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Hi girls...... 10 days before my 50th birthday i just went from being me into another person i didnt started with panic attacks everyday for 2 whole months...then severe depression...then exhaustion...i could hardly get out of bed and walk to the couch.........I couldnt work and for about 6 months I was a total mess.........aches and pains in thighs elbows knees.....then i started getting weak......weak jelly legs......weak hands and fingers......I thought that I was dying!!! the way no hot flashes or night i had no clue as to what was going on..........until I googled my symptoms and came across these wonderful forums......anyway after many dr appointments and blood work gyno put me on antidepressants as she thoiught hrt was a bad I had a fibroid......!!...I was also on many natural supplements that seemed to help...A year and a half later Im feeling a lot better....less depressed....more motivated.....but still getting regular periods.....every 20 to 22 days...very heavy 1st day and then watery pink and very light for the next 10 to 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!! I havent missed a period YET!!!!!!! Im really getting tired of all this peri-meno C@ap still have insomnia and fatigue......oooh and a very lovely new symptom....internal buzzing just on waking in the morning!!!!!!! when does this all STOP?????????????? ladies after how long do you start skipping periods????? Ive had enough....!!!! any advice appreciated........... thanks!!! smile smile smile

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88 Replies

  • Posted

    hi cleo

    well my peri started age 40 and lasted 10 years 

    i am 50 now and post meno ..

    my periods just declined year by year until no more 

    jay xx

  • Posted

    Hi Cleo gosh what horrible symptoms I can't comment as I had s hysterectomy so missed the winding up if periods etc. Hopefully someone on here will have experienced your symptoms and will be able to help you. The forum is brilliant for help and advice and us iften better than going to the gp good luck. 
    • Posted

      Thanks Liz!!! yes it is a brilliant forum..........all the ladies are great......each one having great info and advice...........makes you feel less alone!!!!............... cheesygrin
  • Posted

    Hi Cleopatra,

    It's a nightmare isn't it !   I am fifty and my periods were on and off for about three years,  I would get one and then miss a couple and then get one slowly each time they were further apart, this time it has been nine months, so I am hoping that it will carry on because after a year that should be the end of perimenopause and hopefully things will settle down.

    From turning 50 my symptoms have become worse also.  So fedup now if feeling ill all the time 😔. Sometimes it feels like my whole body hurts all the aches and pains, I feel like an old woman, when usually I am very young for my age.

    Hot flushes, sweating, shivering, headaches, indigestion problems,  anxiety, palpitations, fast racing heat, you name it I've got it,  really hoping it will get better soon. 

    Hope you feel better soon also, it's a horrible thing to go through, isn't it.  I too sometimes think I must have something really bad wrong with me for feeling so ill all the time, us poor women, what we have to go through, doesn't feel fair.

    Good luck Cleo, take care x

    • Posted

      Hi Tina yes total nightmare!!! before peri I felt 30...was out there ecxercising keeping fit watching what i weight in the i feel 70 cant workout anymore because i dont have the stamina.........and im not motivated enough tota start an eating plan....i have put on weight.....not much fortunatelyrolleyes..and this whole transition has just got me on hold.....not living and not enjoying my life like i used to...............take care also!!!!!!
    • Posted

      Awwww it is so not nice... I am exactly the same, feels like I have lost my mojo, just really changed so much.

      Hopefully we will get back to our old selves again soon x

    • Posted

      Hi there. Exactly Cleo .  🐓 Spring chickens one day and an old bag the next. 👵. It's brutal, hahaha xxoo
  • Posted

    hi Cleo

    well its all the peri symtptoms for sure 

    dont know what supplements you take . You didnt say..

    if your periods still regular then you have a way to go yet 

    i can relate to all the symptoms ..

    rainforest foods Maca 5.1 very helpful

    100mg B6 ( like Mega B 100 time release ) holland and barret it has 100mg B6 in it or Busy B 

    B12 5000mcg like jarrows cherry flavour 

    amongst many other things 

    in my case i had all this then kept diarys and watched my periods get less and less 

    each year i maybe missed a  couple until i got down to two then none.

    but we all vary ..

    you are post menopause when you go 12 months no periods .

    FSH blood tests will not show your menopausal until your periods reduce to say 3-4 per year as the blood test comes back normal ( even though in peri) as the hormones are too erractic ..

    jay xx


    • Posted

      OMG jayneejay!!! 10 yrs!!! tell me you didnt have all the symptoms for 10 years alsocry.........I dont think I could put up with all of this for so loooong!!!!!......thanks for all the useful FSH showed 23.5 but my eostrogen and progesterone were very low.........even with the  regular periods........its so the moment Im taking evening primrose....vitamin b complex....iron..magnesium..and gingseng........I"ll ask about the that supposed to help with fatigue as well???
    • Posted

      Hi cleo

      Yes afraid so .. 10 years on and off symptoms.

      Thats where the correct vits and supplements are taken to help.

      I take many.. 😃

      They really help me .. 

      Maca was great for me in early peri helps in many ways 

      ( rainforest food Maca 5.1) 

      Be kind to yourself .. 

      Jay x


    • Posted

      thanks symptoms were  constant since turning 50.......!! and getting milder.......but still annoying!!! lol.........cheesygrin.......I"ll ask about the maca and i will try it out!!!!...........take care!!!
    • Posted

      Did you ever try Vitex/chasteberry when you were going through peri? I kept reading how it would help regulate a women's hormones during peri, so I tried it. However, after a week I felt like I had two burning spots in my back, like my kidneys were burning, so I stopped immediately, and it went away. Now I'm afraid to take anything but my vitamins.
    • Posted

      Hi girls,  

      I take Vitamins b6, calcium, magnesium, zinc, omega oils, vitamin d and menopace.  The vitamin d and menopace I have been taking for quite a long time now but the others just started two weeks ago, so hope they will help 😊

    • Posted

      Hi fancy

      No i havent and wouldnt try it.

      I only take what i know helps after alot of research .. 

      Also black cohoosh i wont take as it can cause liver damage .. 

      I dont want to stimulate hormones just boost vits in my body and help anxiety muscle pains and energy 

      Good luck 

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Vitex side effects 

      More common side effects include mild digestive upset or skin rash. Other side effects may include rapid heartbeat, hair loss, headache, dry mouth, nausea, rash, itching and bleeding between periods.

      Vitex is not recommended during pregnancy. It shouldn't be used by nursing women unless under the guidance of a qualified health professional.

      People with hormone dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus or prostate shouldn't take vitex.

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