coil regret

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I had the merina coil fitted a year ago. first I had 3 months of terrible pain, that settled and my periods seemed a lot lighter and gradually became even lighter. However, lately I have pain and bleeding after sex, lower back pain and pain in my hips that I hadn't thought could be conected until I saw this site. i am making an appointment to see about alternatives. I am a 47yr old grandmother, working full time I can do without this hass :evil: le. Looking back in hindsight I have been less active and energetic than I was before....It is so easy to make excuses for not feeling energetic, but before I had the coil fitted, I felt a lot more alive, my sex drive has suffered too.

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    I too had a merina coil fitted in september 2007, and i really wished i had seen this site before having it done, i have experiences of acne, weight gain, mood swings, these were never discussed when going for consultation, they told me it would be the best thing for me, as i was suffering with very painfull periods, i also have fibroids, I have just booked a dr.s appointment to see about having it removed.
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    I had the coil fitted 18mths ago at first i was on top of the world after heavy period etc. but know is a different story started bleeding again, no sex drive, poor husband can not doing anything right, just feel like running away, went to the docs she has sent me for a scan and yes it's moved. I've booked to see the doc again and I'm having it taken out, and not having it put back in. Will let you know how it is in a couple of weeks.

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    After reading all through this site, i am amazed at how many of us women are experiencing these awful side effects, i am at dr.s this thursday to see if she will take this coil out, i will let you know how i get on. im just amazed at the consultants do not give the information on side effects when you go for consultation.
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    Ive come back from seeing my doctor, i told her i would like the coil out as soon as possible and to my delight, she has arranged for me to go back next wednesday to have it removed, smile Im just keeping my fingers crossed that it is still in the position its supposed to be. ill let you all know how i goes. good luck with every one else who are seeking help with having it removed.

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    hi all new to this website only found it today, right where do i start , try to cut it short. had 2 kids ,decide to have old coil removed, decide to go with the sterilisation option , last year , had bad effect after been back and forth eversince, went for a smear 6 weeks ago told had some cysts , bit not to worry , been back again to see doc who is a gyno , and told her about bad periods , constant weeing only to find out now have fibroids after being examined again, she has told me that having the marina will shrink them ,reduce periods etc etc etc stop cervical cancer but really concerned now not ready for hysto but need this to stop help
  • Posted

    Hi sorry to hear your suffering with periods and fybroids, ect.

    i also had fybroids and suffered really bad periods pains, the only way i could describe them LABOUR PAINS, i had the marina coil for 6months like i said in my other replies i didnt like it along with the side effects, i had it removed about 2 weeks ago, at the moment i have'nt had a period or suffered any pain, i feel as though my weight has reduced, or its my wish full thinking. I know it says what works for one may not work for another, my friend had one fitted and she had no complaints only weight gain. so what ever you decided good luck. i too found this site by accident but after reading all the other ladies story's i was very pleased i did.

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    yes yes yes all the same symtoms heavy periods labour pain back pain need to wee ,feels like pressure in my belly , but i dont know if the other symptoms from the merina will be the same too , my only concern is the fibroids what will you do now then about your fibroids , i really dont want another op , she sais they about the size of an 8 week preg at the mo , i dont know is that big or am i panicking xx
  • Posted

    When i had my scan they told me i had about 6 fybroids plus emdiomitris (not spelt correctly), so that was why i had the marina fitted, when i went for the operation they lazered my lining of the womb, but not to sure if they did anything with the fybroids.

    The side effects of the marina for me where, weight gain, still heavy and painfull periods, mood swings all the time, lack of sex drive (my husband would say gone altogether) they told me my periods would stop altogether, i think i had about 6 days of not been unwell out of the six months, so for me i felt id made a mistake of having this coil, but it was worth a try, but must admit at the moment im glad i had it removed, its been around two weeks since it was removed and no sign of a period yet, my dr. did say i will have one in about a week, plus she wasnt sure if they would return painfull, so im keeping fingers crossed they dont.

    ill keep you updated.

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    I had the mirena coil put in two years ago first three months got through them the coil settled in had light period pain the i had a really light period 2 months later thank god it was light cos i was on holiday and caught me by surprised i have never had such a light period in my entire life so thought wow i have managed to find a cure for my heavy periods then bam a year later had a heavy bleed with clots and the coil just poped out sorry tmi literally since then had to try various pils no joy so still the same.

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    since replying to you all last time, i was waiting for my first period since having the coil removed, it was quite an anxious wait, hoping i hadn't made a mistake, but to my delight it was light, painfree, and only lasted 4 days. so at the moment im not regretting it. I have my first appointment with my garni in a couple of weeks, so dont think he will be too pleased that i only lasted 6 months with it in, so im hoping i can give him positive feed back when i go. Iv lost a little of the weight gain, not so moody. so that alone has to be a positive :D

  • Posted

    Hi, I've just come across this site as I was searching for info about my coil, I had it fitted in November 07 because of heavy painful periods and fibroids - I had a copper coil for 5 years previous to this - my periods have stopped except for a brownish discharge occasionally but I have started to feel really uncomfortable in my tummy almost as if I'm pregnant. When trying to find my threads it takes a while - never had this problem with the copper coil, I always knew exactly where to find it - so perhaps it has moved. I have back pain, I have gained a horrible amount of weight, my skin is dry and my poor husband thinks I've joined a convent!! Need to talk to the doctor I think as it sounds like my symptoms are similar to other peoples.
  • Posted

    Hi ellen

    I only found this site by accident, so glad i did as i had no information about the coil before i had it. I too suffered with all the side effects, this is why i had it removed, like i said in my last post i dont seem to have any of these since having it removed, i suffered quite bad with skin problems (never had problems before) this also seems to have gone.

    Wish you luck in what ever your decision will be. smile

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  • Posted

    Hi all - I had the Mirena coil fitted last year, and 2 weeks later had it removed...incredible back pain, worse than a period, and worst of all, my partner could feel the string, which freaked him out completely! That's on top of the PAIN when it was put in...\"just relax, dear, it will just feel like a mild period pain\" NO, THEY ALMOST HAD TO SCRAPE ME OFF THE CEILING! Fortunately, it didn't hurt so much when it came out, although the plastic speculum thingy snapped while inside me...Good God, if only men had to go through with this!!

    I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but, like all things, it must suit someone somewhere.

    Lynne. :roll:

  • Posted

    I'm so pleased to have found this site! I just had the merina coil fitted yesterday, and I'm already wanting it out. The experience of having it fitted was horrid - I became very ill with vomitig and dizziness, and they wouldn't let me leave for ages til I had got better. They never said this was a possibiity, just that having it fitted can be uncomfortable and make people feel a bit perculiar. The rest of the day I was in so much pain. The cramps are worse than I've felt before, and my stomach is so bloated I look like I did when I was 6 months pregnant.

    Today seems no better. The cramps are still there, I'm very pain and keep having waves on nausea and dizziness, and my tummy is still huge. I've also started bleeding, although it's not too heavy at the moment. I also feel like I need to go to the toilet constantly.

    I wasn't told that this would be a possibility at all, and I feel slightly betrayed by the doctors who recommended this to me. I'm also concerned about some of the side effects that some of you here have mentioned, as these are all the side effects I was having on the Depo Porvara injections and the reason I was told to try this coil.

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