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Hi girls...... 10 days before my 50th birthday i just went from being me into another person i didnt started with panic attacks everyday for 2 whole months...then severe depression...then exhaustion...i could hardly get out of bed and walk to the couch.........I couldnt work and for about 6 months I was a total mess.........aches and pains in thighs elbows knees.....then i started getting weak......weak jelly legs......weak hands and fingers......I thought that I was dying!!! the way no hot flashes or night i had no clue as to what was going on..........until I googled my symptoms and came across these wonderful forums......anyway after many dr appointments and blood work gyno put me on antidepressants as she thoiught hrt was a bad I had a fibroid......!!...I was also on many natural supplements that seemed to help...A year and a half later Im feeling a lot better....less depressed....more motivated.....but still getting regular periods.....every 20 to 22 days...very heavy 1st day and then watery pink and very light for the next 10 to 12 days!!!!!!!!!!!! I havent missed a period YET!!!!!!! Im really getting tired of all this peri-meno C@ap still have insomnia and fatigue......oooh and a very lovely new symptom....internal buzzing just on waking in the morning!!!!!!! when does this all STOP?????????????? ladies after how long do you start skipping periods????? Ive had enough....!!!! any advice appreciated........... thanks!!!
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christine70191 cleo41716
I can't offer any advice on other symptoms but like you I hope to return to a normal human being some day.
cleo41716 christine70191
jayneejay cleo41716
No its not..
Thats only done when you have constant heavy bleeding and a thickened uterine wall.
Peri periods do vary alot ..
Heavy, light, spotting, skipped, prolonged..
Its all part and parcel..
Jay x
christine70191 cleo41716
cleo41716 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
thanks for kind words
ummm no i dont feel 100% again
i dont think anyone does..
i dont feel like i did before by any means ..
i am age 50 ..
Post menopause.. my naturally declined hormones are the usual post menopause low .. But at even keel, no longer fluctuating ..
post menopause other problems start then.
like vaginal atrophy ( vaginal dryness and thinning of the walls)
then its time for Ovestin / Gynest Estriol vahinally
other wise it feels like sitting on a hedgehog, painful sex, more UTIs and other problems due to the dryness
so 100% better .. No .. Sorry to say
cleo41716 jayneejay
tina90965 jayneejay
Did the anxiety get better once you reached post menopause ? Also the racing heart ? Not sure if you suffered with this, but if so, did it get any better ?
The past yr for me has been the worse, this time no period for nine months so think I'm approaching the end of peri, we hope so anyway.
jayneejay tina90965
well i started peri age 40/41 i am age 50 now and 13 months post meno.
had a Gyno check in August and a sono vaginal scan etc etc .
was shown on screen i was post meno .. Ovaries non functioning ( no follicles ) and thin uterine wall of 4mm.. So post menopause confirmed.
i live in Spain and this summer i have really struggled with hot flushes having some days up to 20 a day in height of summer .. I always feel hot in my body .. But a hot flush is the way we cool down in menopause and excessive heat ..
I have the odd palpitation still .. One was a stinker .. Had to sit down, thought i was brown bread .. 😳
energy / anxiety wise is better but i swear by my B6 for that and my b12 ..
This morning after a rubbish nights sleep ( thats been an issue for years)
before i got up i purposely took note on how i feel first thing ..
for me, body stiffness and especially my ankles ( achilles tendon) all stiff , i walk to the bathroom like a penguin ..
then it eases up..
I had natural peri and want to keep it natural ..
but do use the Ovestin vaginal Estriol on occassion and the premeno duo vaginal ovules from stress no more site ( they are the best thing i ever used )
dual action for dryness and keeps uti and thrush at bay etc ..
as PH changes dramatically in post meno and BV can emerge .
i use the ovestin estriol on occassion as it relieved the scratchy vaginal dryness and plumps it all up inside ..
i do take vits and minerals and have felt tonnes better .
