Citalopram and mirtazapine combination

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I had been prescribed with citalopram 20 mg (but taking 10 mg only) for anxiety and rivotril 1mg for insomnia for two weeks. And I was not taking it religiously. And depended on prayers ( proud Christian here). Last four months, I was doing fine and stress was manageable and I only take the rivotril 1 mg as needed for insonmia. I had sleep at least 5-6h a day without taking any meds for the past 4 mos until one night where I have not slept even just for an hour due to snoring of a friend. During the day, I was okay but one moment changed all. I panicked and although I knew it will not harm me it affected my entire mood. And guess what? My sleep anxiety recurs. I tried all sorts of diet for anxiety but I'm not just lucky. So I went to my doctor but he is on vacation. So I went to another doctor and prescribed me with citalopram and mirtazapine for insomnia. Last night I took 15 mg of mirt and had slept but broken. In the morning, I felt like a zombie. Had to try hard to focus and to stay alert . had anyone had the same experiences with these combination? Will this ever go away? Will I be normal again? Please share your experiences with all honesty.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ian

    I'm on day 8 of 15 mirtazipine and 10mg of citalopram. My first and second day of taking mirt i was like you very tired. But i instantly knew overall i was feeling better with the use of mirtazipine. I am now still a little bit tired in the mornings but nothing i cannot handle.

    tiredness can take two weeks or so to pass.

    I love mirtazipine it's been amazing so far! Only thing is it does make you eat more! I'm enjoying that too lol!

    Stick with won't regret it xx

    god bless

    • Posted

      Thank you. I need to clarify, are you taking both? How's your experience? I need to know since I have read that these two is not combined. And these conversations I am making in my head, will this go away? I miss my clear head.
    • Posted

      Hi Ian

      yes I take cit in the morning and mirt at night. Brilliant results for me. You can take both and you will certainly get clarity of mind. I was on citalopram only for six months with limited results. Once my doctor prescribed mirt as well the combination has been incredible. I am going for a meds review with my doctor today and will ask her if there is any concerns with taking the two ADs.

      So far it's great x

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      Please ask..Im really concern. Thank you. How I wish to be back in my senses. BTW, how many days since you experience good results?
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    Hi Ian

    to be honest I got fairly instant results for my depression from mirt. Like you I am still very tired but am aware this is a side effect and will pass soon. I am going to docs at 3.10 (uk) and will contact you on my return. I will also ask her about the tiredness again as well as the combination of ADs.


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    it just occurred to me you are also getting side effects from citalopram too. This will take at least a couple of weeks to settle down too. X

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    You will 100% get better by the way. Don't doubt that for a moment. Speak after docs appointment x
    • Posted

      Pls also ask re this conversations in my head that I am making? I know its weird but it bothers me. Not hallucinations. Just make-up conversations that gets intense when sleeping. My mind seems to be strong when I'm about to sleep. Ironic! Thank you.
    • Posted

      Hi Ian

      I did see my doctor who advised that I should stop taking the 10 citalopram over the next two weeks. She then said I should up the mirt to 30mg and be on this med only. She confirmed thoughts and intense dreams

      are side effects and will pass.

      I have heard of people taking combo meds and don't believe your doctor would give you anything unsafe. In saying that you are left to cope with side effects of two different antidepressants. I can't imagine that's easy. Ian all the side effects will go, I promise you that. I also promise you that you will get better. The settling in period of the meds is not easy but after that you will start feeling loads better xx god bless

    • Posted

      I hope so Lorraine... How I pray to be cured without the medications... Thank you so much. GOD BLESS!!
    • Posted

      Your welcome Ian.

      I prayed to god everyday and i thought he wasn't hearing me as all i wanted was to get better. God felt so distant and all my prayers felt like they were falling on deaf ears. In actual fact god hadn't overlooked me, my prayers were being answered but I was too unwell at the time to realise it. Don't forget Ian god steers people...We have our free will eg. Who to consult to get better eg. Doctors, who in my view do gods work every day. God had given us humans the brains to explore and develop medication and to treat/cure our health issues, preventing us from suffering needlessly. I will share a story with you that I'm so ashamed of... before having depression i had no time for people who said they were suffering with depression or anxiety/mental health. As a supervisor at the time I would think 'fibbers, lazy, drama Queens/kings, just want free sick leave etc'.

