Constant head pressure/head feels fatigued/Spaced out

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Back in December, I experienced the worst headache/migraine of my life. It was a feeling of undescribable head pressure(I describe it as fluid surrounding my head). Pressure/headache in the eyes was really terrible. When I thought I was feeling a bit better and got up to move around, the head pressure would return and I had to lay back down. This lasted 2-3 days. I thought I would recover, but I've never felt the same since... And I'm only 28. No prior health issues to this. I have a 5 year old daughter and to be honest, this is completely ruining my life. The head pressure has never gone away.

The head pressure was so bad on and off for the first 4 months I literally thought I had brain swelling(that's how it made me feel). It felt as if someone was moving my brain around. It's as if your head is fatigued from working too hard and it's in a constant state of shaking. A very weird, undescribable, uncomfortable, scary feeling. I had really bad brain fog. I would have moments where I would space out so bad I felt as if I was in a dream for the majority of those months. So detached. I still have those moments.

Everyday I wake up, I have head pressure(blood shot eyes). My ears feel the need to pop deep inside the cavity. Uncomfortable and unease feeling of my head(like it's fatigued) is the feeling that makes it the worst. My head feels clogged and I espcially feel it in the surrounding portion of my back eyes, ears and head. I don't ever feel normal. There might be a relief of head fatigue from time to time, but my head has never felt the same. The only thing that makes me feel somewhat normal is if I lay down. 

In the beginning 4 months, putting on hats, listening to loud music, over the ear headphones only made my head pressure worse and give me terrible headaches for the remaning day in the begining. 

Went to the ER twice the first few months for the head pressure symptoms and followed up with my primary care doctor. They all said stress but ultimately was referred to a neurologist, ENT & Eye Doctor to cover my basis. I've had an MRI of the brain with and without contrast done. Only thing that revealed was a few mucus cyst(which are normal I guess). I've had a panel of blood work ran which all came back normal. Checked for Thyroid function, blood count and few other things. Had a CT scan done of my sinus(no prior sinus or allergy issues in my life) and pending results on that. Not really optimistic it's going to show anything.

I don't know what to do at this point. I truthfully feel hopeless.. I need help

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    Head feeling like it's going to explode here, 2 years. Started off with tinnitus, then TMJ, then Eustacian Tube Disfunction, then External Otitis. My approach has generally been to ignore the pain but impulsively went to the doctors on days of deep distress. I have had an MRI my right ear(the affected ear) to check for tumor, all clear. Steroid nasal spray for Sinusitus and other nasal sprays. They have most recently given me nasal drops for the ETD I think that's what it's for I cant keep up. It's interesting g there is so much to be said and read about anxiety and depression, well this is the perfect recipe. I'll give myself a pat on the back for coping with it, a good pat so you sufferers can feel it and know that we will work towards a solution together through the Internet looking at screens which h definitely makes my head feel worse, yet focused which relieves the pain somewhat, catch 22. I feel the path of the doctors is going to be tourcherous but I will persevere along with trying to cure myself. I have a hunch that oxygen inhalation my help, I remember scuba diving inhaling through the regulator thinking wow that feels incredible, I didn't even notice the fish, haha. There's actually been a study in the early 1900's that claims the success of oxygen inhalation to treat headache's. I just need to get hold of an oxygen tank, a regulator and the relevant instructions. Anyway, feel for you folks. Keep trying and keep your head up.. something will come along

  • Posted

    Hey guys, Dustin here. First of all, it fills me with happiness that you guys take time out of your day to reply with support. I was going through my e-mail and noticed all of these notifications and couldn't help but come back and respond a year later(Sorry it took so long). I'm aware that when most people find a solution(or don't) they never come back and give an update. I figured I'd come back and update you guys and see if this will help anyone. 

    My problem was triggered by a certain event, I'm sure of it. Looking back at it, it was certainly a traumatic event for me. Physiologically that is. If you guys haven't yet(And I can tell by the comments in this discussion, this won't apply to everyone), look up derealization. That'll give you a better idea on how I was feeling. I went to my neurologist and eventually was put on a medication called Venlafaxine. This is what saved my life(I mean this).

    My brain(after the event) wasn't balanced correctly. It works by increasing the amounts of serotonin and norepinephrine, natural substances in the brain that help maintain mental balance. My theory was that whatever my brain went through, it frankly f****d up every bit of mental balance in regards to my serotonin, etc. I'm currently doing great with this medication but I hope to wean off within the next couple months to see how I do. 

    There's much more I'd love to tell you guys but I'll leave it at this since I figured I hit the most important things. Sorry, I tried to keep it short. Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to help. I'm not a neurologist but I've learned a bit from this experience. 


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      Also, if there's anything important from this, I've also learned by all of the test's(MRI's, MRA's, etc), 9.9/10 times they will never find anything. I was just so focused on getting better I would've done anything so I understand the urgency for tests. If there's anything I've learned is to be patient and not to jump to unnecessary conclusions. 

