Codeine withdrawal symptoms

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So to cut a long story short I have been addicted to codeine for over one year. I knew I had a problem but was unable to reduce my intake so decided enough was enough and decided to go cold turkey. I was taking at least 240mg per day. I am now 10 days since last codeine. I'm not going to lie and say it was easy - it was the worst week of my life but the past couple days have been a lot easier and feel so much better and normal again. My only symptoms I am having now is diarrheoa - I have had diarrheoa at least once a day for 10 days and have lost quite a bit weight. How long does the diarrheoa last?! I have bought Imodium but don't want to start messing about with them but feel I might need to. Another problem I am having is sleep - falling asleep okay at nights but wakening up in the middle of the night and struggling to get back to sleep. I have started taking vitamins to start look after myself a bit better and hopefully help with this but any advise would be appreciated. Thank you.

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    You are so strong, I wish I could be like you. I have been on cocodamol for over 2 years and it has changed my whole life. I'm always tired and ratty. I'm thinking of coming of it that is why I have looked and read loads of people's posts about the withdrawal.  So tomorrow will be my first day of not having any. I have made sure there is none in my house as I'm certain I will get tempted. I'm not sure if I will tell my husband? I think he will be very supportive, but I could be very wrong  

    Keep up the good work, you have  inspired  me to also kick the habit xx

    • Posted

      Hi Zoe - you’ve taken the most difficult step & that’s stopping of your own free will before you have to stop due to a medical emergency. I’ve been on & off codeine for over 10 years. 

      Day 35 today and getting back on track, it’s only when we are off codeine we really appreciate the damage it does to us, completely takes over our lives and destroys our enjoyment in beautiful every day things - Reading, listening to music, a chat and a coffee with a friend, laughing in someone’s company. 

      You’re gonna have a rough few days, we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to get through it. 

      Good Luck !!

    • Posted

      Well done to you. I have lost a few very special friends because of my addition.  I always thought it helped me with my anxiety, but I really think it is the cause of it. I know it is going to be so hard but when I read other people's story's it inspires me to do it. Thank you for your kind words xx

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      Hey Zoe, I just joined this group 5 days ago and it has been an enormous help to me. I was addicted to codeine for over 10yrs, I was on and off them for probably 20yrs but my real addiction started about 10yr ago.  I was on 20-25 30mls a day every day. I tried giving up last summer but didn't succeed, the reason was I still loved the effect they gave me. Anyways I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was ready......I'd had enough. I hated the effects, they stopped giving me that warm fuzzy feeling and I realised I wasn't living life to the full. My head was always cloudy and I was starting to realise my thoughts were numb. I was on codeine autopilot so to speak. I weaned right down nearly 3wks ago and gave up totally on Thursday night. I was planning on buying more on the Friday but then thought why? I should just stop! Something clicked and I actually stopped. This was a huge deal for me because I thought I was weak, I would never give up, not me, but I did and it's the best thing I've ever done. It was hard but worth it. I must admit it wasn't as bad as I thought. I was achy, tired, couldn't sleep, restless. fact I still am but the thought of stopping is worse than stopping. You must always have in your mind that it will get better! I promise you it will! I had days where I thought it won't get better for me but it is. I'm still suffering withdrawl symptoms now, I'm still tired and achy and have bad anxiety, the anxiety is the worst but that can be overcome. I guess I'm just saying, please stick it out even though it will be hard it will be so worth it. You'll get your life back. What's a week or so in exchange for a life free of pills? A happier, healthier life. Keep us informed and if you're struggling don't hesitate to contact someone. I'm always willing to listen. Take care and push forward xxx

    • Posted

      There used to be a forum called Codeine Free that was a dedicated one for codeine addiction with its own threads for different subjects. Unfortunately it was shut down due to lack of investment and time. When I've searched around i believe that the general consensus is that sharing ideas and experiences etc on a post is wrong and dangerous, which i do understand, however there is NOTHING else. The docs and chemists are unsympathetic, and the support simply isn't there. This thread is great and long may it last!

