Citalopram for surgical menopause
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Hi all. I have been in surgical menopause for just over 2 years now and for the last 20 months I've been taking Hrt. I've decided to come off them as I don't think they are helping that much as I'm feeling so crap. Getting out of bed each morning is a chore, I've put on a stone and a half in weight, my joints ache, I've no interest in anything, no motivation and I could shut myself away as I've no desire to go out or see anyone. My husband has been fantastic and supportive, even though with my zero libido he's climbing the walls so add a bit of guilt into the mix. I feel he's doing all the giving and getting nothing back and I've just let myself go. Anyway I've just come back from seeing my doctor who I felt had no empathy whatsoever and I'm taking a reduced dose of Hrt for 2 weeks then finishing. Alongside that he's given me a 2 weeks supply of citalopram 20mg as he says my symptoms may be due to depression and not menopause. I'm sitting here not knowing whether to take my first one and totally undecided. Has anyone any experience of these antidepressants who could let me know how they got on? Thanks in advance for any advise.
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Fairy28 Dawnb64
Dawnb64 Fairy28
chriselora4321 Fairy28
We certainly don't chose to go through this, in fact I'm sure we'd all give it a pass by if we could.
We're all here for each other anyway. Hope you feel a bit better soon. xx
Fairy28 chriselora4321
chriselora4321 Fairy28
To mis-quote Dr McCoy from Star Trek -
"It's worse than that - it's the menopause, Jim."
"It's life Jim, but not as we know it."
Dawnb64 chriselora4321
chriselora4321 Dawnb64
With the myriad of weird, strange and downright painful symptoms we can go through, it's often only on forums like this that we find reassurance and explanations and pass on any tips that may help.
That's the physical side of menopause. The mental side, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, to name a few, often decide to join in as well knocking us off balance wondering if we're going off our head.
I've been in agony with pain in my neck, back and joints for the past two days, so I'm not at my best at the moment.
When you stop and really think about it, we women are actually all very strong.
I might not feel I am strong right now, I sincerely doubt if most men could cope and go through what we do. If that was the case, there would be a lot more research and resources available to help relieve the horrible symptoms we women all go through.
We are here for each other. x
Dawnb64 chriselora4321
chriselora4321 Dawnb64
It pulls me down and I can't seem to get comfortable. It affects my sleep, which makes me tired and it's a vicious circle.
If someone offered me a pill to try I probably would. I don't like prescribed medication but needs must to make the pain go away
My husband is good about it all and tries to support me. He has a serious medical condition of his own and I know the stress from that isn't helping me relax. I've made an appointment for next week with an osteopath to try cranial manipulation and other Techniques which are said to help relieve/reduce pain.
The doctors can't help and short of taking stronger painkillers - which I really don't want to do - If There's no other solution I may have to go down that road.
We're here for each other anyway, if nothing else, we can comfort and help just by being here on this forum. xx
Dawnb64 chriselora4321
jane08837 Dawnb64
Dawnb64 jane08837
CCinCal Dawnb64
Dawnb64 CCinCal
CCinCal Dawnb64
Dawnb64 CCinCal
CCinCal Dawnb64