Constant Dizziness/Lightheadedness - Soar, Stiff, Twitching Leg Muscles w/Tingling Sensation
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Hi Ladies,
I'm new to this forum. I'm so glad to find you all! Hoping some of you can relate to my story so I don't feel like I'm dying. I'm 50 yrs old and post-menopausal for 2 years now. I don't ever recall having peri-menopausal symptoms, but to some extent, I'm sure I did. However, once my period stopped I started having "normal" menopausal symptoms in the beginning such as hot flashes, low energy and irritability. I took the Estroven supplement and felt great for about 6 months. Then I stopped the supplement and continued to feel fine for about 6 months until one day everything changed. I woke up one day in August of 2018 and my legs felt like I had done 1000 squats!! They were sore/stiff, weak/shaky and twitching everywhere. The left side of my body had a tingling/cooling sensation from my ankles to my face. I also became extremely dizzy/lightheaded. I thought I had either MS or ALS! I started researching my symptoms and of course that made me have terrible anxiety! When I tried to sleep I felt the anxiety well up inside my body and felt a fluttering in my heart. I saw my GP and had every blood test imaginable. He found nothing, everything was perfect! However, I told him I was scared that I had MS or a brain tumor so he referred me to a Neurologist. I had an MRI and every other test imaginable...nothing, I was fine! I then thought it could be my heart or low blood flow since I was always dizzy, so I went to a Cardiologist. They did every test imaginable...nothing, I was fine! I then went to an Alternative doctor who said I probably had an auto-immune disease so they ran every blood test on me including a stool (poop) sample....except for finding out that I once had EBV (epstein barr virus - that was a shocker!)....nothing, I was fine! I then went to an ENT doctor because the dizziness was chronic and debilitating. I always felt like I was going to fall over everyday, all day! I had pressure in my head and ears and also developed Tinnitus. The doctor said I probably had Meniere's Disease and that there was really nothing I could do for it. He prescribed Valium, allergy meds and water pills but they didn't work. I took the Valium once and then got scared of becoming addicted so I discontinued it. I then remembered that my mom was super dizzy when she was going through Menopause. So I went to my Gyno and told her my symptoms but she said that dizziness wasn't a normal symptom. But because my hormone levels were so low she put me on HRT, the lowest dose. Everything started to feel better except the chronic dizziness/lightheadedness so I searched for other solutions and found an Upper Cervical Chiropractor that said my Altas (1st vertebrae) was off and that there is a connection between the Vestibular System and the Nervous System. So they corrected my alignment. It's still a work in progress but it seems to have helped a little bit with my dizziness, though, I still have Tinnitus. Also, I stopped taking HRT a few months ago because I didn't think it was helping with the dizziness BUT boy, that was a mistake because all my other symptoms have returned. My twitching, sore & achy legs are back, irritability during the day and the anxiety and hot flashes at night...UGH!! So I decided to go back on HRT a few days ago hoping for the best. Can anyone relate to my symptoms? Even though I NOW believe all of my symptoms are related to menopause, I still fear that there is something seriously wrong with me such as MS or ALS. 😦 Sorry for the lengthy story, it's my first time telling it publicly. Thank you for reading!
2 likes, 27 replies
tracy43395 Stacy4412
You need to see a different gynae. Dizziness is one of the main symptoms of meno. I have ha d
symptoms for 6 years. Had to stop hrt so everything is intensified.
Vertigo, migraines daily, nausea, fatigue, pain, palpitations, chest pain, visual problems etc. All from menopause. I can't go out alone.
I would like to give you good news but for me the he'll goes on.
I'm so sorry you are going through the same.
Stacy4412 tracy43395
Thanks for replying Tracy. So sorry to hear about your is hell! I should be thankful for not having other symptoms like nausea. I do also have visual problems. I get Ocular/Aura Migraines once in a while (never had them before menopause) and my vision has become very blurry to the extent that I'm contemplating getting Lasik eye surgery. I have to say that it's very reassuring to know that I'm not alone in suffering, I just wish there was more relief for us.
staci88515 Stacy4412
My official introduction into peri was a migraine aura. It terrified me as I had never even heard of one before that infamous day. Since then, my vision has completely changed...24/7 blurriness and a host of other visual disturbances. Lately, I have been dizzy too.
Stacy4412 staci88515
Same here, I had never heard of such a thing! I had my migraine late at night a few years ago while on the computer and when my husband and kids were asleep...I thought I was having a stroke! Luckily I was on the computer and started Googling my symptom (zig zag vision) and it popped up. Thank God for Google!! Luckily the pain following the visual disturbance isn't as painful as it could be...not yet at least! Sorry to hear you have dizziness too...totally sucks! Take care!
pamela2016 Stacy4412
i have the dizziness like you its horrible everyday day in and day out going on 4 years of it it never leaves me a d its tiring i cry everyday praying for my balance back. your not alone and i can relate to some of your other symptoms as well
Stacy4412 pamela2016
Thanks for replying Pamela. Wow, 4 years is a very long time! I'm so sorry. Yes, the dizziness and unbalanced feeling is so debilitating. I can't imagine living with this feeling for the rest of my life! My Upper Cervical Chiropractor has helped me some. I don't feel like I'm falling over all day like I used to. Maybe you could find a UCC near you to hopefully give you some relief.
pamela2016 Stacy4412
im going to check into a chiropractor hopefully get some relief as my neck is always stiff who knows if it's related. my vision is blurry and different in the past few years as well.
hopeforever pamela2016
Hi Pamela. Did you try gravol ?
djRice Stacy4412
Good Morning, as I read your story for most of it I am agreeing with you. i have been taking gravol for a week now and so far it helps me. thank you for sharing, i will now seek help of a chiropractor. and hope it works for me also. hang in there.
Stacy4412 djRice
Thanks for replying DJ. Glad to hear the Gravol is giving you some relief. I had tried otc (over the counter) Meclizine with no relief. Hopefully you can find an Upper Cervical Chiropractor near you and they can give you more relief. It's a horrible feeling being dizzy all the time.
hopeforever djRice
djRice i was thinking of you the other day hoping that you picked up some gravol. I am so glad it is working out for you. I thank God for gravol everyday. It was my lifesaver when it came to my dizziness and nausea. Take care
Nettie261962 Stacy4412
What is Gravol and where does one find it please?
Thank you!
Stacy4412 Nettie261962
I believe it's an OTC medication for sea sickness and nausea. Same thing as Dramamime.
Helps with the dizziness
hopeforever Nettie261962
Netti you can pick it up at any Walmart or drugstore. It works wonders. It is liquid capsuals that help with dizziness and nausea. I would be a complete mess if i didn't have it. Hope you can find it in your area.
Nettie261962 Stacy4412
thank you!!!