coil regret
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I had the merina coil fitted a year ago. first I had 3 months of terrible pain, that settled and my periods seemed a lot lighter and gradually became even lighter. However, lately I have pain and bleeding after sex, lower back pain and pain in my hips that I hadn't thought could be conected until I saw this site. i am making an appointment to see about alternatives. I am a 47yr old grandmother, working full time I can do without this hass :evil: le. Looking back in hindsight I have been less active and energetic than I was before....It is so easy to make excuses for not feeling energetic, but before I had the coil fitted, I felt a lot more alive, my sex drive has suffered too.
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I just wanted to update you on how things are. It's now 5 days after I had the coil fitted. It was Monday when I had it put in, and Tuesday when I wrote the last post above.
Well, Wednesday was a much better day - I felt much better, only had some slight cramping and the bleeding stopped. I was still a little under the weather but I was much happier, and thinking this was what I had expected. Thursday was mostly the same, a few slight cramps through the day but other than that I was fine. Until I drove home from work that is.
Whilst driving, I experience severe cramping that made it almost impossible to sit still without wanting to curl into a ball. I suddenly felt very sick, and had to pull the car over and get out as it was not safe for me to continue. AFter about 10 minutes of wandering around, I started to feel well enough to drive, and thankfully was only 5 minutes from home, but for the rest of the night and all day Friday I was in lots of pain, and the feeling of wanting to pass out and throw up came and went constantly.
Today is Saturday, and I still feel unwell, although better than yesterday. I can't stay in the same position for very long without feeling very uncomfortable, and I still feel sick now and then. For anyone who has been through pregnancy the best way I can describe it is like morning sickness feelings. I was supposed to be driving accross the country to see my partners parents tomorrow, but have decided that a three hour drive is not wise, especially on motorways where there is nowhere to stop if I should get into trouble.
So, I have decided that come Monday I will be contacting the doctors to have it checked out. I'm really not convinced this is how I should be feeling nearly a week after insertion, so rather than carry on I want to speak to someone about it.
Anyway, that's you all now updated with my situation! I just thought someone might find it helpful if they're going through the same thing to know they're not alone. Once I've spoken to the doctor I'll come back and let you all know the outcome.
Li xx