Clear endoscopy but symptoms are getting worse!

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Ive been ill for 5months now and nothing is being diagnosed!i had quite a few blood and stool tests a couple of months ago which were all clear.i also had an endoscopy a couple of days ago but it was clear although the Doctor took some samples to check under the microscope.Im just wondering if anybody else is going through or has been in the same situation?or can identify whats going on?

My symptoms are-


•Stomach and Bowl pains/cramps



•Fatigue(extreme tierdness)

Any suggestions what it could be?


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22 Replies

  • Posted

    if doctors can't find a cause it can be intolerances, there's lots of information about it on the net; the usual culprits are grains or dairy products; you could try keeping a food diary to see what upsets you but an elimination diet is better. With an elimination  diet you introduce new foods gradually into your diet and note the reactions, again there's a lot of info out there. A friend of mine recently gave up wheat and the difference was huge. good luck. 
    • Posted

      I do keep a diary and i find that fatty foods make me feel worse.thanks for replying kerry x
    • Posted

      If fatty foods effect you (they do me too) you could have gastritis, i have a chronic form and I avoid alcohol, sugar, salt, dairy, wheat and all things acidic like citrus fruits. the results of your biopsy should tell you what's going on;
  • Posted

    Hi daisy, you say you had an endoscopy ? Do you mean colonoscopy as that's the area they should be targeting. Are you on any meds, if so which ones ?


    • Posted

      Yes that right,theyve given me ones that disolve in the mouth to stop the nausea,i take the 30-60 mins before i eat and sometimes they work a little bit but normaly they dont make much difference.
    • Posted

      What did they give you? And was it an endoscopy or colonoscopy What are they doing about a follow up ?  You need to stamp your feet and demand they do something they just can't dismiss you 


    • Posted

      They're called Lansoprazel tablets,and no it was an upper endoscopy they did.i know ive had enough of it now all i seem to want to do is lie down because its to painful to sit normaly.ill just have to wait untill the microscope results come back and then see what we can do untill then,thank you for your replys x
    • Posted

      Lanzoprazole are for upper GI and gerd complaints (ppi)s.  Still don't know why they didn't do a colonoscopy, 


    • Posted

      Just try and stay strong I'm sure they will get to rhe bottom of it , oops pardon the pun. No seriously don't be fobbed off


    • Posted

      Thank you for your help,ill make sure that doesnt happen x
  • Posted

    Is there any fever? How is your appetite? Headache is a little unusual When its your stomach thats the problem. For the stomach be careful as to what you are eating and it could be stress. 
    • Posted

      I have absolutly nothing to be stressed about,appitite is rubbish,eating hardy anything and my family has started noticing that im getting very hot.
    • Posted

      Do you mean that your face is flushed after eating? mine does this and it's a symptom of gastritis, it's called gastric flush.
    • Posted

      My research tells me that you can cure yourself of ibs by making sure the balance of flora in the gut is correct.
    • Posted

      It could be candida, but really they are morer less the same thing with two different names.

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