Citalopram 10mg second time... 2 weeks in today. Side affects query..
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I have recently decided after battling with crippling anxiety again which started at the beginning of this lockdown that I should go back on citalopram. Anyway, took my 14th tablet today. Initially I had started to feel better, but the past 48 hours have been rough. Waking alot, achey, nauseated and I'm just so tired and feeling super low. Coping, but only just.
Home schooling has been put on hold that's for sure. I can't remember it being this hard before. I was on the same dose of cit just over a year ago for around 18 months. Came off absolutely fine.
I mean it may have been different back then as my anxiety was very new and extremely bad back then, so bad days were just as severe as these side effects. What's everyone's experiences on the first few weeks? Also if you've gone back onto antidepressants or upped your dose in the past l, how was it for you.
Thank you for any advice in advance. I appreciate so much anyone taking the time to reply.
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jenny948 Hope3578
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well lately. I took citalopram for almost 2 years, went off of it for about a year then started getting bad anxiety again so I went back on it. 10mg per day. It took a few weeks for it to actually start working and I did get slightly sick the first two weeks. Hang in there, it should work just like it had before. Maybe you may need a higher dose but I would give a week or two more before deciding.
Hope3578 jenny948
Yeah I think you're right. I will obviously keep soldiering on. (have no choice being a single mummy) but it's knocked me for six. I genuinely thought they started working quicker this time as I felt almost instantly better. But maybe I'm just at that transition stage now where my body is excepting the medication and just letting it settle. If I remember right before. I had a dip on week 7 too, then finally started to feel better from around week 9. Its a bit annoying it takes so long to work, but definitely worth keeping going. I won't be in any rush to come off them this time. 10mg was OK for me before and my anxiety was probably worse back then, so think it should be fine this time around too. Fingers crossed, I'd be to scared to increase dose anyway what with the potential to have even worse side effects. Lol
Charlie_T Hope3578
I think 2 weeks is often the peak side effect time for a lot of people. 2 weeks was also when I felt worst following a brand change.
Hope3578 Charlie_T
Yeah I think you're right. I do wonder why that is.
Charlie_T Hope3578
I guess it's the point where the medication has reached its maximum level but the body hasn't caught up yet.
It'd be nice to have a scientific explanation but I don't think anyone knows!
Hope3578 Charlie_T
It's weird as the first week I was experiencing some mild symptoms, like diarrhea and mild nausea. But now it's headaches, body aches, extreme nausea and tiredness. I wonder how long this will last. Its been 3 days already. 🙈
Charlie_T Hope3578
I have a (massively over-simplified!) theory that goes like this...
Initially serotonin increases as the meds block the reuptake transporter - these are the initial side effects including agitation etc. Receptors 'notice' the increase and down regulate production - this is the 2nd week slump and may continue for a few weeks. Receptors continue to be bombarded with serotonin and become desensitised thus production increases again - this is where the actual work of recovery begins.
Of course it's not just about serotonin but maybe this goes some way to explaining the pattern/timeline that many experience and perhaps it helps (reassures?) to know how the body adjusts, and it will adjust, through time.
Possibly explains withdrawal too i.e. when you reduce, and thus more serotonin is taken up, it takes time for the desensitised receptors to presumably re-sensitise and notify the system to produce more.
maisie21423 Hope3578
im on day 19 of 10mg, first week was awful, second week great, but the last few days ive felt horrible, almost back to square one! hoping its temporary and after another couple of weeks ill feel normal again!
Hope3578 maisie21423
I'm just a couple of days behind you then it seems. Yeah, I just feel like I'm not ever rested enough, tired all the time, uneasy, stomach hurts and feel nauseated. Headaches, just generally poop and fed up. I remember it taking around 9 weeks to feel somewhat better the first time I took this medication. Had a dip around week 3 then I was OK for a little bit, then again around week 7. But back then I was working and had lots of distraction so this time around I am probably gonna get even worse side effects that I will recognise. Just gotta keep at it and remember it will get better.
Hope3578 maisie21423
Hey how are you doing maisie? About to hit week 6 Tuesday. (which is also my birthday) feeling alot better. Still having some blurgh days and bouts of side effects. Mostly tiredness and diarrhea. My stomach is very sensitive it seems. Hoping you are feeling well. X
When will this get better.... Rolling into day 6 now of bad side effects. I've felt nauseated and exhausted for 6 days. Its making me more anxious and bringing my mood down naturally... I know this can make you worse before better and I know everyone experiences side effects differently, but Its like I've had a almost 2 week break and felt like I was almost better to now feeling so unwell, like a delayed reaction to the medication. The nausea is keeping me awake at night, then I feel like I am having enough sleep (albeit not the best) but should be enough and I'm still utterly exhausted. I was just dreading the day thinking, oh just another day of suffering to get through then... Feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel atm. Is this normal? Feeling so hopeless and want to be OK again. Increasing the dose isn't something I will consider yet if I am already experiencing such side effects. Doctor said they'll review me in 6 weeks. Someone give me some hope here. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Charlie_T Hope3578
It sounds normal, it's quicker for some that others and the fact that you feel like you're getting enough sleep is great.
The exhaustion is also a side effect during this phase i just wanted to lie down all the time and often fell asleep during the day.
Hope3578 Charlie_T
Yeah I feel like that too. But difficult when I have 2 kids to care for. Thank you so much for your responses, I really. Appreciate it.
c57591 Hope3578
i went back on citalopram 4.5 weeks ago and my side effects are starting to lessen.
still having bad days though. my nausea went last week so hopefully not long for you.
its horrible waking up each day feeling the same but weve recovered before so can again.
here if you need to talk x
Hope3578 c57591
It's like the intensity of the side effects just get worse, I'm assuming it'll start to come down at some point. The nausea is horrible isn't it. Like I can eat, but everytime I do, I have to stop myself from actually throwing up for a good hour until it settles. This is hard work huh. Wish I had some actual physical support some days, but I'm a single mum so no chance of resting.