Clob and the clitoris
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I'm on the NHS and for the most part I find their explanations regards using clob and LS, in general, are so lacking.
I noticed a while ago that my clitoris had become white on the one side. The flesh around this area is 'looser' than on the other side. (The hood surrounding it). So it's changed structure I guess?
I pointed this out to my doctor and asked if I should use the clob on this area on the clitoris. I think it's hard to see in regular light tbh. . She said to put it on the hood? I can't see how that would help, to be honest?
I get painful clit a lot too. Do I rub it on this area (it sounds scary as the clob burns me no matter where I put it).
ALSO, did anyone else suffer a lot of pain upon using clob ointment in the beginning? I might have asked this before, but I guess my hormones make me foggy brained. Any advice appreciated.(I'm 54).
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Guest callianne_65675
Hi, as I said haven't been diagnosed with LS, but I have all the symptoms, the doctors gave me 2 different ointment which when I put it on it irritated it more, haven't had the clob yet, we might be extra sensitive , as I have said to the doctor I know how my body feels. Take care x
callianne_65675 Guest
I'm having the worst flare up ever. I used the clob again and now I'm in so much pain. It feels burned, like scalded. Nothing is calming it down. I'm in a bit of a state. Urine also smells really strong and also vag smells strong, but not like BV (Fish smell) just smells weird. Ugh!
LeahRSA callianne_65675
Sands xxx
callianne_65675 LeahRSA
Thanks so much Leah. It's calmed a bit now. I drank a fair bit of water and at least the urine has settled somewhat. I don't have a bladder infection I know that. (Well, I can't know but I doubt it). We really get into a pickle at times with this. The scalding feeling has gone. I ended up rinsing well and putting coconut oil on. It's also strange how one day coconut oil will work, then it just stings, then on another day emu oil will work so on. Thanks so much for the support xxx
caroline16811 callianne_65675
Hi there, I've never had pain using Dermovate which I think is much the same as Clob so I can't speak for that but my advice and this is only MY view is put that clob everywhere and we are supposed to rub it in for 90 seconds at least. We are told to fear steroids but for LS it's a while other ball game as LS THICKENS the skin not thins it. Obviously if the clit is super then be gentle. But use it every day for a month, then every other day then twice a week when all the white areas have gone. I can't emphasise using a barrier ointment enough. I use HYDROMOL. it's fantastic. Protected the skin from urine, sticking together and moisturises. Much more comfortable especially when sore. My fusing has halted since I've been using it. I'd also suggest looking at your vulva closely often so you can see any improvements which will hearten you as well as any white patches that may appear as you don't always get signs like itching our burning .
Hope this helps hon, it's a horrible, depressing, hateful disease but once you get something that works out ceases to take over your life.
Let us know how you get on xx
Sorry I meant if the clit is SORE ! (though I'm sure its super too lol😃 )
callianne_65675 caroline16811
Lol, my concentration is so poor I didn't notice, I'd be happy for a super clit again.
. I'm in the UK so will look up the name Hydromol or any other makes similar. Thank you.
caroline16811 callianne_65675
As would I! it's like digging for gold trying to FIND mine now 😢
You can get Hydromol in Boots and most chemists - they do small medium and kilo tubs. Make sure you get the OINTMENT tho hon not cream. Xx
lorraine72329 callianne_65675
Hi, i was only diagnosed with this desease Christmas 2016,
I've been told to keep using the dermovate ointment
Once a day, which i do,
But i to get stabbing paint now and again,
My clitorus is white i was told to apply the ointment to it,
I don't go back to see my doctor till September,,
I don't get any itching now,
But , it's sore most of the time ,not the clitorus the whole area,
I also get little bright red spots everywhere, which come and go,,
There's always something different,
Do you suffer with these or does anyone else, ?
