Constant Nausea and Vomiting for 2 years now. Doctors are no help.
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I have no idea what to do anymore. I am at the point where I just want to give up on everything. It all started about 2 years ago when I was at a friends house eating some pizza and relaxing. In the middle of the night I started getting some severe pains under my right rib cage and some ridiculous nausea and vomiting. This lasted all night and I ended up staying awake all night vomiting. After that night I never really felt the same. I ended up going to the emergency room because I was in so much pain and I couldn't keep anything down. Doctors said that the pain could very well be gallbladder so I went to a hospital and got an ultrasound right away.
I ended up doing the ultrasound and doctors found no gallstones or anything wrong with me. They prescribed me omeprazole and sent me on my way. It has been almost 2 years since that night and I have been to the emergency room a total of 4 times. And I have been to a gastroenterology specialist 5 times and Have seen two other doctors as well. I have had a HIDA Scan which came back normal. An upper endoscopy which came back with inflammation of my esophogus but nothing else and many blood tests. I tried reglan recently and it did not help at all.
I am going to see my doctor again tomorrow but I already know what is going to happen. He is going to tell me there is nothing he can do, like always. I am at the point where I am vomiting a total of 10 to 15 times a day. My nausea is INCREDIBLY uncomfortable and only occurs after I eat something. The odd thing is the pain under my right rib cage is gone but my nausea and vomiting are MUCH worse now. Even drinking water has started to cause me discomfort and nausea. Most of the time its the worst when i eat something greasy or full of fat.
I am still convinced it has something to do with my gallbladder and pancreas but the tests say otherwise I guess. I don't know what I thought I would get out of posting this. I just figured maybe somebody out there has been dealing with the same problem. Maybe I can get some help. I am only 21 years old and I just want to have a normal life again. I have no idea what I did to deserve something like this but its just plain crippling.
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aditya92989 andrew37546
I m also suffering that from a year.Now i got some relief.
Stop eating sour substances,stop drink water in empty stomach and drink water according to thirst,eat small meals ,dont eat till you feel stomach full,stop smoking and alcohol use, be vegaterian and stop all types of spicy ,processed etc food
If u can get ayurvedic medicines ,Take lavanbhaskar churn,drakshashav syrup.
Dumbpuppy andrew37546
Hello buddy, I am praying that you finally found some relief to your pain and all that goes with this awful crud. Not to scare you but I've had it for over 15 years and still the same old story. I'm depressed, anxious, and just plain sick of being sick all the time. Lost multiple friends and family due to the fact they think I'm faking being sick :-( but my God knows the truth. And that's where I've found my strength. They are checking me for Gastropharesis and delayed stomach emotions now. Only because I'm doing my own research to try to help control or finally whoop it. Would love to find out how you are doing and pray with you if you care to. Is hard on the mind and body when your sick all the time and it seems MOST days Not a single person in the world understands or cares. They do, is just very overwhelming for them also. In prayerful thoughts your friend.
linda00674 Dumbpuppy
Dawn. Great they are testing for gastroparesis. How about testing for Achalasia? It would involve a manometry test. Achalasia people can have chest pain, hard to swallow foods, regurgitation, vomiting, nausea, hard to keep food down, lose of weight. It is hard to find Drs that know this rate auto immune disorder.
There is an online support group that offers so much information in general Drs to see that understand
Martin Mueller IV Achalasia foundation.
I suffer from Achalasia. I am not a Dr.
sanya11314 andrew37546
As we have multiple compression diagnosis now, I want to share them with you in case helpful if not checked yet.
MALS/Dunbar syndrome
it is easy to diagnose (ultrasound, MRA, CTA), IF they know how (you need to exhale and lie flat. All other positions, inhaling are for comparision) to see if the coeliac artery had some kind of compression.
This is the 'easy' MALS diagnosis.
The harder one is, when with it or ONLY the coeliac plexus is compressed by ligament.
This cannot be seen in ultrasound, MRA, CTA and it would need a coeliac nerve block, which is quite invasive.
when the abdominal aorta (AA) and superior mesenteric artery (SMA) are anatomically presenting an angle, so that tissue underneath get's squished to an extend, that it causes symptoms.
Tissues like:
left renal vein
When the duodenum is mechanically compressed, food has really trouble to get through.
If it was compressed completely, obstructing liquids, also barium liquids for tests, it is easy to be diagnosed, but dear me, if it is only compressed down to 2-4mm and can still get liquids through, but not solid mash.
Then you need a good doc to know about it and still be able to advice.
If something still went through though, mostly a diet change is all it needs plus weight gain.
Mainly liquid, smoothies.
All the best
please check out those two possibilities as exclusion is also peace of mind.