150mg B6 solved my anxiety .. I was amazed ..
jay xx
tina90965 jayneejay
All these symptoms are so horrid arn't they Jay, fedup with them 😒
cleo41716 tina90965
jayneejay tina90965
yes i know hun, it does get on your wick..
we just have to try our best and be kind to ourselves ..
mainly i dont feel too bad, i guess i just accept it and got use to it now.
i just know i wont feel age 20 again 😥
today i feel abit wobbly, i get the odd wobbly day, like ' oh should i go out shopping as i felt abit off'
but i eat little and often and always ensure i am fueled up before shopping to keep the blood sugars level ' then normally once i am out and not thinking the worst, i feel fine again, enjoy it and all is good ..
hope your okay hun
jay xx
cleo41716 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
Do you take HRT or are you natural like me ..
my mother is 83 .. She had a natural menopause .. Mind you my mother startes peri at age 42 and done by age 44.
me .. I have a ten year peri 😳 ' marvelous '
.. I am 13 months post meno age 50.
have a great afternoon ..
big hugs
jay x
HotDot7 cleo41716
hiya Jay 😘
jayneejay HotDot7
i will tell you 13 months post meno is still not great .. Not yet ...
i will live in hope
hope your okay
i gotta go shopping later 😃
dont feel like it today .. But needs must ..
jay xx
cleo41716 jayneejay
migraines!......she started at 50 and all done and finished at 52!!!!!!.......
. have a wonderful afternoon also!!!!
HotDot7 jayneejay
cleo41716 HotDot7
jayneejay HotDot7
yes that very true ' its only menopause '
onwards and upwards..
i will keep you up to date of post menopause 😊 feelings ..
its not bad, but not perfect ... Maybe it improves more yet, we will see.
But grateful like you said.. Its not a disease or worse ..
that is the most important thing in life ' Good Health'
Menopause we can handle .. 😑
enjoy your afternoon Dottie
Jay xx
HotDot7 cleo41716
im gonna go and pray now 😀😀😀😀
jayneejay cleo41716
i am strarting my winter rowing machine regime again ..
too hot here in summer ( Spain)
mind you its 26 degrees today 😕
decided a daily rowing session will tone the body up more and thats a feel good factor and good for you all round ..
my yoga for beginners has still not come out the packet 😩
but rowing i do enjoy ..
have a great day
cleo41716 HotDot7
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
my Mum shes 83 says to me ' oh are you still suffering that old nonsense'
Ugh ..
have a good one .. Anyone fancy coming shopping ... 😃
brings ya shorts its roasting ..
( more hot flushes ) 😓
jay xx
jayneejay HotDot7
i will buy a dinghy and row across to you 😃
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay HotDot7
now its 31 😳
naked shopping i think... As soon as its hot .. My flushes kick in ..
jay xx
cleo41716 HotDot7
HotDot7 jayneejay
i feel too old to shop but my mom will go with you 😃😃😃😃
HotDot7 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
enjoy your teaching lesson
yeah its a roaster ..
Greece .. Cool ... Not that far .. Well too far to walk 😃
i am southern spain ( Malaga - Marbella)
jay xx
jayneejay HotDot7
i better get a thicker dinghy then.. Teeth proof ..
i will put some shark treats on board that will sort it ..
jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
HotDot7 cleo41716
HotDot7 jayneejay
Have a good day Cleo and remember we are suffering too along with you dear 😀😀
jayneejay HotDot7
have a nice day too Dottie ..
jay xx
cleo41716 HotDot7
cleo41716 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
oh i can imagine .. Brain fog days no fun..
i must say thats gone for me now..
B6 helples all that ..
i have had a real slow day today.. Cant explain .. Just feel shattered ..
😞 not had one of these bad boy days for ages ..
had to force myself to go shopping ... 😞
just lifeless today for some reason .. Pants isnt it ..
maybe need an earlier B12 injection .. That does the trick
jay xx
cleo41716 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
B12 sublingal the chewy lozenger ones 5000mcg are very good ..
i cant get them in Spain... Have to get them from UK sites .
so just have Optovite jabs now its easier ..
yes i keep positive .. 😊
we get a blip day... Thats all it is .. 😃 just a blip
jay jay xx
cleo41716 jayneejay
jayneejay cleo41716
i sent you a private message 😃
No you cant overdose on B12 as what you dont need you pass out in urine
jay xx