Come and Go Nausea past two days

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I am a 26 year old white male. 165 pounds and 5'11. I stay in excellent shape i.e run several times a week and eat as healthy as possible.  Yesterday morning I started to have some nausea. Now I think the event that triggered that was having black coffee on an empty stomach on my way to work. I had a good breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. Then  I had another cup with creamer in it.  That triggered a quite intense bout of nausea. Later yesterday, I had a cup of ginger tea and that helped but it came back again but not as bed.

Today I woke up and haven't had any coffee but this nausea comes and goes. Right now its okay but it keeps on coming back. I have lost my appetite. I have a cup of ginger tea and that has soothed my stomach.  In addition, I have some mild cramps, burping, and flatulence.

Nothing severe but annoying nonetheless. MY stool is normal as in blood or anything. What could this be?

I have a sensitive stomach anyway. Coffee usually gives me the runs and I nearly got seasick on cruise I went on a few months ago . I am also a hypochondriac and I am wondering if me stressing out about this is making it worse.

Any help would be appreciated.


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    So today I woke up with nausea but it went away after a couple of hours after I had a banana and oatmeal.  One thing I did differently was have no coffee at all. I had ginger tea instead. As of right now, I feel much better but still not normal. Its like my stomach is just out of whack but there are no severe symptoms. Like yesterday, I went running in the afternoon and I couldn't keep up with the other people because I just couldn't push myself harder without feeling weaker.

    My stool is normal. No blood. Normal brown color (sorry about TMI). No severe stomach or ab pains or rib cage pain. I took a tums yesterday and today and it seems to help. Today is actually the best I have felt in a week (so far)

    I feel my best in the evening but I am still concerned about the nausea in the morning. I do get some hunger pangs if I go without eating for a while. Seems I am getting better but very incrementally.

    • Posted

      Keep a note of what you are eating to see if food is causing bouts of nausea, eat little but often to help with hunger pangs and try to stay calm and don't worry about the nausea if your symptoms are getting better. Try eating earlier in the morning to combat the nausea.  It can take tine to solve gut problems.

  • Posted

    Thank you. I am just worried about something serious like ulcers or gastritis. I always rush to the worst conclusions about things. I just don't like having something I cant fix or that I do know what it is. I hate ambiguity. I fear if I go to my doctor, He will just put on Prilosec or another pill.

    • Posted

      When you have an ongoing gut complaint, your dortor is the best place to go for help.  It is not a bad thing or something to be feared if your doctor puts you on a PPI or another pill.  This means that your doctor is interested in trying to relieve your problem and is trying to eliminate possibilities as to what could be wrong. If you went to your doctor, and you explained all your symptoms and he fobbed you off and did absolutely nothing for you or even laughed at you which has happened to me, this would be something to fear or be worried about.  When your doctor offers you a medication, this is a good sign that you are being taken seriously.

      Some things you cannot fix by yourself and you need the expert help of a medical professional who is highly trained in health matters to help you out. This is the same with everything in life whether that be a car or a computer. If you have some knowledge, you may be able to fix a car or computer problem but there will be there times when you will need a technician or mechanic.  Our bodies are no differen!

    • Posted

      An update. So my nausea is mostly gone. No abdominal pain. No vomiting. There is some reflux after eating. Stool is brown color. 

      The only thing is I have hunger pangs. Today I woke up at  3 AM and had to eat a banana to go back to sleep. 

      Do this sound like ulcers or acid reflux? 

    • Posted

      Sounds more like reflux.  Try a food diary to see if a food is causing trouble since you get reflux after eating.  Ulcers commonly cause abdominal pain.  Stools should be a brown colour.  Avoid greasy, fatty and spicy food and try a bland diet.

      Antacids and milk are good for reflux.  However, if these symptoms continue, you should see your doctor and ask if you need an endoscopy to investigate your symptoms.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your help. I just hear about ulcers and don’t want them. I actually feel leaps and bounds better than when I first started this thread.  These hunger pangs are more annoying than painful. I guess you would know if you had an ulcer. 

      What other anti acids should I try other than Tums?

    • Posted

      Your doctor would tell you if he thought you had an ulcer by diagnosing it from your symptoms or by ordering an endoscopy.  Try eating little but often to fill yourself up more and if that doesn’t work, ask your doctor about it.  Gaviscon and milk help my reflux.  
    • Posted

      Just an update. My hunger pangs were far less today. I got about 8 hours of sleep although I woke up one time with minor hunger pangs but was able to go to sleep. 

