Constant head pressure/head feels fatigued/Spaced out

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Back in December, I experienced the worst headache/migraine of my life. It was a feeling of undescribable head pressure(I describe it as fluid surrounding my head). Pressure/headache in the eyes was really terrible. When I thought I was feeling a bit better and got up to move around, the head pressure would return and I had to lay back down. This lasted 2-3 days. I thought I would recover, but I've never felt the same since... And I'm only 28. No prior health issues to this. I have a 5 year old daughter and to be honest, this is completely ruining my life. The head pressure has never gone away.

The head pressure was so bad on and off for the first 4 months I literally thought I had brain swelling(that's how it made me feel). It felt as if someone was moving my brain around. It's as if your head is fatigued from working too hard and it's in a constant state of shaking. A very weird, undescribable, uncomfortable, scary feeling. I had really bad brain fog. I would have moments where I would space out so bad I felt as if I was in a dream for the majority of those months. So detached. I still have those moments.

Everyday I wake up, I have head pressure(blood shot eyes). My ears feel the need to pop deep inside the cavity. Uncomfortable and unease feeling of my head(like it's fatigued) is the feeling that makes it the worst. My head feels clogged and I espcially feel it in the surrounding portion of my back eyes, ears and head. I don't ever feel normal. There might be a relief of head fatigue from time to time, but my head has never felt the same. The only thing that makes me feel somewhat normal is if I lay down. 

In the beginning 4 months, putting on hats, listening to loud music, over the ear headphones only made my head pressure worse and give me terrible headaches for the remaning day in the begining. 

Went to the ER twice the first few months for the head pressure symptoms and followed up with my primary care doctor. They all said stress but ultimately was referred to a neurologist, ENT & Eye Doctor to cover my basis. I've had an MRI of the brain with and without contrast done. Only thing that revealed was a few mucus cyst(which are normal I guess). I've had a panel of blood work ran which all came back normal. Checked for Thyroid function, blood count and few other things. Had a CT scan done of my sinus(no prior sinus or allergy issues in my life) and pending results on that. Not really optimistic it's going to show anything.

I don't know what to do at this point. I truthfully feel hopeless.. I need help

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    Hi there, 5 months ago, i was in Greece, it was about 30 degrees, i was laying by the pool and day drinking with friends. After spending at least 4 hours in the sun, swimming and drinking, we went back into our rooms (6pm) to get ready to go out bar hopping. I felt this sudden intense head pain, where i was about to pass out and faint, saw large black and white dots flicker in my vision and was then bed ridden for 3 days (sensitive to light, and noise) for these days. I flew back home (Australia) as the doctors at the medical clinic said it was the best thing to do. Since then, i have gone through numerous doctor visits, neurological tests, CT and MRI scans, blood tests etc, and everything has come back normal. I have weened myself off all medications (amitriptyline, migraine preventatives, even serotonin based meds) and the head pains come and go, some days more intense than others. I feel like i have not had a clear head for the last 5 months and that it is seriously debilitating. I cannot work, nor do simple things like go for a drive, or be alone because of the feeling I get from the pain (lightheadedness, headache, and dizziness).

    • Posted

      Hi Steve, not sure if this is helpful but look into vestibular migraine. I got diagnosed last month after suffering for over a year. My head is never clear, I feel off balanced, weird head, and visual vertigo. Unable to drive, or work. (I also have chronic migraine) I was diagnosed by an oto neurotologist. They are neurologists that specialize in vestibular disorders, most can be found in ear/eye hopsitals or dizzy/balance clinics. I am on month 2 of nortriptyline (which is in the same class as amitriptyline) I have to work up to whatever my target dose is.

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      It sounds like it could be New Daily Persistent Headache. It starts of with a "thunderclap" headache.

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    thanks Dustin, they tested me for all of this, including vestibular migraines, nothing seems to work. sucks... hopefully one day soon they will figure it out!

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    Im not sure how I came upon your post, but Im glad I did. At 49, wisdom teeth gone, Ive been having these same symptoms all summer, with no relief. It came on me during a memory test and felt like a balloon that extended beyond my head. My dr gave me two shots in the base of my neck. That headache left, but I was left with what could easily be called a tension headache, except it never goes away and sometimes includes shooting pain. Ive had an MRI with and without contrast, lumbar puncture, CBC, INR, go this week for MRA, have seen one eye specialist thinking periferal vision and glaucoma and now go see a neuro opthalmologist. They also want me to a migraine specialist. When I lay my head down the pressure all falls that way. Any help and suggestions would help.