      If there's anything I can help you with, please let me know

    • Posted

      Hi Dustin,

      I think I'm certain what caused mine issues but unfortunately it has been no help in me finding relief. In fact, now my left arm is causing me issues in addition to my constant and sever head pressure. I can't belief $6,000.00 and multiple specialists and medications have not put the slightest dent in this thing. Nerve blocks help but only last 6 hours at best. I recently did Botox which I think may be helping a little but have been told its not until the 2nd round that you really start to feel relief. I'm hoping so. It seems I have do things to help with the pain but nothing EVER... reliefs the head pressure. Now I'm doing PT and about to take more medications. Where is the Shirlock Holmes or Doctor House of the medical world when it comes to these types of headaches.

      I'm happy to see so many others dedicated to solving this too and providing feedback it continues to give me hope that eventually I'll find out what the real issue is and how to correct it. At this point, having delt with this a full year now, I would be thrilled just to start feeling better at all if even a little.

      The search continues......


  • Posted

    Hello.  I was wondering if you have found any answers to your health issues.  I, too, have been having constant head pressure and pain, dizziness.  Headaches and pain in the back of my head started maybe 6 months ago and about 2 months ago the constant head pressure.  I have been doing alot of research and I think my problem is Occipital Neuralgia.  And I have found 1 chiropractor in US(located just outside of Dallas, TX) who has had alot of success in treating this condition.  I have an appt. with him in about 2 weeks.  I called him at 9pm last night just wanting to leave a voicemail and he answered!  He spent 2 hours on the phone with me explaining things and answering my questions.  How many doctors do that!!!  I would recommend reading up on this condition and calling him if you think he can help you.  His name is Dr. Jim McCarty.  Best of luck to you.
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      read my responses. same as you. im getting an angiogram this week.

      the suboccipital muscles connect via a small tendon to the dura matter of your brain right at the base of skull. Damage or impinging on the nearby nerves coupled with the pulling on your brain casing causes all sorts of sh"t to go haywire.

      Two months into it.

    • Posted

      Thank you for that.  I finally figured out what caused this.  I had all my bottom teeth extracted in February of this year.  That's when the headaches and pain in the back of my head started.  Then in August, I had my dental implants put in.  And, BOOM,  the constant head pressure.  I am finding out that this is happening to alot of people and we just aren't making the connection.  It took me over 8 months to figure it out. I will be starting treatments with a chiropractor, acupuncture, and cranial massage therapy.  I am also going to have my top teeth extracted in April of next year, so I am not going to spend huge amounts of money on this just yet because I will most likely re-injure those nerves in my neck. I have postponed seeing Dr. McCarty for now because he is very expensive, but after I complete my major dental work,  I do plan on seeing him because he has a 90% success rate with occipital neuralgia and TMJ patients.  Good luck with your angiogram.

    • Posted

      Hi jack,

      I think I'm certain what caused mine issues too but unfortunately it has been no help in me finding relief. In fact, now my left arm is causing me issues in addition to my constant and sever head pressure. I can't belief $6,000.00 and multiple specialists and medications have not put the slightest dent in this thing. Nerve blocks help but only last 6 hours at best. I recently did Botox which I think may be helping a little but have been told its not until the 2nd round that you really start to feel relief. I'm hoping so. It seems I have do things to help with the pain but nothing EVER... reliefs the head pressure. Now I'm doing PT and about to take more medications. Where is the Shirlock Holmes or Doctor House of the medical world when it comes to these types of headaches.

      I'm happy to see so many others dedicated to solving this too and providing feedback it continues to give me hope that eventually I'll find out what the real issue is and how to correct it. At this point, having delt with this a full year now, I would be thrilled just to start feeling better at all if even a little.

      The search continues......


    • Posted

      I want to let you and everyone else know that i saw a headache specialist and was prescribed exact same drug as dustine called Venlafaxine, its a seratonin and norepinephrin reuptake inhibitor, i.e., anti depressant that as a secondary effect works on the occipital nerves to rebalance their senisitivity. They also put me on prednisone, an anti inflammatory steroid.

      I had an mri and angiogram that came back normal and almosy every test to my blood imaginable. Was told that nerves are so delicate and can get caught in vicious cycle with muscles, especially in neck area, where its nearly impossible to ever rest muscles long enough to calm feedback loop. They will also be giving me a nerve block injection next week, so i will report back to everyone with progress. Also, they emphasized was to not overuse ibuprofen bc it creates its own rebound headache if you use it more than a couple weeks.  Last thing, they said magnesium and vitamin D supplements can help. Will report back in a week.

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      Mike, thank you for your contribution. How long have you been on the Venlafaxine? How has it worked so far for you? Interesting you got this much feedback as it took me a long time to receive such information. 

