Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone had colcoscopy? Is it painful? My Gp suggested that she will refer me. I am waiting for an appointment at the moment.
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone had colcoscopy? Is it painful? My Gp suggested that she will refer me. I am waiting for an appointment at the moment.
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Guest ImagineOneDay
Totally painless. They will give you propofol and the procedure takes about 10 minutes or less. The hardest thing for me, and you will hear most people say, was having to drink the prep the night before, but I've heard it's much easier than it was when I had mine done 7 years ago.
When I had mine done (this was before all the meno nonsense, but maybe not since I had been dealing with a year of diarrhea) I woke up feeling very refreshed. Don't worry, you'll be fine. And then when you find out everything was great you won't have to worry about it for another ten years! yay!!
ImagineOneDay Guest
What's the drink for Suzanne? Are we talking about the same thing?! It is not colonoscopy, the one I am having is uterus, cervix etc examined colcoscopy. Do I still need a drink?
kelly55079 ImagineOneDay
I turned 50 this year so I'm due for one.. I'm not ready to do it now but perhaps next year. Some drinks are worse than others so research that before hand. That will help drinking that stuff a little more.
klm1213 ImagineOneDay
If you are indeed asking about a colcoscopy (gynecological procedure) it is honestly no worse than a pap smear... You will be fine 😃
ImagineOneDay klm1213
Yes, that's the one klm thank you
Gigi368 ImagineOneDay
If you're referring to having your lady bits examined, as I suspect, it's not painful according to my daughter who suffers from dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells on her cervix). She gets this every year and a biopsy to see if she needs the cells removed. If no biopsy it's pretty much just like a pap smear.
Good Luck!!
ImagineOneDay Gigi368
Yes Gigi, that's the one. Thank you for sharing your daughter's experience. All the best to your daughter too
lori92895 ImagineOneDay
Yes definitely research the cleanse first. The stuff they gave me to drink tasted like lemon and I don't do lemon. So it made me sick to my stomach. Not painful and I had a good nap.
Guest ImagineOneDay
lol! Sorry about my response but I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I've never had a colcoscopy.
cindy17746 ImagineOneDay
I just had one done. No pain whatsoever. Results came back normal. Age-related inflammation. I was super nervous for it, but it was quick and painless. I hope it goes well! xo
ImagineOneDay cindy17746
Thank you Cindy. It is reassuring. I am glad a came clear for you. I am guessing I will have a similar diagnosis too. Did they give you anything for the inflammation?
cindy17746 ImagineOneDay
They did not. They said it would likely go away/come back, but that it was nothing to worry about.
anxiousface ImagineOneDay
Don't be worrying yourself its absolutely painless and quick. i had one done in 2017.
like suzanne says its the drink thats the hardest to take which is the day before and you must make sure your near a toilet, i took the day off work.
you'll be fine hun x
sara97862 ImagineOneDay
Hi IC,
I am glad you asked this question... I am due for one in November, and the replies have eased my mind.
Best of luck! Let us know how it goes.
Take care,
ImagineOneDay sara97862
Good luck to you too Sarah. I will let you know when I had it done. I am still waiting for an appointment. Best wishes