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    i am not sure if you are still having these however i was exactly the same - i had 2 cts and 1 mri scan all showed clear thankfully however the feeling is so real! i had to quit my job etc however in the end it turned out to be depression and stress! i take 20mg AMITRYPTLINE hope this helps!

  • Posted

    I am a 49 year old man. I suffered from anxiety disorder from March 2002 to late May 2002. On the first of June 2002, at about 11.20 pm, distorted thinking overpowered me - this lasted for two weeks. Worse was to come - on Saturday the 15th of June 2002, at around midday, psychopathic obsessions came over me! Thoughts to kill God and to express my loyalty to the devil! My local psychiatrist kept on telling me: "I don't understand you. I have got other patients to see." SO I WAS LEFT TO SUFFER LIKE THIS! During July 2002, a toxic, poisonous form of tiredness came over me. AND IT IS STILL HERE WITH ME DOWN TO THIS DAY! Medications do not help! I was put on Fluoxetine and Pregabilin. All they did was reduce my OCD ailments. BUT I AM STILL AFFLICTED WITH THIS ROTTEN, POISONOUS FORM OF HEAD FATIGUE THAT NEVER LEAVES ME!!

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    So far my Topramate was increased to 200 mg at night. I was seen by a cardiologist, where they determined my heart to be strong, but when they went to do the stress test I could only get to 130 bpm when they wanted 140 bpm and my blood pressure shot up over 175, with me unable to catch my breath. Next visit was the Pulmonology doctor, where she determined I need a ct of the chest and a sleep study from home. Something didn't look good. Oh, and no more Aleve, as my lipids were showing kidney failure, so another blood test. Migraines are starting to decrease, though. I changed my living situation. Where I am now is quiet and peaceful.

  • Posted

    Not sure if I told you in my last post but the neuro opthomologist found that my vision had gotten much worse since my last pair of glasses. One problem, I just got these in February, so my insurance wont cover me getting new lenses until next year. Thankfully less stress, since I moved into a healthier location has helped. It's more peaceful, quiet, and relaxing.

    On the down side, I had trouble with a stress test, the kind you walk in a treadmill. They wanted my heart rate to reach 145, mine got to 130, I couldn't breathe, blood pressure went above 175....ended up in the er. Next I was sent to a pulmonary dr, ran tests, did in home sleep study, something didn't look right so I have a ct scan this Friday. Then another dr calls and says he wants me to have the same ct scan done because my chest xray shows something in my lungs. Not wanting to alarm me, that's all they said, but the orders say its it's to rule out a pulmonary embolism.

  • Posted

    Hello, my symptoms started 10 days ago. They are starting to scare the heck out of me. Throughout the day I'll go through any combination of the following symptoms; none last all day.

    -Intense spaciness/detachment

    I've never felt this way before. I often just stare into space. My "internal dialog" is diminished. I'm unable to socialize. This can last many hours. It's very different from brain fog, which I also have.

    -A feeling as if my brain is physically buzzing or vibrating

    It's different from tinnitus. It's not a sound but a feeling - almost like an electric current is going through my entire head.

    • Tinnitus

      Varying pitches at the same time. For instance, now there's a low hum in my left ear, and a high-pitched tone in my right.

    • A squeezing sensation from one side of my head (above my ears) to the other.


    Global, or one spot on top of my head, or just my forehead. No pain in the back of my head

    less common: pain/strain in my neck and shoulders, face and neck get "hot flashes"

    I am NOT dizzy and my heart rate is consistent. I should also note that I've been very sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the last seven years. When I first got the illness I had similar neurological sensations that eventually went away. But now they are even more intense. I can't function at all. One last thing, I've been taking 750 mg Valtrex (for Herpes Simplex and inflammation associated with CFS) for the last year. I stopped taking it regularly lately, and went days without taking it. I'm wondering if the Herpes has taken root in my head and wreaking havoc.

    I am on Medicare due to disability. My doctor is a pip-squeak resident who hasn't a clue how to deal with my issues. I'm taking it upon myself to find a Neurologist. However, the wait to see one that accepts Medicare is many months. I mainly just want to know what the hell is going on.

    If anyone has similar symptoms (and does not have dizziness) please let me know. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!

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      Sorry about the strange formatting of my post. I don't know why it looks like that.

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      Hello there! Welcome to the club, I'll message you my story.