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      I agree, when I first asked for help from my gp which took years to pluck up the courage to do I was turned away and told codeine wasn't addictive. I didn't know where to turn so went to a walk in centre and broke down. I was told they didn't know how to treat me so I was then given a number to ring a drugs help line. I was only given details over the phone about how to wean myself off codeine and to absolutely not go cold turkey. This information was no help at all so I went back to my local gp surgery and begged for help. I was given codeine on prescription and I said I would wean myself off it. I did for a while but because I had no support I didn't succeed. I tried again a few weeks ago and I have succeeded but only because of talking to people on here. Honestly without groups like this we would be in limbo, no we're not professionals or doctors and maybe shouldn't give medical advice but we have experience and experience is knowledge. The professionals I spoke to had no idea how to treat me or told me what to expect coming off codeine apart from I might feel achy for a week. It's on here I gained my knowledge and more importantly moral support. I hope by us telling our stories we can help others!

    • Posted

      And that's why the loss of the forum was so frustrating. I can still log in and access the pages of advice and experiences. I've given up lots of times, and will again, when the time is right. What I have learnt amongst other things, is what works for me won't work for others and vice versa. For me it's CT all the way, tapering just doesn't work for me. The immediate physical symptoms while hellish are over in a week or so, the insomnia and RLS last a wee bit longer. The mental side has always been the issue for me. I've never lasted longer than a year codeine free, something will always take me back, be it injuries or stress!

      It's sad how you have been treated and I am so sorry. They call codeine the silent addiction and I understand why. It just isn't accepted or being dealt with. It is harder and harder to buy the tablets, but the support for coming off just isn't there.

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      I'm in England and can get tablets galore! Every chemist sells them and most supermarkets over here have chemists too so I could easily visit 11 chemists in a matter of hours. They're given out so easily on prescription too. I can't remember why I first started them but I loved the way they made me feel. I've always had low self esteem and they helped with that. To break the cycle you must find out what keeps you on them or going back to them.....For me it wasn't pain it was the buzz. As I no longer got a buzz I felt it was pointless taking them. I hope I never go back to them. I still suffer with RLS my legs are aching from thrashing around, I wake up feeling I've ran a marathon through the night.

      I wish you well and luck on your journey and let me know how you're getting on. 

    • Posted

      I've now gone 6 days codeine free. Today has been a good day. I'm happy today. I still feel tired and feel I have a heavy cold rather than the flu, I've been sneezing so much since stopping too but I can cope with that. The diarrhoea has cleared up. I still have RLS although it's not as bad as it was. I'm not sleeping well still and my legs feel heavy through the night but mentally I feel great! My anxiety seems to have nearly gone but my chest is still quite tight and I'm coughing a lot which I never used to do normally. I know codeine is a cough suppressant so that's maybe why I'm coughing so much now. Also my mood has improved I'm not as ratty. Here's hoping tomorrow is also a good day. So to anyone reading this, anyone thinking of stopping codeine or anyone just starting withdrawl- you can do it! It's worth it! I wish I'd done it sooner! ?

    • Posted

      Zoe you can do it!!!!!!! I’ve gone from 8 a day. 30/500 to 15/500 2 a day. I’ve learnt sooo much from being on this page. Even what to eat and relaxing more. Keep focused and remember your on the same journey as us all!! We’re all heading the right direction togther. Speak to a doctor or pharmacy!! If you need help. Ask! Xxx good luck! We’re with you!! Xx 
    • Posted

      I’ve been taking codeine for 20 years on and off for migraines. Somewhere along the line it became an addiction and I was using the tablets to relax and the buzz. Instead of having wine to relax after a hard day I would relax with codiene. When I was stressed I used codeine. I’ve tried numerous times to quit, going cold turkey which was not that bad and cutting down which I just couldn’t do. I finally decided with the change to codeine laws that I was going to quit as I was  adding to my prescriptions with OTC. I am so glad that we can’t buy it anymore. Anyway I got up to 18 30/500 per DAY!! and went Cold Turkey this week. It has been hell and I ended up in hospital with severe opioid withdrawal. Vomiting every 20mins for 24hrs with constant diarrhoea. I had terrible waves off fear and shivering etc. I went to hospital after about 60 hours after my last dose and they helped with fluids and meds and were really great. I’ve still got days to go of restesless, aching muscles etc but I’m over the worst. I would recommend if anyone has been taking as high a dose as I was to be very careful with Cold Turkey. Go to hospital if it gets too bad. This experience has been the turning point for me, I will NEVER forget this (nor will my partner who has been so supportive. I’m going to contact the 2 drs surgeries that I go to and ask them to put a ban on my file for codeine. Good luck guys and be careful. I dont regret what I went through but it helps to be prepared for it x
    • Posted