      I am wondering if this is IBS too. My bowel movements have changed in the past day or so in terms of size, shape, and color (no black or red). Sorry about TMI. 

      Overall it seems all my symptoms are getting better. No nausea. Reflux has gone down. Hunger pangs hopefully are going down too. I still might make an appointment just to rule stuff out. 

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      It would be better to speak to a doctor to rule in/out ulcers, gastritis or IBS.
    • Posted

      So i went to the doctor and described my symptoms. He said that I have gastritis and it is likely stress related give how eventful the past few weeks have been. He wants me to take Prilosec (Omeprazole) for a month and then come back for a follow up. It seems the gnawing hunger pain symptom is what led to the diagnosis of gastritis. No bloody stool or anything like that. 

      ​I feel somewhat relieved after this diagnosis. Now I  can get better...

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      I am glad too.

      I have never taken Prilosec OTC but my doctor told me to take it for 2 weeks then follow up. I am already starting to feel better today. A lot better actually.  Are there any bad side effects with this medicine? I have read there aren't but everybody  is different. Should I continue to take it for the duration of the two weeks even If I start to feeling better?

    • Posted

      Take your PPI for the length of time your doctor recommended even though you are starting to feel better. This will help to protect your stomach lining from further inflammation.  I only experienced mild itching and nausea on omeprazole but these side effects went away.  Again, everyone is different.  If they don’t suit you, you can always ask for something different.
    • Posted

      Hello Pippa,

      The medicine is working quite well.

      I seem to be feeling better.

      One thing I noticed this morning was that there was a small amount of red in my stool which I presume to be blood. The stool otherwise was a darkish brown color.

      I am wondering if this just a sign of gastritis or worse an ulcer .

      Granted I have no abdominal pains or nausea or any ulcer symptoms.

      I have heard gastritis can cause these symptoms Which I am undergoing treatment for.

      What should I do? The meds seem to be working but this does concern me.


    • Posted

      You need to see your doctor to have this verified if this keeps happening. It is better not to presume it to be blood because this will trigger anxiety. Your doctor will tell you what this is. There is no point in assuming the worst when you don’t know yet.

      It could be undigested food especially if you have been eating any red vegetables such as red peppers, red fruits such as tomatoes, plums, strawberries. Red apples and beetroot could also produce a dark red colour that could br mistaken for blood.  Monitor your diet with a food diary.  If this never happens again, it is likely to be undigested food. 

      Was the red substance bright red?  If it is blood, the other possibility is haemorrhoids or fissures from straining from constipation if you have that problem. The blood would bright red in that case.

      Remember, when in doubt about your symptoms, always see your doctor if the problem doesn’t go away.   It is reassuring though that your medication is helping.

    • Posted

      Hey Pippa, 

      The one thing I did notice was that I did have some coffee before this happens. Coffee makes me go only a few sips.  I stopped drinking afterwards. It was kind of brightish red. It was only like a speck though. The rest of the stool. I’ll continue to monitor my diet and cut out coffee. I’ll stick to ginger tea. 

      Coffee really irritates my stomach and gives me the runs. 

      But yes the medicine is definitely helping.  The nausea is going away. No hunger pangs. 

      I feel almost normal.

    • Posted

      Coffee can be a gastritis trigger and it can also cause you to get the runs.   See your doctor about the brightish reddish substance in your stool.  At least your other symptoms are getting better.
    • Posted

      Hello Pippa,

      Thank you for your help and constructive comments the past few weeks.

      So the last few bowel movements in the past day have not contained those red specks. They were kind of brown-greenish.

      Yesterday I did eat quite a bit of green veggies. I had broccoli, lettuce, and kale.

      I am starting to think the red color was like undigested food or something.

      The toilet paper is not blood but rather a normal brown color.

      I will still bring this up with my doctor when I go back for my follow up appointment for my gastritis in a few weeks.

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      Sounds like the veggies you ate didn’t digest properly.  Good luck with the doctor.
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      I think that is the reason too. The last few BMs I have had since yesterday have been normal although the color changed from green to brown. No red signs. Although I did notice some black specks/dots in there.

      I can attribute that to diet. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables like blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, broccoli, kale, and bananas. In other words, I have very fibrous diet.

      In other news, my gastritis symptoms have drastically subsided. No more of those hunger pangs. I experience some nausea and gas which I chalk down to Prilosec OTC side effects.