  • Posted

    It's hard to believe how far this thread has gone or how many doctors I've seen about it. The headaches are still there, more sinus related, at the moment than anything. Recently had an issue where my stomach became so bloated it hurt, I constantly farted, and had bowel movements. Seems the answer is that with fibromyalgia you get irritable bowel syndrome easily. Yea me! Now to find out if that's why I gained 10 pounds per month over the last 6 months and how to get rid of it.

  • Posted

    Hi is anyone still active on here? I'm suffering with alot of the same symptoms, I've had all the tests, ct, mri, sinus, blood work! Nothing coming up but I feel awful my head feels like a heavy cement block, lots of pressure from my neck and shoulders to the back of my eyes! My eyes really hurt and my ears are always so tense! It's a scary feeling which gives me extreme anxiety! This isn't a headache I've ever had before either does it sound like your typical headache! My head feels weird!! I've seen a neurologist and I'm waiting for some botox! Anyone on here get persistent eye pain, aching pressure?? My eardrums spasm allday making me feel like I'm going crazy! Please if anyone on here can help please leave me a message. After 26 months of this I really really want some relief x

    • Posted

      Still struggling after almost 2 years although some things have improved with time, but I'm stuck at no improvements for the past 6 months. I was diagnosed with a Post Viral illness. No medication prescribed and told it's time. However hasn't gone away. I still have fussy eyesight come the afternoon to going to sleep. Face ache, Ear popping, bloodshot eyes, nat lightheadedness.Low blood pressure and increased heart rate after standing up that doesn't go down. Would advise a young rheumatologist.

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      (ok, moderator, I won't get into the details)

      The following I'm saying to you, Justin, and to the most people here, can't say ALL, but MOST!!! I'm in the same boat as you and others here. Read my previous posts, describing my condition, symptoms and how it all started, if you are interested The following information is what started to helping me about a months ago, I'm going to talk about ANXIETY DISORDER. Back when it started, doctors and people around me were saying it's a stress bla-bla-bla, I didn't want to listen, I was sure it was SOMETHING terrible, but now I look at it differently. When you will go through all the DOCTORS, do all the PROCEDURES, there will be 2 conclusions, EITHER you are healthy and you even can become an astronaut, OR they will find something, most likely, insignificant and will try to convince you that OMG this is the CAUSE of all the PROBLEMS!!!! and after that announcement you will probably feel some relief, you'll start to consume some prescribed medications, like hormones, anti-depressants, this and that (JUST AN EXAMPLE). Let's talk about anti-depressants... Some people, if they are LUCKY, may feel a little better (in a long run, you will have to increase the dosage, change medications etc... and then there are different consequences), NOT SO LUCKY people won't feel anything (thus, new research begins, new panics , consistent anxiety, new diagnosis, new prescriptions etc...), UNLUCKY ones are those who start feeling WORSE after treatment (there are lots of feedback on medications, mostly negative ones). Let's say you started to feel worse after some medication that doctor provided. You running back to him, explaining everything, what he gonna do? Nothing to reverse it, and there is nothing you can do about this doctor, you can only blame him for prescribing it. What he can do after? He can keep prescribing you stuff till you find what helps. But sometimes getting there (to the right medication) can cause more problems. Then you will need another medication to treat previous medication's effect. Ok, I can go on forever. Here:

      1 - GET RID OF "WHAT IF..." thoughts, alter you thinking, (for example, your headaches, most likely you thought, like "what if it is this...", what if it is that..." etc..., then you start googling, reading all possible diagnosis and seeing only the worst - that what gives you more ANXIETY, more PANIC ATTACKS, or if not more, it makes anxiety consistent. Next step you are convincing your doctor to check every possible thing in your body, telling him what you think it might be. DON'T THINK about the symptoms, the MORE YOU THINK/PANIC, the MORE CONSISTENT symptoms will be.

      2 - ACCEPTANCE. Accept your symptoms for now. It's not that easy, but doable. It REALLY helped me. Just try to IMAGINE that this is the way all the people live their lives with those symptoms. Like me, I accepted my 24/7 symptoms: TINNITUS (noise in the head), LIGHT SENSITIVITY and PRESSURE IN THE HEAD (tight hat feeling). Sometimes there is FATIGUE, sometimes there is a DEPRESSION. I'm FORCING myself to do everything: go to work (I'm an analyst in the financial company and it's became really hard to work, to read, to think); go to social events; answer the phone call; go to shower; brush my teeth and so on... I'M FORCING MYSELF TO DO IT and it really REALLY HELPS, it GETS EASIER!!!

