Citalopram Day 7

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My GP started me on citalopram last week after abit of a meltdown over Christmas. I was so on edge about taking medication for anxiety but felt this was a long time coming so listened to the Dr, have taken time off work and took my 1st tablet last Tuesday. Today is day 7 so still early days - i am just hoping for some reassurance or they others have experienced similar.

Day 1 was awful, lots of tears, drowsy, lethargic.

Day 2 was abit better - still anxious and the constant fear that i will never feel my normal self again.

Day 3 was much the same.

Day 4 & 5 was the worst! Anxiety through the roof, crying, palpitations, heart rate constantly quick, stomach constantly flipping! Absolutely horrendous.

Day 6 was great, slow to get going but noticable drop in anxiety. Feeling positive that i will get through this

Day 7 seem to have gone backwards again. Reasonable morning, still constant anxious feeling but controllable. This afternoon has been awful though, like im going to go into a panic attack any minute. Have managed to control it but such a horrible feeling.

On top of this i feel guilty that my mom and husband are having to deal with my daughter and also worrying as starting a new job in 3 weeks!

I am really hoping i can shake this!!!

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    i am day 6 came off cold turkey two months ago well nightmare ensued high anxiety did not want to back on i was on 15 years but alas had to

    do not remember any side effects from last time only stomach this time tiredness stomach anxiety but lets hope tomorrow better you are all doing very well this is a great place to share our daily journey and see how we are all coping and hoping keep going we will all get there i feel sure

  • Posted

    hi sam

    im going through the same for the 2nd time.

    if it helps at all i found a message from last time to a friend that said i was feeling better and more human by week 3... i appreciate some people dont

    but try and take a win from each day if you can.

    like did you leave the house?

    did you eat?

    have you had moments of relief from feeling anxious?

    im here if you want to chat xx

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