’s book tonight 🤞🏻 xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
Small world I'm just outside Edinburgh too 😊
CBT sounds good I might go check that out!! I use the app headspace which is good too.
Today was up and down could feel my jaw tense up alot and ringing in my ears which apparently is a common side effect, no where near as bad as the starting up effects though, my aim is to feel back to myself for Christmas I feel that's a realistic goal 😊...
Hope today went better for you xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
It is indeed 🙂 I used headspace at the start but I don’t use it much now. My day was better thanks. I was feeling quite relaxed by the evening. And this morning I’ve woken with little flutters but not much in the way of anxiety. Hoping that I might be moving forward now xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
I so hope this is you on the up now 🤞🤞 ..... after weeks of rubbish side effects I hope your now on your road to recovery. Kate said it comes in patches of feeling good and the good feeling lasts longer each time until it's consistent, I can't wait for it 😁 ....
I'm okayish this morn so hopefully a good day too 😊.... xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
How have you been the last couple of days? I’ve had better days. Anxiety creeps in but I allow it to run it’s course and soon it has disappeared.
I’ve noticed that if I have a terrible nights sleep I have more morning anxiety than usual. My little boy is chocked with the cold and he didn’t sleep much last night. So this morning I’m feeling the anxiety start up. I can handle it better just now. Hope this lasts 😊
tracey54123 Moaney86
Morning moaney,
Had a rough kinda few days...
My little guy is on antibiotics for a ear and chest infection, think the kiddies are catching all sorts being back at school/nursery 😭 ....
I decorated our bedrooms and moved furniture and have pinched a nerve which is apparently sciatica ... bloody sore... so that's flaring my anxiety 😣
That's great news your anxiety is slowly diminishing, it's amazing how easy things can set it back off though ?.... have you had to use any of your diazepam? I find lack of sleep next day my anxiety is through the roof or even late at night when I'm tired it sets off again.
I hope your little one feels better really soon. Have a chill day, pyjamas and crap tv xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
Oh tell me about it. Passing germs all over the show. What a shame, it is much harder when they are ill. I defo find that I’m worse the next day with lack of sleep. I’m feeling it a lot just now 🤦🏻??? I have family coming round so hopefully it’ll pick me up a bit. I find talking about it all helps me a lot too. So I can have a blether with them all.
I haven’t used them again since last weekend. I used 1 a day for my 2 really bad days. I know this is a slow process to get better but damn, when the bad days come they consume me still. 😖🙈 We’ll get there. I reckon if you didn’t have to change dose you probably would have been well on your way to recovery. My set back has slowed recovery too I’m sure. 🤔
Hope u manage a better day and hope your little one picks up soon too 💪🏻 Xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
Hey, hope you had a good day with the family, I've been so tired all day yesterday and today 😏 .... think the dosage is starting to kick in now, I'm hungry way more and stuck in the thought process of that's me forever again 😣 damn it when will it end ?
My little boy has picked up today thankfully 😊
I talk as much as anyone will listen 😂 it's a new and horrible experience so getting it out there and trying to understand it helps me deal with it xx
Moaney86 tracey54123
I can PM you my number and you can WhatsApp whenever if you like. I was up and down today. I just get anxious for the smallest of things or for no reason at all just now. And then I worry that I’ll never get better. The thing is that’s just our anxious mind playing tricks on us. 🙈
Glad he is feeling better it’ll defo help you settle a bit (I hope) 👍🏻 xx
tracey54123 Moaney86
Hey, had an up and down few days too 😏 physical symptoms seem to be back which is hardest to deal with, sore bones and dodgy tum 😳...
Kept myself buisy as I can, appetites dwindled today, but again no where near as bad as starting dose.
Yes pm me your no I have whatsapp so that's easier 😊.
How's things going with you? Hope the kids are better and slept well last night xx