      3 -ANALYSIS. After you accepted it, you have to go back to the day when it all started and ANALYZE WHY IT ALL STARTED (it's not going to be exact moment when it started. You might want to look back into a WEEK or YEAR or 2 YEARS or more.) You will have to understand what was the last drop that OVERFILLED THE CUP etc... You might want to actually talk to some therapist about it.

      Only 3 steps. Sounds like not a lot, but difficult to go through.

      It also can take a MONTH, a YEAR or even more to get rid of the symptoms, but you will notice them fading away down the road.

      If you want to DO IT REALLY FAST, these are the half steps in between the steps:

      *Quit or reduce smoking cigarettes.

      *Quit smoking weed.

      *Quit or reduce drinking.

      *Quit drugs.

      *Light workouts (cardio).

      *Some diet (no sugar, no diary, no preserved foods, no wheat products).

      *I won't say MEDITATE, that helps lot's of people, but at least listen to some CALM music. Youtube some meditation music etc...

      I myself still smoking, still drinking coffee, eat everything, last time I worked out was year and a half ago (actually I was boxing every time I had panic attack, went to the gym downstairs and was punching the bag and I had so much energy that I never had before when I was boxing. That's how you have to fight your panic, even anxiety. It is something that breaks you from inside and in order to avoid it, you have to release it!!!!!!!)

      And still, TRYING TO FOLLOW FIRST 2 STEPS I see an improvement.

      Please feel free to contact me!!

      (Sorry for any mistakes or the way of putting the sentences and words together, English is my 2nd language.)



    • Posted

      Just wanted to add couple more things:

      • Be social, try to go out with friends.
      • Find a hobby, the thing that brings you joy (I'm still searching for one, honestly)
      • Get busy. Your head needs to work. (It's hard, but it pays off. In my case in the beginning of everything I couldn't sleep without melotonin, cbd and valerian.)
      • When I'm getting anxious, nervous or negative thoughts start to pop up, I'm using Hand Grip Strengthener, you can carry it in your pocket.
    • Posted

      I'm experiencing the same symptoms. I saw my general physician a couple of weeks ago and she prescribed some potassium, and basically ibuprofen. Says I have fluid buildup behind my ears, which is most likely mucus buildup from an allergy to something. Mucinex helps greatly, but doesn't last all day. About the time that I'm writing this, 2:50 PM cst, is when the pressure behind the ears really starts to buildup. I'll take an allergy med when I get home in about 2 hours, and some more ibuprofen, and it'll go away for the night. I feel like these meds are just a band aid for a larger issue. I do not want to be taking allergy meds, nasal sprays and ibuprofen for the rest of my life, as it doesn't even seem to be a fix, since it has been weeks. Anyhow, I guess I would just say to try some nasal spray and mucinex for a couple days/weeks and see how it goes. I'll post if my stuff gets worse/better.

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa thanks for the reply, these symptoms for me are 24/7 I feel really ill just like you, I've got this pressure in my head constantly for the past 2 years! My eyes have been bloodshot ever since and every morning I wake up I feel so weak, fatigue and shaky, my eyes burn, my nose is blocked, I think for me this may be coming from my neck and ears or definitely something to do with my sinuses! I don't feel like myself at all! Yes this gives me alot of anxiety!! But being in so much discomfort with no explanation really scares me as I think I'm actually going crazy!! I really wanna try get to the bottom of this because it isn't just anxiety! Maybe some of it can be but not all! My ears and eye's bother me the most at the moment, I believe if I can get my ears to stop spasming it will stop the pressure around my ears and head because if I squish my ears up they don't spasm which I think is irritating nerves and other muscles nearby, this actually gives me the tiniest bit of relief! So basically I'm thinking my ears are over sensitive and in a permanent tense spasm which feels horrible!! Give me a message if you want to talk more I'd be happy to chat

    • Posted

      Have you thought about a chiropractor, for a neck adjustment, and to get the crystals in your ears realigned? I used to work for one, who moved out of state, and went to another since I was a teen, who passed away. I've considered going back to see if that would help with the headaches and pressure, I feel on a daily basis. Give that try.

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      Anne thanks for your reply... Do you suffer with these symptoms too? I feel so so sick with all this now as if I'm ready to just die any minute! If I had to say this was a headache it would be closer to a tension headache more than anything! I hear someone say about tension but can tension start in your back, neck and shoulders and go through your ears, jaw, teeth, sinuses, eyes and face? I've seen a chiropractor and an osteopath, 2 ent doctors and a neurologist

    • Posted

      It can very easily be tension related as the muscles involved for that are neck and shoulders. The worse it gets the more it can involve facial muscles. We tighten and clench without realizing we are doing it. Sometimes just a massage is what the muscles need in order to break down and relax. Before fibromyalgia I loved deep tissue massage. Unfortunately, since then, my muscles and trigger points are on the offensive, against me.

