Constant adrenaline cant sit still!!!!
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Hi again ladies
I am over a year no period was in peri ten years.
I feel like ive got constant adrenaline.
Feel like im having a breakdown.
I just dont know what to do with myself.
Hot flushes and sweats are in full force.
I thought peri was hell but this is even worse if thats possible.
Im losing hope of ever feeling good again.
Im not on meds or hrt.
Please someone tell me this awful uneasy wired feeling passes.
Ive had it before but its not lasted as long as this.
Please help x
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mrs_susan74280 michelle97919
HI there I am going through the same, a buzzing feeling, started April,nerves are through the roof, I am starting Escitalopram, was on prozac didn't help, mild treamberling as well I am 58, had a hystercamoy 2007, left ovaries in, also feel dizzy, I may also try CBD OIL, giving it a think, ears feel blocked as well that mite be antis through, the adrenalin feeling I,ve got it, take care,
michelle97919 mrs_susan74280
Please let me know how you get on with the escitalpram.
I called my doctor this morning and said i had googled constant adrenaline feeling and it said adrenal gland tumour.
He told me that very high blood pressure and fast heartrate go with it.
Mine isnt i check it every day. It always feels fast to me but never is abnormal!!!
He wants me to come in and check it. I told him i havent had a period in a year and getting bad hot flushes. I was in peri for 10 years.
He said more likely to be symptoms of my ovaries shutting down.
I took to natural kalms tablets and it seems to have taken the edge off a bit.
Really hope you get relief soon x
Finny2018 michelle97919
I had this, too, and it was the scariest feeling. I had it off and on for June and July. June was my last period. My body was doing all sorts of scary things and it all hit fast. I am slowly recovering and adjusting and constantly reading up on all of the symptoms. The adrenaline, hot flashes, the vibrations certain times per month, the internal shakes, tingling - all of the vaso symptoms that I was absolutely CLUELESS about and had googled every thing and it was AWFUL! I remember walking into a local drugstore and starting to read the back of the Meno boxes/bottles - and they would list these symptoms. My hormone results showed my Progesterone plummeted and for me that has caused a lot of symptoms.
I am thankful for all of the women on here sharing what they have tried with success. You are not alone!!!
michelle97919 Finny2018
Thank you so so much!!!! I had this in peri on and off but never as intense as this. Im literally sitting here vibrating inside. It truly is so so scarey. Maybe as my periods have stopped over 1 year my body has crashed somehow. I googled it. Wrong thing to do. Im struggling to believe this symptom is meno but hearing other ladies mayb it is. Thank you i appreciate your reply x
lori93950 michelle97919
I don’t think it lasts so try not to worry as will make it worse . Im going through a period now whereby I’m going to bed early and also waking up early getting 9 hours sleep but I hate waking up early ... it’s all the hormone changes. Lemon balm can help relax you and get from any vitamin store plus holy basil too.
michelle97919 lori93950
Makes sense what you are saying about lack of sleep.
Im having major hot flushes and night sweats so constantly in and out of sleep.
The hot weather has been a nightmare for me im hot flushing all day and all night.
Thanks for reassuring me x
lori93950 michelle97919
For me it’s the mental weirdness and the fatigue . The patch BHRT will stop all those hot flushes etc. if it’s really bothering you . Not found it helps with the mental stuff... yet.
michelle97919 lori93950
Ive just passed a year with no period but did go 13 months before so anything can happen.
Thanks again for listening x
Its a natural remedy.
Dont know if you have heard of it or any other ladies on here x
lori93950 michelle97919
My periods stopped in December I felt fabulous until late feb then Just a bit lethargic ... not wanting to talk then April boy! It was like a tsunami I lost complete control terrible dizziness and fatigue ... never experienced anything like it !
I think I’m post meno now at 52 but since using the patch I’ve had my period again .
lori93950 michelle97919
mauiblue michelle97919
Hi Michelle
Yes adrenaline runs me off n on for months now. It takes over and kind of manages things as weve lost all of the other hormones our bodies relied upon. Its kind of flght or flighty all the time, and that ofcourse is where the anxiety is from, then it goes on too long and you get depression like me. Fun times.
* First make sure you do what you can to get sleep.
*Lots of adaptognic herbs can help. (didn't help be) but then again i don't stick with anything.
Some of them are mentioned here by the other ladies.
Perhaps you could try hrt it might be your magic bullet, as it is for some of us.
i just type it out and hope its understood
michelle97919 mauiblue
At first i thought it was an internal tremor then i described it as tingling now im thing adrenaline.
I have had this before in peri but since no period its got worse.
I googled which i banned myself from doing and it says adrenal gland tumour causes constant adrenaline feeling.
So ive not started off on a good foot this morning x
lori93950 michelle97919
michelle97919 lori93950
lori93950 michelle97919
It’s so unfair 😖😩😪 if you’re listening God!
michelle97919 lori93950
My husband is a pastor and just keeps saying have faith you will get through it.
But he has no clue what im going through how could he.
In spite of it all im clinging to God right now because i have to believe it will all be ok x
lori93950 michelle97919
I just got divorced and it’s ALL been too much at once ... and I’m a toughie . There’s nobody around me going through the same thing which I feel slighted by. Thank God for this forum !
mauiblue michelle97919
Men truly dont understand this. They can be gems of men, but do not comprehend what is going on inside our brains and bodies.
You have his support and this is immense.
You have ours too, and that is gold.
mauiblue michelle97919
for me now that ive been in meno awhile
i can say that its like a constant hardwired, unsettled, nervous anxiety basically.
Im not freaking out or anything, and i go places in public, work etc, but im not at ease at ALL.
The internal feeling is felt at the center of the chest and up to the throat..just adrenaline. Like im in doom gloom mode all the time, like ive been given bad news and its that momentary "AH!" feeling.
Its horrible and its also a cousin to the depression.
My one son can tell, hes 13. He has had anxiety before and now hes saying that i gave it to him, so not feeling like a very good mom lately.
I didnt have this though 2 yrs ago. I was antsy maybe, but never this.
hope that helps
oh another thing, YES it all starts the moment i get up. When im inbetween sleep and wakefulness, im not feeling it, im still calm, but once i stir, and am waking up, it kicks in and the day starts just like that.
lori93950 mauiblue
Hate going to bed as know the next day will start rotten !