      Hi Fiona, sounds like you went through hell! I've had my symptoms 3wks now and they aren't easing up at all. I was on average of 25 30mls a day every day for about 10yrs but on and off them for a further 10yrs. What I'm struggling with is finding information on how long symptoms last. Every article I've read have said after 1wk I should feel much better then after 2wks I should be symptom free. I cut right down 3wks ago but gave up totally 8days ago. I still feel really ill and have diarrhoea 3wks in still. Did the hospital mention how long you would feel rubbish? 

      Good luck with your recovery too.

    • Posted

      Hi Donna,

      I’ve got some experience which may help - been on/off codeine for 10+ years & gone CT many times. 

      For the 1st 9-10 years when I gave up it was a 1 week detox feeling awful, felt distinctly better after a week and pretty much back to normal after a couple of weeks. 

      However, after my intake increased (average 1000mg, up to 1800mg codeine per day) and I had been using for over 10 years, then the detox has been way harder. 

      I gave up Cold Turkey on 2nd January and had a pretty hard time of it for 3-4 weeks, feeling much better now, back in the gym, eating well, restless legs pretty much gone and sleep returning to normal. 

      Unfortunately I have found with tapering that the withdrawals only really kicked in after I had stopped codeine completely, so it may be that your withdrawals need to be timed from when you completely stopped. 

      Hope this is of use. 

      Things that helped me:

      - hot baths

      - lemsip max

      - ibuprofen

      - herbal tea (rooibos, camomile)

      - Twinings Sleep Tea 

      - Lemsip Day & Night ; the 2 night tans can help if you are struggling to sleep 

      - marijuana: understand this isnt for everyone & I do not enjoy taking it, but it did help restless leg & for those nights when I just couldn’t sleep. 

      Hope you gain strength from these forums and stick with it - you will get better if you stay off codeine & the withdrawals will subside - it’s another couple of weeks and then you get your life back smile 

    • Posted

      Hi Donna I’m at the end of Day 5 now. The hospital told me that it would be about 7 days of significant withdrawal. I have withdrawn in the past and that 7 days has been a familiar timetable but this experience was completely worse that I ever dreamed. I think my experience was classic CT. My symptoms peaked at 48 - 72 hours and since then I’ve still got diarrhoea (but taking gastrostop) and I’m nauseas. I can only keep down clear fluids I have even solid food in 5 days. I’m wondering if your symptoms have been lesser in intensity but longer in duration due to your slowing down. I don’t know, 3 weeks seems a long time, maybe the timeframe starts from your CT 8 days ago. If so you should be almost there- but as long as you are codeine free and not suffering too badly then every day is bearable and one day closer to freedom from opioid addiction. I wish you luck, we are victorious for a long time in many years!  and I’ll keep posting 😊

    • Posted

      Hi thanks Steve. I was on an average of 720mls per day sometimes more sometimes less. When I dropped it was to 36mls a day....A huge drop that made me feel awful so I thought going cold turkey couldn't be worse. It wasn't worse it just prolonged my symptoms. I think you're right about me kinda counting my days from total withdrawl. It's now 10 days without codeine and I'm feeling much much better. I still have insomnia, my rls is still giving me problems and I have terrible pains in my legs throughout the night because of it,  but my energy has come back and I have a great appetite again. I hadn't ate properly for years. I'm enjoying life again, I have more confidence and I'm so awake and aware......It feels like I've just woke up from a 10yr slumber. I lost friendships and relationships because I wanted to stay home with my friend codeine, it was my crutch my happy pill. Not realising it was f^*king my life up. 

      If I keep struggling with sleep I'll take'll help with my pains too. I used to smoke it when I was a teen so I know it will relax me.  I tried night nurse which is a night time flu medication, it helped a little. I was taking ibuprofen through the day but I'm trying to do without them now. I'm taking herbal sleeping pills but they don't help. Anyway I'm glad I pushed through the symptoms it is so worth it. 

      Can I just say well done to you for also beating this addiction. Stay strong and thanks again for advice and support xx

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