    • Posted

      Hi, I was initially diagnosed with sinusitis but after seeing two ENTs they couldn't see anything. Had MRI scan of my brain and cervical spine, CT scan and all blood tests came back normal. I am in England and even though we had the NHS I was panicked, it was natural I wasn't getting answers then I went private and got referred to a Rheumatologist. He told me absolutely was not anxiety and a physical reaction to a virus I had. I got a bad flu and didn't recover the same as everyone else. I have been explained to that my parasympathetic system is not working as it should. Look up sympathetic nervous system and it may well be yours is not kicking in. He said the virus had attacked my head. The nerves. Do you have large pupils? mine don't constrict properly in bright light. They are too large measured at 5mm. Also on an ECG my heart rate after getting up from lying down goes up to 149 bpm and I'm standing still. Please IGNORE people who say it is anxiety. I think yours sounds very much like it is a post viral syndrome. I never knew such a thing existed before this. I was sporty and very socialable all my life until I was hit with a virus. I wish it was anxiety!!!!

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      As for my eyes, the pupils are large, but I can't stand bright lights or loud noises.

      My heart, they say, looks great, but any exertion causes my blood pressure to sky rocket and me to breathe heavy with wheezing. I've now been put on medicine for my blood pressure. It's a never ending cycle. The one constant, that no one can explain, is that since this all began, in June of last year, I have gained 80 pounds. Not good!

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      I'm almost certain it's not just anxiety... This is how it all started with some kind of flu/virus and I never recovered! I have so much discomfort for 2 years now I can't do anything anymore it definitely feels like my nervous system has been under attack, I'm in the uk too, south west! Did you have alot of fatigue, aches, pains and anxiety with this

    • Posted

      Hi Anne, yes from what i understand if you have fibromyalgia you have a problem with light. I have palinopsia/ after images created from too bright light. My eyesight is best in sunlight but in white lights it goes fuzzy and I struggle to see things in the distance sharply. Maybe with Fibromyalgia your parasympathetic nervous system is affected also. I don't have that so can't really say but maybe Digestion doesn't work correctly if it isn't doing it's part. I have never had a weight issue and never put on weight but since my condition I've put on 1stone. That although not much maybe to others it is unreal for me.

    • Posted

      Ah I'm in the East Midlands. I have to go back to my rheumatologist soon with Nuffield. Yes, I still have fatigue. Although I'm not bed bound now. I was for about 6 months. I couldn't lift my head, it felt like I had fallen from a motorbike and hit the back of my head mostly. Although my forehead ached too but not like the back. Then one day over night I could sit up over night.

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      sorry part 2. It timed me out.

      The headache at the back of the head seemed to ease as my ability to sit up and eyesight cleared until the afternoon before getting fuzzy. I had aches like heavy legs and chest which are on and off now. I would say clinical worry rather than anxiety. It is hell being stuck in pain with unbelievable symptoms and no one can tell you what's wrong. Thankfully my GP was up on CFS and the rheumatologist too. The neurologist was clueless and only suggested I may have had a type of viral meningitis at the beginning. I think in part he was right too. I would suggest maybe paying out for one of those heart rate belts athletes use because it has the same technology as an ECG and you might see what's going on with your heart over a period of time. Not a smart watch different technology. Doctors acknowledge chest trackers. If you see something not right it will help you know it is not anxiety. I was 36 when this hit and exercise fit, non smoker, non drinker. Now i can't do much at all in a day. Can't work. Stuck!!

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      Strange you mention meningitis. My son had this when he was a baby and is now 31. Could I be a carrier and no one knew it?

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      Never say IGNORE, it's inappropriate, you are not a doctor, even doctors don't know what is it, otherwise this forum wouldn't exist. That's why I wrote " the most people here, can't say ALL". Google it. In my previous posts I recommended the website.

      I used to close my ears and eyes too on ANXIETY.

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      I was replying to James no one else!!!. No I'm not a Doctor but several Doctors pointed that finger at me until I got to the right higher qualified person who knew exactly what it was as they have studied it and ongoing research. They even said off the books other doctors go too diagnosis. Only you can know your body. Keep going until you feel it's rsight.

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