      Then depression hit me six months ago! My goodness this illness robbed me of everything I hold dear including my sanity! I am now less than two weeks on the road to recovery (thanks to mirtazipine) and the whole ordeal has made me learn so much in terms of my faith and about me feeling i had the right to judge others when they were unwell. I would never treat people with depression/anxiety/ mental health in such a flippant and uncaring way again. I feel so very guilty. God moves in a way we may not get our heads around. ..but he steering me, you and many many others to pass his love along. Lastly Ian I honestly feel god has many workers on this forum. ..They have been my lifeline xx

      here for you.. you will get better xxxx

    • Posted

      Thank you Lorraine. It is really hard. Of all the illnesses that would hit me, why this anxiety and depression. I too feel God is so distant. But what can I do??
    • Posted

      Hi Ian

      for now you need to take things as easy as possible until your medication balances out. It so important to take the tablets regularly without missing any doses. My guess is you won't feel like doing anything just yet. I spent so much time in bed over the settling in period of the meds. Just getting up to clean my teeth felt like a mission! Only do the things you can do eg. If that's nothing. nothing! Rest as much as you can. My concentration was very poor at the beginning but, I still put the TV on and tried to force myself to concentrate on the programme. Your appetite may be affected, it's important you get some nutrients down you. You are going to feel a bit like a zombie for a few days, remember this is side effects. It's a nasty illness but you will come out the other side, stronger than you were before the illness.

      You may be lucky and not get too many side effects, but if you do don't worry they will go.

      In relation to your question 'what should you do now' you need to listen to your body..If you are tired then rest etc. Try not to trawl through loads of websites in relation to your illness. .so many of them are so negative and do not promote positivity or share success stories. On this forum you will find many positive and knowledgeable/compassionate people. Here to help Ian at any time xx

    • Posted

      Hi Ianbucz, I am sorry you are going through this.  It sounds like anxiety is the main problem, with sleep being affected.  I want to encourage you that things will get better, but I want to caution you about mirtazapine.  It is more powerful at lower dosages (it blocks histamine receptors) and so can be very good for sleep, but it might be better to take 7.5 mg (break the pill in half) because it will still be very good at that dose for sleep.  MIrt is a very hard drug to get off of, very hard, so ideally you don't want to go higher in dose on it and then find you need to come off as it is a very long journey to come off.  Also, it can be more activating and so worse for anxiety at higher doses; the higher dose is better for depression.  It is an odd drug that way, that different dosages are better for different things.  This has to do with different receptors being affected at different concentrations.  Complicated, I know.

      So you were already on the cit and the mirt was added.  This is commonly done, putting mirt with SSRIs.  From what I have read on this site, cit can be a tricky drug with the array of side effects, with anxiety cropping up for people now and again. Are you still taking 10 mg/day?

      Mirt is very sedating initially but that feeling should start to subside.  You've only taken it once so far?  You might try 7.5 mg and see how that feels.  How is your anxiety now?

      In the meantime, you might want to look into learning some skills to help you with anxiety.  Since you expressed an interest in being cured without the medications, this would be a good next step to take.  Cognitive Behavior Therapy is very good, and if you do a web search for CBT self help you can find free resources to get started.  I will also put a link that has depression as the topic but includes a lot of links to helpful information that applies to anxiety as well:

      Another word of caution is that you should not alternate or skip doses with these meds because that in itself will cause interdose withdrawal that will make you feel bad!  The mirt might be used "as needed," once here and once there for sleep, but any use for days in a row will cause adaptations in your nervous system that will then cause withdrawal affects if you go back to being inconsistent.

      And finally, because I feel that everyone should learn this about psych meds:  if you choose to come off of any of them, never do a cold turkey stop, and even the taper schedules that doctors have people do is too fast and can cause a lot of suffering which includes withdrawal depression and anxiety.  There is a link within that link about about why to use a 10% taper schedule for coming off these meds.  Something everyone on these drugs whould read just so that you have that awareness for the future!  Believe me, I've been there and it isn't pretty!  

      I hope you find some relief soon, Ianbucz!

    • Posted

      Hello Betsy. I really hate being on meds. I didn't plan this. I mean, who would want to have this kind of illness?! Thank you for the reply. This is my first in taking mitrz. I will have to ask you questions if that is okay? How was your journey with citalopram and mirtz? How did you came off of them? How are you now in general? Thank you in advance.
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      I have work everyday that requires my fullest attention. I am working in Saudi Arabia but my home is in Philippines. I guess I have to be bare all these hardships. BTW, I'm here for already 1 yr and 5 mos. So 7 mos more and I'll be going home. Thank you so much Lorraine.

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