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Hi girls...... 10 days before my 50th birthday i just went from being me into another person i didnt started with panic attacks everyday for 2 whole months...then severe depression...then exhaustion...i could hardly get out of bed and walk to the couch.........I couldnt work and for about 6 months I was a total mess.........aches and pains in thighs elbows knees.....then i started getting weak......weak jelly legs......weak hands and fingers......I thought that I was dying!!! the way no hot flashes or night i had no clue as to what was going on..........until I googled my symptoms and came across these wonderful forums......anyway after many dr appointments and blood work gyno put me on antidepressants as she thoiught hrt was a bad I had a fibroid......!!...I was also on many natural supplements that seemed to help...A year and a half later Im feeling a lot better....less depressed....more motivated.....but still getting regular periods.....every 20 to 22 days...very heavy 1st day and then watery pink and very light for the next 10 to 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!! I havent missed a period YET!!!!!!! Im really getting tired of all this peri-meno C@ap still have insomnia and fatigue......oooh and a very lovely new symptom....internal buzzing just on waking in the morning!!!!!!! when does this all STOP?????????????? ladies after how long do you start skipping periods????? Ive had enough....!!!! any advice appreciated........... thanks!!!
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melanie09308 cleo41716
cleo41716 melanie09308
Astrid64 melanie09308
How do you get on with Naproxen I have to take 2 x 1 500mg a day and they do nothing for me, so why do I take them who knows lol.
melanie09308 Astrid64
Astrid64 melanie09308
I am a bit scared to up the dose,I have read and heard horror storys about Naproxen how it is one of the worst drugs for liver problems, so I might just suffer, but I also take vicodin 7.5 325 twice a xay as and when. xx
melanie09308 Astrid64
jayneejay melanie09308
yeah Vicodin is addictive .. I remember him out of friends being hooked on that big time
go careful Astrid on that ..
jay xx
Astrid64 jayneejay
Vicodin is terrible as well, I have had a prescription of 90 for 3 years and still got 54 I just counted lol....but addictive for sure seen a few friends go down the wrong road, and they do give you a buzz.
Same as you Melanie not taking the Neproxan for long I hope I fell the other week and hit my lower back.
jayneejay Astrid64
you made me laugh, i pictured you sat counting your stash ..
jay xx
Astrid64 cleo41716
Welcome to our worlds lol awful isn't it xx
HotDot7 Astrid64
jayneejay HotDot7
hope your keeping well
jay jay xx
cleo41716 Astrid64
HotDot7 jayneejay
fancygoldfish cleo41716
Panic attacks can be intense and scary. They run in my family and I got my first one at 38. Xanax was a lifesaver for me and allowed me to get through the two weeks and lead a normal life. I'm 57 now and have infrequent panic attacks but have to take a low dose pill if I'm going to a doctor or traveling more than an hour away from home or using an elevator. I would never be able to fly on an airplane though. I read a book back then that helped me by suggesting to focus on something repititious, like counting your money, when it hits. That got me through a high school performance when I felt trapped in the auditorium full of people.
As for peri, I believe I started going through it ten years ago when I would have a period every two or three months. Now, at 57 I have been spotting and passing clots off and on for 8 months with only 2-5 dry days at a time. Sometimes I cannot leave the house. Last month I ovulated-at 57! Who needs to ovulate at 57?! I know I did, because I always have the twinge of pain on one side when I ovulate-my whole life.
I also have terrible insominia, hot flashes at night, fatigue, and brain fog sometimes. My arthritis has gotten so much worse, too, but I don't know if that has anything to do with peri. Blood work shows all is well (now that I'm taking vitamin D), and no thyroid problems.
I am not a candidate for hrt and I want to get through this naturally. I'm hoping this whole mess will wind down soon. I have never heard of anyone else being so late getting to menopause and still ovulating at 57. My doctor was surprised to hear that until 8 months ago, I was still having 6-9 periods a year (and there was no spotting inbetween.)
cleo41716 fancygoldfish
fancygoldfish cleo41716
I notice that for these 8 months of crazy bleeding and obvious hormone imbalances, my anxiety has been right on the edge. Not really needing a Xanax, but feeling a little scared. Of course, over what, I don't know. It's just that feeling of impending doom, especially in the winter when it snows a lot. I feel like I just can't breathe. However, on a sunny 70 degree day, I imagine I could get in the car and drive 500 miles to visit my brother. I just imagine I could. lol
jayneejay fancygoldfish
Yes sweats brain fog etc is part of peri.
For a woman going through perimenopause, B-vitamins can be essential for effectively managing symptoms.
Adrenal fatigue, for example, is a common secondary condition for many women going through perimenopause.
B-vitamins support healthy adrenal function, along with calming and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Many women also suffer with mood swings during perimenopause.
Both B12 and B6 vitamins aid in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, a key brain chemical needed to stabilize moods and promote feelings of wellness and contentment.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin 100mg B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
tina90965 jayneejay
I already take b6, calcium with zinc and magnesium, menopace, vitamin d and omega oil capsules. Do you think this might be too much or is it ok to take all of them and would it be ok to start b12 too ? X
annieschaefer fancygoldfish
I am right with you at 56, still going along, wishing things would wind down, once and for all. I went to the doctor's earlier this year and asked how much longer would I still have periods and he told me he had a patient that was 60 still going along. I admit, I burst out into tears right there and then. Enough!
Like you, no HRTs for me, just want this over naturally. I have taken up yoga with some measurable amount of improvement with some of my symptoms along with taking supplements. But I still have my Clonopin for back up, on those odd days (usually right before another period starts) that a panic attack gets the best of me.
I was beginning to feel like a freak for being so late in life with periods and general feeling out sorts, still going on. It's comforting to know that there are others who understand what this feels like.
Annie xx
jayneejay tina90965
its up to you hun..
menopace ? Maybe has what your taking as extras but in tiny tiny amounts.
i take
Maca - Rainforest Food 5.1
B1 150mg x 1
B6 150mg x 1
B12 injections
Solgar chelated Magnesium 400mg x1
Kelp for thyroid health x 1
Acidoplilus mega pro biotic 3 billion x 2
Menapol Plus x 2
Vit E 400iu x 1
Vit C 500mg with Rosehip 400mg x 1
NateCal ( Calcium and Vit D in one ) x 1
take all mine seperate ..
The Menapol Plus contains ingredients i dont already take .
jay xx
tina90965 jayneejay
I shall go and get myself some b12. I used to take kelp before, it's also suppost to be good for hair growth, which would probably be good for me too as my hair has thinned since going through the menopause x
jayneejay tina90965
i took kelp for years and when i stopped for a few months my hair was in plug holes .. In the comb and it was quite worrying ..
anyway i restarted it ( a homeopathic doc suggested i took it a few years ago) anyway my hair improving again.. Infact i had three inches cut off it the other day ( i clip it up) and it feels so much beter again, and not coming out much at all now ..
i take 1000mg of kelp a day ..
( idodine of kelp) good for thyroid function too
jay xx
jayneejay tina90965
the best B12 is the highest MCG
ie.. jarrows B12 methyl 5000mcg .. Cherry flavour .. 60 lozenges
they are chewable powdery, sub lingual
i use to get mine from amazon uk
Biovea UK site is fab too for Kelp, B6 , B12 etc
jay xx
i get my Kelp 1000mg for simply supplements site
thats where my menapol plus are from
jay xx
tina90965 jayneejay
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
I have never watched Sex in the City.
I know who you mean though ..
I use to watch desperate housewives
Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay