coming off venlafaxine?
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I have been taking venlafaxine for over 7 years and can admit that it saved my life a few times in the early stages. I have tried to come off them numerous times,during the past 3 years but have failed every time. The gp honestly dosent know how to help, cut down slowly, miss every other dose...I've tried everything. The side effects of withdrawal are horrendous...shaking, sweating, panic attacks, sickness, violent outbursts, suicidal thoughts. Ive read all the horror stories and truly feel sorry for anyone who has ever taken ven. I'm desperate to quit them but it seems impossible. Any advice would be much appreciated!
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Anyway, about a month ago I realised I was forgetting to take more and more of the tablets. So cut down to just one a day. I felt fine on this dose, but then stated to forget to take just the one a day! having missed 3 days, I took one, felt more nauseous than ever, so decided to stop them completely. That was five days ago. Have felt down, cried, panicked, had brain zaps, vertigo but am not going to take them again. Oh yeah, sleep is now becoming rare, and nightmarish dreams wake me up if I do sleep... Oh well, but I am not going back to the drugs..... Good luck to you all, we will all get better and leave the drugs behind x
Yodajam89609 Mushroom
Hi Mushroom,
It's having the exact same effect on me as it did you.
I've cut down by 75mg. I'm now on 150mg SR daily.
I'm still having most of the effects, such as not caring how much I spend it eat. Struggling with eating junk etc, but I'm now making an effort to see friends and take my kids out places, which I couldn't do before. Getting out of bed and off the sofa was near to impossible for me.
I'm relieved I'm not the only one suffering these horrid effects.
On top off what I thought was withdrawal symptoms.... I now know the crappie bits that I have dealt with during the last few weeks (diarrhoea, flu like symptoms, total exhaustion, not liking anyone, eating rubbish food, then none at all! total loss of personality, confusion, severe headaches with shooting pains) sorry, but this is what I was experiencing, due to missed or late tablets!!!! I so did not connect the drugs with it... but now I have stopped, and checked it out..... I now know and would maybe not have done it with this knowledge...
On the up side, I hope I'm over the worse bits, and the fact that I have carried on and stayed at work.... maybe I have control of the depression...
When I was on the tabs, and feeling better, I did not understand the posts about how evil this drug is... I do understand now, but also want to add, its not an addiction, from my point of view, its an easier option as no one wants to feel as ruff as I have, and maybe I should have done it properly, slowly...... but an interesting thing did come up on the sites I looked at... a single or one or two prozac tabs (they are very slow half life SSRI's) removed all withdrawal symptoms from some individuals! interesting thought.
Good luck, and never give up
I started Lofepramine the next day which was supposed to prevent/ lessen any withdrawal and serve as my next antidepressant (I have tried cit, sertraline before with no luck) and the psychiatrist gave me some diazepam to help calm me down as I was supposed to be on bed rest because of the effects on my heart, kind of impossible when you are so hyper!
Anyway I have been to hell and may have finally made my way back. It was only the forums and other peoples experiences that helped to understand what was going on, the leaflet is useless!
The first 3 days were the worst, I had drenching night sweats, horrid dreams, severe vertigo which caused vomiting, tremors, the brain zaps (which i had never heard of but they do exist) and if I didn't take the diazepam I didn't sleep at all, but because I was effectively 'high' taking the diazepam and sleeping meant I dreamt at lke 100 mph it was soooo disorientating so after day 3 I stopped the diazepam. I was in a terrible state and crying all the time but then I get distresed when I am physically very unwell anyway. By day 4 the sweats weren't so bad, the vomiting was bad (but I hate vomiting), I figured this vomiting was due to vertigo and found that travel sickness tablets helped a lot (I tried kwells first with good effect then got sea-legs (meclozine) so I only needed to take them once a day). By day 6 the night sweats were gone but I was still really dizzy and feeling sick. The dizziness started to subside and my sleep improved. Now it is day 15, I have more energy and have spent the last two days out of bed all day. I'm still having problems with my stomach, severe nausea and some vomiting but with the help of some domperidone that is definitely getting better other than that I feel pretty good. I am planning to go back to work next week (I will have been off sick for 3 weeks)
I can honestly say it was a horrendous experience and I seriously considered not starting the new medication but I know that without medication at all I was suicidal so it isn't really an option for me. I am not sure how much the lofepramine may have helped with the withdrawal or whether the switch complicated things more. Also I always suffer really badly with my stomach whenever I start new tablets of increase doses so the extended duration of my stomach problems may not be normal.
I wanted to post this because while going through this all I wanted was an idea of how long things would/or could possibly could last? I have no support network at home so have had to go through this on my own (possibly a good thing in some ways considering the violent mood swings) and sometimes for me knowing how long and whether other people have experienced the same things gives me some comfort.
Tulabelle: If i'd have had the choice I obviously would have withdrawn the ven slower and planned it better but it wasn't an option for me. My GP seems to think that being on immediate release tablets may have made it a bit easier so swapping from XL to immediate release in the first instance may be helpful and makes it easier to cut down gradually, and I think they also do a syrup so you can do it really slow if you want.
The main thing I would change if I could though was to not have to keep getting up and heading down to the pharmacy or GP for help when all you really want to do is stay in bed. So if you plan it and your GP is willing to help, you could have some diazepam, tablets for vertigo and sickness all at hand to make these symptoms more bearable. I know some doctors refuse or don't want to recognise that these symptoms occur but we know they do and and there are other medications out there that can make it a bit easier. I understand though that some people won't want to take any other tablets, I just don't think I could have coped without.
Anyway thanks guys and good luck and be strong because the withdrawal doesn't last forever x
Help_Needed AlwaysHoping
catblackalex AlwaysHoping
christine_92527 AlwaysHoping
I went from 225 mg as of last month to zero as of today. I kept taking 4 beads out eachday. Let me tell you, cold turkey or not, the side effects are just as bad. I know everyone is different with how long the side effects will last, but at least I can get a ball park idea. So thank you! And so happy for you that you beat this! I will definitely do more research on a drug the next time I take anything. I have been also thinking about doing some kind of movement to prevent Dr.From doing this to people.