I do use borax and bicarbonate it soder,
Kindest regards x
callianne_65675 lorraine72329
I do get weird stabbing pains, I've put this down to perimenopuase. I get so many weird symptoms down there loll. I'm not aware of bright red spots, I could do actually come to think of it. My LS does not itch. I know I am lucky, but I get the pain instead. Sometimes I get like a rash type thing, is that the red spots? Can you tell me how to use the borax it sounds scary, I've heard some people here mention it. I have a brain like a sieve these days I'm afraid. I forget everything
lorraine72329 callianne_65675
Hi, you know, maybe we could start are own research?
Into lichen's,
If only Dr would really listen to us,!
It's a strange sort it rash/red spots, i get mainly when I'm
Very tired,comes and goes,oh well,!
What i do with the borax is ,I've got a small spray bottle , like the
ones from boots the chemists i fill it with cool boiled water
And i add 4pinches of borax give a shake, i use this after
Going to the toilet.
Hope this helps,, good luck!!!
Big hugs to you all, i honestly don't know what i would do
With out this forum, thanks lovely ladies xxxx
SherbetDip callianne_65675
I'm so glad you mentioned that you do not itch! I've just been diagnosed with LS (either side of the clitoris on innner labia) and I had no syptoms at all: no pain, no itching, no discomfort and *everything* I read mentioned itching.
My doc noticed white patches during my annual smear test and also did a biopsy to rule out pre-cancer cells. I've been given Clob cream but am a little worried about using it (since I don't itch and its main purpose is to stop the itching).
I'm 39 and very worried this could be perimenopause (my doc has assured me it's not this but no tests have been done so how can she be sure)
callianne_65675 SherbetDip
Did they biopsy the actual white parts? If so then you rest assured that they are right. I haven't had a biopsy so just go on what a few doctors and a gyne said. (Which worries me I admit).
I believe the clob is a healing cream to reduce the whiteness. However, I am no expert. Not everyone entering peri will have LS, but some have atrophied. Perhaps go back to them and ask them to explain this further.
Guest callianne_65675
Hi, I had a biopsy Monday as the gynecologist said I had white patches, she said she wouldn't have done a biopsy if it was itchy, but mine isn't itchy, just sore and I get open sores, she took the biopsy from the white patch, she thinks its LS but wants to be sure as it could be lichen planus, which when I went to a VD clinic as I thought I was having an herpes attack, the doctor there told me it was lichen planus.
callianne_65675 Guest
Guest callianne_65675
Hi, had a biopsy last Monday ,the consultant said I had white patches and if it had been itchy she wouldn't have done biopsy, I think I have had this a long while as it use to be itchy, now I get white patches which then split looks like a blister what's popped. She told me for the time being to use hydromel ointment till the results come back the she will prescribe the correct. Both consultants' were horrified when I mentioned borax and bicarbonate, they said they a caustic detergent and would thin your skin at alot faster pace. She also told me not bath to much as water aggravates LS. I wish you good luck
callianne_65675 Guest
Guest callianne_65675
Hi, I asked if salt water was ok and she said no, , she told me to get in a warm bath count to 20 then get out and to use Aqueous cream as a soap ( which is cheap to buy ) I have been doing what she said & its helped. I never wear knickers now, as when I have done later on in the day they've agitated it., you should make sure you put hydromel ointment on at nite, it won't harm you, I just use it sparingly. Take care xx
LeahRSA Guest
I also use aqueous cream to wash, the cream only not the bar of aqueous soap. I can't bath at the moment as we have massive water restrictions in Cape Town at the moment as we are experiencing the worst drought we have had in years here.
callianne_65675 LeahRSA
That sounds horrible (the water). I'm from SA say hi to SA for me! x
LeahRSA callianne_65675
Guest LeahRSA
LeahRSA Guest
SherbetDip callianne_65675
Yep, they did a biopsy and confirmed it as LS :s. Having a needle shoved into me milimetres from my clit was literally the most painful thing I've ever experienced and I have a very high pain threshold
Have been reassured by the Gyno that the clob is to stop the inflammation and immune system response as well as itching. Will demand hormone tests when I go back for the vulva check in 2 weeks time!
LeahRSA SherbetDip
callianne_65675 SherbetDip