      Keep us updated and I hope you turn up something that works in your favor!

    • Posted

      To everyone.  I can suggest a magnesium product.  It is called Natural Calm and it comes unflavored or in several flavors. You can buy it online or at a natural grocer such a Whole Foods.  It is in a powder form and you mix 2 tsp. in hot water and let it fizz and dissolve like Alka Seltzer.  Then you can drink it straight or put it in juice or a smoothie, etc.  Magnesium CITRATE seems to work better than the other kinds.  I have been using it for about a week now and I can already see a decrease in my nerve pain.  
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      I should add that magnesium on a daily basis will probably cause more bowel movements, but our bodies adjust after a while.
    • Posted

      Hi everyone. Josh, Mike, Dustin, how are you all doing? To Mike and Dustin, are you still taking the Venlafaxine and is it helping with the symptoms? I have tried to go the most natural way possible to treat this condition, but with no positive results at all. Chiro, Accupuncture, Massage really made no difference at all. Right now, I take Xanax, an anti-anxiety med, at bedtime because that is the only thing that calms me down enough to get a few hours of sleep . And during the day, I'm pretty much miserable for the whole day. If anyone has stumbled onto something that works for ON, PLEASE SHARE!!!

    • Posted

      Hi everyone. Josh, Mike, Dustin, how are you all doing? To Mike and Dustin, are you still taking the Venlafaxine and is it helping with the symptoms? I have tried to go the most natural way possible to treat this condition, but with no positive results at all. Chiro, Accupuncture, Massage really made no difference at all. Right now, I take Xanax, an anti-anxiety med, at bedtime because that is the only thing that calms me down enough to get a few hours of sleep . And during the day, I'm pretty much miserable for the whole day. If anyone has stumbled onto something that works for ON, PLEASE SHARE!!!

    • Posted

      After 6 months I am still suffering nerve pain. Thankfully the headaches have lessened, but have not completely gone away. I got used to them to some degree. Anyway, after extensive test and imaging, i came back abnormal for ehrlichia (a tick disease) and mycoplasma and low testosterone levels. An infectious disease doctor and specialist think definitely residual of tick bite and that the pain can linger after the actual bacteria is eradicated. I was doxy for last 3 months. LAbs came back the same, so might need to try another drug. Wish I could say I've been cured, but I havent. Tried all the other stuff including venefelaxine, which i would never touch again, it makes you feel bananas (I am someone who doesnt enjoy being drunk or high)... gabapentin worked somewhat. but took a good two weeks to kick in and caused about a 10lb weight gain, which is apparently normal. So Ive switched to a basic drug called amitryptiline, which is taken once at night and has helps me sleep and diminish some of the peripheral neuropathy. Still battling though. The thing about nerves is that aggravation can be caused directly and indirectly via another ailment, so look for abnormal labs or seemingly unrelated symptoms that have appeared and find a good infectious disease doctor. I had at least 5 doctors treat me like a meth head, only to take me seriously after my urine and blood came back 100% clean of any questionable substance. I also got a weird rash on my neck and chest that wasnt an antiobiotic reaction. Yeah s rReally I've learned most doctors are just amateur pharmacists...they hear key words and latch on to them, and then just prescribe some b***** drug to see how it works. I've done everything...drugs, diet, PT, accupuncture (which works even though I had doubts), exercise, yoga, meditation, oregano oil, cbd, tons of water, gaba, garlic, inversion table, posture corrector, and more. After this 6 month circus I would say find something to relieve the pain first and foremost, and be prepared to be your own aggressive advocate. If you find a doctor who is compelled to help you, latch on to them and communicate regularly. Also even though the pain still exists it gets easier to manage mentally, so the absolute terror and frustration WILL diminish!

      Moderator comment: I have edited this post due to the swearing. These are open forums so as per the T&Cs please do not use offensive language in posts otherwise they may be deleted.

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      Thank you so much for responding. After everything I have been reading by patients who have these same symptoms ( headaches, head pressure, nerve pain, dizziness), and learning about all the different tests run, the different drugs being tried, different natural treatments, I am thinking that in my case, I do have occipital neuralgia and that there is no cure at this time. My symptoms were getting a little better, but then I got into a car wreck, someone rear-ended me, and I had to spend more time in the dentist chair, over 2 hours. So now it feels like I am starting all over again. I met a lady who lives in my apt. complex who has been battling this condition for 12 YEARS! She has tried EVERYTHING imaginable with nothing resulting in a cure. I think the only thing I can do is try to relieve the symptoms as much as possible(with Xanax and muscle relaxers), to always remember that it is not life-threatening(because that elevates my anxiety level thinking that it is), and to not obsess on my condition. I have been dealing with this for a year now, and, yes, you"re right, it does become easier mentally. If, by some miracle, you find a cure, please keep me posted. Best of luck to you and take care.

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