Your story sounds a lot like MALS to me and you might want to join fb forums to get a list of docs in your area, that know about it.
farah41194 andrew37546
Glad to hear you are doing better. Good for you! I'm sure the vomiting will ease up even more over time, as your body heals. Just continue to eat small not eat to feel full. Eat on time. Do not skip meals. Avoid spicy, greasy stuff. I have similar problems to yours. I thought I had gotten better but recently had a very bad flare up so now I am back on omeprazole and cimetidine. Really hoping to beat this condition and get rid of it for good as it can be quite depressing.
pippa58442 andrew37546
Tom9478 andrew37546
Someone suffering the same stuff as me! I have the constant nausea and vomiting as well. i have had HIDA scans, PET scans, MRIs, the digestion study, stool samplings, heavy metal testings, parasite testing, colonoscopy and endoscopy, nothing. andrew, i see this post is over two years old, how are you doing now?
Joannwilson andrew37546
I had the same issues. You can have pancreatitis which cam cause this. It is similar to gallbladder attacks & sometimes causes these symptoms. I used zantac & zofran. The zofran is great for nausea because it dissolves under the tongue so it does not have to go into an already nauseated tummy.
A good natural remedy to cut down both diarreah and nausea is charcoal tablets which absorb ant toxins in your gut.
If you cannot find them you can make charcoal toast. Simply over cook your toast quite a lot, til its blackened. If you can
eat it that way good. If you cant stomach it scrape the crust off and take it by spoonfuls.
The charcoal capsules should be in vitamin area of store.
My physician said in the old days this was just known as having a delicate constitution.
I do know a lot if fatty or oily foods can make it worse.
The charcoal has helped me a lot.
I sure hope you find answers. I am 63 and I have had it all my life. Charcoal capsules are the only thing that has ever made a difference. Practically everything we eat has no doubt been exposed to chemicals of one kind or another and the only thing you can really do is try to eat as organically as possible, keep a log of your worst food reactions and try to avoid them, and keep charcoal on hand.
linda00674 Joannwilson
Joan have Drs done a manometry test? It measures the pressure you have in your esophogus to push food down. There is a rare autoimmune disorder call Achalasia. People who have it can have nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing food and or liquids, chest pain, regurgitation and more. There is an online support group. They have information about Achalasia, what Drs they have seen and are knowlegable about Achalasia. You can vent and ask questions, you dont have to feel.alone
linda00674 andrew37546
Have you asked for a manometry test? That will.test for the amount of pressure tou have n your esphogus to.push food down. There is a rare autoimmune disorder called. Achalasia. This is where the muscles in the esphogus don' t work.properly. This can cause the vomiting, inability to keep food down and diaherra. Plus it can cause pain u nder the breast and chest pain. I am not a Dr but someone who has this issue. I went 2 yrs before Drs could diagnose it. There are specialists who diagnise and treat this. Cle veland clinic is one place, Northwestern is another. There is an onlne suppoet group group called Achalasia. Martin Mueller IV foundation supports this group. You can get a weath of information there too.
There is also another Achalasis support group E.A.T.
lori85626 andrew37546
Thank you Andrew. I think my husband has been given that one before. Doctors have given up testing him. They know just say it's functional vomiting but none of the drugs have stopped it. Hope you are doing better. All the best in the New Year
linda00674 lori85626
Lori. Have the Drs done a manometry test on your husband? This tests the amount of pressure in your esphogus. If things are abnormal it could be Achalasia. This along with endoscopy are the tests for Achalasia. It is a rare autoimmune disorder that many Drs are not familiar with.
People with this hard time keep food down, hard time swallowing, regurgitation, chest pain. And more. I am one person who suffers from Achalasia. I also joined an onlinevsupport group. There is support, wealth of information concerning this disorder to Drs who specialize in it. Martin Mueller IV Achalasia Foundation. I hope all of you see my post. I just want to help
catol04485 andrew37546
hi, i know what you are going through my daughter is going through the same thing as u. shes been like that for 5 years shes 26, she vomits at least 44 times a day she tries to keep track of it and the doctors r not sure what she has either. They say it might be Throwing up syndrome but r not sure. i just want u to know u r not the only one going through this. My daughter had a 24 hour bug and never stop getting sick shes always in pain it interfere with her job.
linda00674 catol04485
Carol. Please see my message to Lori I just posted. Maybe you have seen it?
I went through the same thing as your daughter. It took Drs 2 yrs to diagnose me with Achalasia. It causes vomiting, nausea, hard time swallowing, chest pain, and more. I had to get FMLA because I lost so much time from work. Please have her ask the Drs to do a manometry test. This will see if she does have Achalasia. Of course you also do a barium swallow, endoscopy and colonoscopy, plus it might be a good idea to have a gastric emptying study to rule out gastroparises.
There is an online support group where you can get information, vent, see what Drs are specialists you dont have to feel alone. Martin Mueller IV Achalasia Foundation. You can always contact me too.
Take catw