Cold sensation on forehead. Could this be anxiety?

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i have had a difficult couple of years & just lost my Dad to Lung & brain cancer. I had to watch him suffer for 3 months & it made my anxiety shoot through the roof. For the last few months I have had a build up of mucus in the back of my throat, an occasional fullness in my ears & throbbing in my head when I bent over. I was told that it was probably Sinus issues. of cause didnt believe my doctor & started assuming i had a brain tumor or something especially given my Dad was dieing from Brain cancer although the primary cancer was in his lung. The mucus problem appears to be settling down with the help of nasal rinsing however I now have this strange sensation in my forehead like a cold feeling on the skin. I don't think my skin feels cold to touch. All I have been doing is Googling this & of cause it comes up with aneurysms, tumors, MS etc etc & this just makes me notice the sensation more! However, I have also noticed that anxiety can cause strange physical sensations & I am wondering whether this is what I am experiencing. If I don't concentrate on the sensation I forget about it but then I remember I have forgot about it & look for it. Its mentally exhausting & I absolutely hate worrying, it stops me functioning properly.

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7 Replies

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    I am very sorry for your loss. Anxiety can cause hundreds of different symptoms., Including having the cold sensations. Fullness in the ears, throbbing in the head are very common with anxiety as well as mucus in the throat. None of your symptoms sound like brain tumor or anything serious. It truly sounds like anxiety . you are going through a grieving process that is affecting you deeply. i’m not surprised you are having these symptoms.

    i strongly recommend that you stay off of Google looking for reasons for your symptoms. You are going to get scared for no reason. You can take just about any symptom and it will go along with many many conditions that are not serious. Google seems to focus on the worst conditions. None of that is going to pertain to your individual situation.

    Another reason I think you are experiencing anxiety is because you said you forget about the symptom when you don’t focus on it. that commonly happens with anxiety.

    if you are having a really hard time with the grieving process and anxiety, I would suggest that you speak with a counselor who can help you manage all of this. It really helps to talk it out with somebody who can help. I do hope that you feel better soon.

    You are going to be OK! ❤

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    I usually get all over chills, have cold sweats, or just all of a sudden feel like Im freezing when I was fine when I have panic attacks. Its really common for me. Even if I have a minor panic attack. That could be it. You might be having just a mini panic attack. I personally don't think you should worry. If you feel completely overwhelmed with it though talk to your primary care doctor. But I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.

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      @dakota10471 I tend to sweat in bed even when it is cold. I was having palpitations last week but they appear to have disappeared now & now my focus has moved to this strange head sensation. I have spoken to my doctor this morning & he thinks it could be either inflammation around my sinuses or a little health anxiety. However, I feel reasured for a while then the thought that he might have missed something starts going around my mind!

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    @jan34534 thank you for your kind words. Yeah you made a good point regarding the greiving process. I was running on auto pilot when my Dad was ill trying to take care of the things for him as well as my 13 year old son who I took full time custody of over a year ago. It's not been an easy time to say the least however, there are people worse off then me. I didnt realise I had health anxiety until it started affecting my every day life. I have this habit of needing reasurance & I feel a need to look for symtoms because if I dont find any & I feel ok then my mind says I am jinxing myself. Really wish I didnt think this way.

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    Anxiety can cause you have sensations, tingling in different parts of your body. I notice I tend to get tingling in my arms when I am anxious. It may be worth going to your doctor and asking them to assess you for anxiety. There is a anxiety tool that they use so it is more objective way of knowing.

    I am sorry for your loss. Grieving can bring up a lot of emotions it would be worth you seeing a psychologist who can help you find ways to manage anxiety. Grief counselling may also help. I wish you well. Stay strong you can get through this.

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    Hi, I am so sorry for your loss, I came across this post because I was looking for the same thing online, I have this very weird cold feeling / numbess at the top of my forehead, and its the same, if I dont think about it, I forget and its not there, but if I do its there, it also feel some tingling (numbness) at the tip of my nose whenever I think about it. The reason Im writting, even tho you posted this a while ago, is that, not only the symptoms are very similar, but Im also going through the same thing, Im loosing my father to a lung cancer that spread to his head and, well, its not everyday you come across someone being in the same situation. I wanted to know, did the symptoms fade, was it just anxiety ?

    Thank you for letting me know and have a great day 😃

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      heya i know this post was a long time ago but ive also been experiencing these symptoms for over 2years ive had no answers from health care professionals ive been to numerous a&e departments waited hours amd had no answers...

      i do suffer anxiety but since having children i thought id beaten it but these symptoms are stopping me from being a good parent i cannot function right. i was wondering if either of you ever got an answer or got better?

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