Come and Go Nausea past two days
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I am a 26 year old white male. 165 pounds and 5'11. I stay in excellent shape i.e run several times a week and eat as healthy as possible. Yesterday morning I started to have some nausea. Now I think the event that triggered that was having black coffee on an empty stomach on my way to work. I had a good breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. Then I had another cup with creamer in it. That triggered a quite intense bout of nausea. Later yesterday, I had a cup of ginger tea and that helped but it came back again but not as bed.
Today I woke up and haven't had any coffee but this nausea comes and goes. Right now its okay but it keeps on coming back. I have lost my appetite. I have a cup of ginger tea and that has soothed my stomach. In addition, I have some mild cramps, burping, and flatulence.
Nothing severe but annoying nonetheless. MY stool is normal as in blood or anything. What could this be?
I have a sensitive stomach anyway. Coffee usually gives me the runs and I nearly got seasick on cruise I went on a few months ago . I am also a hypochondriac and I am wondering if me stressing out about this is making it worse.
Any help would be appreciated.
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heeralal61106 tim_66594
Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach that often comes before vomiting. Vomiting is the forcible voluntary or involuntary emptying ("throwing up"
of stomach contents through the mouth.Nausea and vomiting are not diseases, but they are symptoms of many conditions such as:
Crohn's Disease
Test Your Knowledge
Slideshow: Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting
WebMD has remedies for nausea and vomiting and tips on when to see a doctor. Pictures show home remedies and bust myths about treatments that don't work.
Video: Living With IBS-C
How this triathlete keeps moving.Motion sickness or seasickness
Early stages of pregnancy (nausea occurs in approximately 50%-90% of all pregnancies; vomiting in 25%-55%)
Medication-induced vomiting
Intense pain
Emotional stress (such as fear)
Gallbladder disease
Food poisoning
Infections (such as the "stomach flu"
A reaction to certain smells or odors
Heart attack
Concussion or brain injury
Brain tumor
Some forms of cancer
Bulimia or other psychological illnesses[ url=] sutta[/url]
Gastroparesis or slow stomach emptying (a condition that can be seen in people with diabetes)
Ingestion of toxins or excessive amounts of alcohol
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