Citalopram Day 7

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My GP started me on citalopram last week after abit of a meltdown over Christmas. I was so on edge about taking medication for anxiety but felt this was a long time coming so listened to the Dr, have taken time off work and took my 1st tablet last Tuesday. Today is day 7 so still early days - i am just hoping for some reassurance or they others have experienced similar.

Day 1 was awful, lots of tears, drowsy, lethargic.

Day 2 was abit better - still anxious and the constant fear that i will never feel my normal self again.

Day 3 was much the same.

Day 4 & 5 was the worst! Anxiety through the roof, crying, palpitations, heart rate constantly quick, stomach constantly flipping! Absolutely horrendous.

Day 6 was great, slow to get going but noticable drop in anxiety. Feeling positive that i will get through this

Day 7 seem to have gone backwards again. Reasonable morning, still constant anxious feeling but controllable. This afternoon has been awful though, like im going to go into a panic attack any minute. Have managed to control it but such a horrible feeling.

On top of this i feel guilty that my mom and husband are having to deal with my daughter and also worrying as starting a new job in 3 weeks!

I am really hoping i can shake this!!!

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19 Replies

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    Hi sam, your journey on citalopram will be a bit of a rollercoaster, with lots of ups and downs and the gone backwards feeling. You will get better though, the first 2-3 weeks were pretty crap for me but then things started to get better

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    Hey Sam,

    Please hold on tight! It's one hell of a rollercoaster for the first 4 weeks, you will have more bad than good but they will soon outweigh themselves pretty quickly. I'm currently 13weeks in (still very early days) and still have some bad days, but mine is more my anxiety but thats down to a traumatic experience with my baby (she is a heart baby) But I'm getting there, but please don't give up! These meds are hell in the beginning but once they start to work they are amazing!

    All of us here have had some sort of experience with these meds so please never hesitate to ask a question, everyone comes together and tries to help out as much as possible.

    Keep strong! and think positive xx

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      Thanks Jadelou93.

      I actually had a really good day yesterday and felt happy that the meds are starting to work. This morning i am finding i am anxious but not as bad as it has been.

      Sorry to hear about your daughter but i'm glad you are feeling better.

      I will definitely stick with it. Its nice to hear some positive stories though as you don't hear many.

    • Posted

      So glad your feeling happier, it will get alot better, it just takes time. Although you want a quick reaction and to feel change right away, unfortunately it doesn't lol.

      I've had a few rough days myself but thats cuz we have another big open heart surgery coming up with our baby, I'm never going to be ready but i know it's gna happen soon 😦 we're just waiting for a date. Just want it out the way now, i dread the day she goes in 😦

      I have seen quite a few positive stories to be honest, it's just a long long wait til they are in full working order, Citalopram is a nightmare of a medication in the beginning but it soon shows its worth it.

  • Posted

    i started 20 mg celexa around thanksgiving after having a meltdown also.... i was having constant panic attacks, vomiting from anxiety,

    ect. ... im on week 6 and i feel so much better! i do have a little anxiety at the moment due to testing positive for covid yesterday... but let me tell you the first weeks of celexa are HELLL.. i had heart palpataions, couldnt think straight, dizzy, panic attacks, vomiting, and spaced out feeling . the anxiety got better and only happened in the morning and at nightime but eventually ALL these side effects went away and so will morning anxiety and anxiety in general! i know exactly how you feel about worrying if you will ever be normal again, thats exactly how i felt. it was so bad i even experienced depersonalization from my anxiety! stay strong and push through !!! it WILL get better i promise

  • Posted

    thanks everyone.

    Just a little update - i'm now on day 11 and feeling so much better. Have to busy myself at times if feel some anxiety kicking in but initially i couldn't even distract myself from it.

    I felt 99% my normal self yesterday and starting well today. Still waiting for my CBT counselling so think that will help also when i start that.

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    I've also recently started on 10mg of citalopram after a pretty rough month of amxiety - triggered by a pretty bad 'trip' on marijuana 😦 I had my first dose Friday evening) and am having a similar experience to you!

    Day 1 - Woke up at 3am in a complete panic - had to get in bed with my mum haha.

    Day 2 - Felt pretty spaced out but anxiety largely felt under control.

    Day 3 - Had pretty bad nausea in the morning but felt no worse later on.

    Day 4 - Felt on edge ALL day - like I was constantly at risk of having a panic attack. Found that I couldn't distract myself from my anxiety/intrusive thoughts - which are related to how I felt during the 'trip', so can be distressing.

    Day 5 (today) - Still struggling to sleep and woke up feeling extremely anxious. Feel a lot better now, but still feel pretty anxious and scared to be alone with my thoughts!

    I'm currently in my 2nd year of uni so my anxiety had HUGELY impacted this, so I'm desperate for the citalopram to kick in soon! Hopefully they should start to settle soon 😦

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      I'm on day 11 and still feel the exact same way. Evenings seem to be better for me but all day i'm in a constant state of anxiety. I try to distract myself but get caught in my thoughts of it being worth to keep going on the meds. I hope it gets easier soon.

    • Posted

      Hi both. Today is day 15 for me and i feel really well. Appetite came back around day 11 and i noticed a real shift from having mainly bad days to more good days around day 13. Yesterday and today have been my best days since this all started. I think alot of my anxiety has come through stress/burnout from work. I work clinically in the nhs and its been tough this last year. I am also starting a new job in 2 weeks and a masters degree! Bad timing for a meltdown and lead to me putting alot of pressure on myself. Stick with it if you can, i would say the last 2 days have been a real turning point!

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    Thank you for giving me hope to stick with it. It's nice to talk to people that are having the same issues. A lot of people don't understand when you try talking to them. It has been a rough year. If you don't mind me asking what dose are you taking? I'm on just 5mg very sensitive to meds. I do notice a difference but those down times and days are rough.

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      im on 10mg. I was started on them for anxiety. my GP suggested sertraline but i wasn't keen on it, don't know why.

      Its definitely helpful to speak to people who have been where you are or are in the same boat. I spent hours searching for success stories or people who were going through the same. Its still so early for me too but i have seen huge improvement compared to where i was just 2-3 weeks ago. My family have noticed it too. I know I will have good and bad days but knowing its normal helps.

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      I've done exact same thing searched for hours and hours. My GP suggested that and lexapro. But decided on celexa. I'm on it for anxiety too. Which is crazy cause then it just makes it worse. I'm looking forward to being 2-3 weeks out. Hoping i feel a difference then too. I hope my Appetite comes back soon too.

  • Posted

    Day 7 on citalopram. Day 5 was the worst. I've completely lost my appetite and cant sit still. My body is literally shacking. I get so tired and can't sleep or sit still. Day 1-4 were ok. I know that things should get better after week two or week for but it does seem a world away.

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