    • Posted

      If you eat iron rich veggies such as lettuce and cabbage, this can cause black stools or the black specs.  Nausea and gas may also be from gastritis too.
    • Posted

      Good Morning Pippa,

      So I have waited a few days and have not seen any red in stool. I think what it was a undigested food. I did have a meal that had sliced red bell peppers in it as well as strawberries.

      Overall my gastritis symptoms have almost completed subsided except for some gas in the evenings but I am far better than a couple weeks ago.


    • Posted

      Hello Pippa,

      One thing I have noticed the past day or so is the return of these hunger pangs that go away after I eat something. I wonder how long it will take until the Prilosec become fully effective. I've heard it can take about 2-4 weeks to become fully effective.

      I will certainly mention this to my doctor when I go back in a couple weeks but the return of this symptom.

      I also have experienced some nausea, drowsiness, and mild dizziness which come and go but aren't severe. Just annoying,

    • Posted

      Nausea, dizzineess, tiredness are side effects of prilosec.  I experienced nausea and an itchy rash with it which went away after a few weeks of use.  However, if side effects continue or get worse, ask your doctor to reduce your dose or change the medication.  This drug can take up to a month to work.  It is designed to block acid only

      Gastritis symptoms can come and go; this is normal. 

    • Posted

      So these hunger pang symptoms have come and gone. Other that I have no other symptoms. Some burping but nothing out of the ordinary.  Stool is normal now.  

      I am starting to wonder if I have a h pylori infection. I have a follow up appointment next week so I’ll ask then. 

      I think I’m making a bigger deal of this then it is.  It started because I read that gastritis increase the chance of stomach cancer. So that had me freaked out

    • Posted

      So I went to the doctor after a month of taking Prilosec otc once a day. It has helped but hunger pangs are still there.

      My doctor has ordered a H. Pylori breath test and we will go from there.

      I have heard this test is the most accurate way to test for the bacteria as opposed to blood or stool test.

    • Posted

      Come off your PPI for two weeks before your H pylori test to make your test is accurate.  H pylori can cause gastritis and ulcers.

      The hunger pangs could still be your gastritis which can come and go, be constant or go away completely.   Stress and food triggers can keep your gastritis in flare up mode.

    • Posted

      I took the test this morning and was not told by my doctor to stop taking the PPI. This irritates me as now I will likely get a false negative. 

      If it comes up negative I will likely get a second opinion from a gastro as I am going to my primary care.  This is why I hate going to doctors.  They always make mistakes like this. Feel like I wasted my time today. The test was easy at least though.

    • Posted

      You should have been told to stop your PPI before your test.  I also find doctors a nightmare to go to now after being permanently injured after a blood test.  If I need blood tests, I go to the hospital where they employ proper experts rather than so called healthcare assistants who don’t know what they are doing.
    • Posted

      Yes. I am waiting for my  test results to come back but If it is negative then I will likely seek a second opinion from a gastro. I found one in my area that I have heard is good.

      My hunger pangs have subsided quite a bit in the past week or so. I am on some pain meds for a dental surgery I had Monday so I wonder if they masked the hunger pangs?

      Anyway I still can't believe my doctor did not tell me to stop those PPIs. Now I feel like I wasted my time getting the test. Furthermore my doctor wrote a script for 40mg Prilosec when my 20mg samples ran out. Why would he double dose when my symptoms. This is the second time he has done this for meds. He tried to put on BP medicine when my readings were high in the office despite the fact that I do a lot of cardio, eat right and my bp is low at home except at the Dr's office.

      Do you think I am rash for going to a gastro specialist for a second opinion on this issue?


    • Posted

      You probably have white coat syndrome which causes your BP to be normal at home and elsewhere but high at your doctors.  This is quite common and is often caused by anxiety at getting your BP tested.

      I would ask your doctor why he doubled your dose and tell him you were still on PPIs when you took your recent h pylori test and ask about repeating it after coming off your medication for two weeks before a retest.

    • Posted

      I’ve already brought that issue up with the PPI and I was told by both the nurse and doctor it wouldn’t affect the test. 

      He also got mad at me for refusing to  take the bp med even though I explained my bp is low at home. 

      I feel like my concerns aren’t really heard and I feel like he is being giving me meds to get me in/out faster. 

      No explanation was given for doubling the dose to 40mg. 

      That’s why I’m considering going to a gastro or another doctor 

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