Constant nausea, bloating, stomach pains and acid reflux

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Ever since i was 7 years old, iv been feeling constantly sick, i will go a couple of years of feeling really sick 24/7 then a couple of years feeling fine. It just comes and goes over long periods of time. This time i have been feeling constantly sick, anxious, bloated, acid refluxes and stomach pains. I have to mention i have a fear of vomiting and all these feelings only makes my fear worse, i haven't put my life on hold from (even tho i sometimes feel like i want too). I also have trouble going to the toilet sometimes (number 2) i quite often get constipated. Im only 23 years old, male by the way and i cant go out drinking with friends, go out for meals or even holidays because i feel like throwing up all the time, its just a nightmare!! I don't even know what normal feels like anymore all i feel is SICK, NAUSEA AND DISCOMFORT, its so distressing and makes me angry sometimes. Does anyone have any answers or idea to what this might be? Or ever experienced this before? Would very much appreciated your views

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    Hi everyone i too have this annoying experience ever since i was 13 ive had this. It started when i threw up at my mates house 2 years ago and every sine that day i have had the constant sickness (nausea) and the weird,yucky acid coming up your throat feeling and i have constantly been coughing up muccus. I have a history of anxiety and it gets worse whenever i visit my dad every fornite (i see him 2 days a fortnite) but ive been to the doctor and they know nothing, ive tried so much and im to the point where i cant sleep cause im crying from how tough it gets not remembering what its like to eat normally without feeling like vomiting and it stops you from doing many things and i too do have a fear of vomiting. But one good thing is the feeling has gotten a tiny bit better of the years ive gotten used to it so i sometimes barely get the feeling but other times after i eat a lot (im going through puberty so i am getting a bigger appertite) i feel sick and its certain foods too that trigger this anyway i really want to end this please reply and ill answer
  • Posted

    Thank you so much for posting.  I believe that you are my twin but a male version. Two years and some months ago i went on a camping trip for my friends birthday (Aug 2013). By the end of September i knew something was not right.  By March 2013 i felt like i was on my death bed.  Missed work for a whole week and couldnt even shower becuase the water hitting my stomach was extremly painful.  Doctor after Doctor, test after test i had given up hope until my mother took me to a holistic doctor where he told me that i had an encounter with a (ameba) parasite.  After the first dosage of supplements i felt like i had my life back... it was a miracle. Then it went down hill again. I experienced the buring in my stomach which lead to H. Pylori. After that was taken care of I started getting EVERY SINGLE SYMPTOM you have listed above. I couldn't go out to eat,hang out with my freinds, be the normal 26 year old that i should be.  I felt that someone had taken my life away from me.  I have been to every doctor there is i have seen a gastrologist, my primaray doctor, my OBGYN, an allergist, and a holistic doctor and everyone has told me that it is anxiety/ acid reflux/ they think i am crazy.  I thought i was too until i just read your post and now you have given me hope again. I do the lemon water every morning just like you and it may work for an hour or so but then the feelings come right back with avengeance. I have had an EDG, Colonoscopy, x-ray, ultrasound etc. and no one can tell me what is wrong with me.  Is there a certain test that you have done or asked a doctor to test you for or do you just continue to self- medicate your self to make it through the day? 
    • Posted

      I am the same a hospital actually denied me help after looking at my records and I was throwing up pure acid and couldn't stop. I thought I was dying and they said to go somewhere else that I was insane and it was all in my head. I have the same type of thing you guys have.
    • Posted

      Hi!! Girl the but if and nausea for me started about 9 months ago and hasn't went away sad I have had every test as well and have saw many doctors. Everything coming back normal discourages me. No body knows what's wrong w me did you ever find a solution?

    • Posted

      Thats awful, truly bad care. They make too many decisions based on previous notes which if they are pointing the wrong way to start with will lead others even further from diagnosis
  • Edited


      i am scared to throw up and have very similar symptoms as you do. Doctors cant find whats wrong with me either. Its been real bad lately for me, feel like i cant eat anything without feeling nauseous afterwards. Its been awhile since this post, any progress since 10 months ago? I have been thinking of going to another GI doctor but have been delaying as long as I can because of fear. I dont want to do a endoscopy.

    • Posted

      I saw that this post was a while ago, but don't be scared of it, it is honestly one of the easiest and least scary tests out there. Believe me, I have had about a string of 20-25 tests in the last year and that one is quite low on the list.
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      Me too I'm scared to do the endo they say anxiety who knows either way my life is ruined
  • Posted

    I have had the same thing since 2nd grade and now I am in college. I have had 6 endoscopies, and none of them have found anything. I also have a fear of throwing up along with a TON of anxiety issues. I still have the pain, nausea, and anxiety, but I do not throw up like I used to. I used to probably about 2-3 times a week. My doctor found an extremely severe allergy to mold. There is mold in almost any food you can find. Canned foods, bagged (frozen) foods, certain savory seasonings, fruit juices, alcohol (obviously), and many, many other things. I would check to see if you have an allergy or some sort of intolerance.
  • Posted

    I know this was posted ages ago but just in case anyone comes across it.. I have the same symptoms exactly! However anxiety cannot cause you to feel sick 24/7 like we do.. No way in hell. It sounds like pretty serious acid reflux / gastritis which is what I have. Some people don't react to medicine such as PPIs which I also don't. Don't worry and don't think you're going crazy because you aren't. Push to see a gastro specialist x
    • Posted

      Hi. I've had symptoms for 6 weeks now with constant nausea and some days I get terrible dizziness and start trembling. I don't get the burning in my throat or acid taste in my mouth which are classic symptoms of reflux. I've been to two different GP's 9 times and been to a Gastro specialist last Monday who said I have reflux disease. I've been on nexium and pantoprazole which didn't work for me at all now I've started taking zantac 300mg which worked fine for the first week but now I'm taking up to 1200mg per day just to feel better! I have had all kind of tests done.. CT scan, ultrasound and numerous blood tests including H pylori which all came back negative! I'm due to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy soon but not sure if I will get an answer to why I feel so sick all the time. The feeling of nausea in my stomach just won't go away until I'm dosed up on zantac but I can't keep increasing the dosage. I hope someone out there can share thoughts and it's nice to know I'm not alone in this battle just to feel normal again.
    • Posted

      I know this is a old post. I've been having this for awhile now. Ever since I was 13 this have been happening. In 23 years of age and still having the same problem. Doctor tools bloods and didn't show anything I've been suffering from anixety and the doctor thinks it's anxiety but I think it's more than anxiety because the pain I'm in is horrible. I started a gluten free diet because bread makes my stomach inflamed it goes like a ballon if I have anything that has wheat in it how ever if I eat anything like pork pies or Frey bontoes pies I have acid really bad acid to the extent where it feel like my stomach is full of acid it's horrible. I can't go out because when I go out I feel sick being around a lot of people or in public so I stay at home but why would anxiety cause acid and stomach pains and nausea? Sometimes I feel sick but don't be sick but other times I am sick when I go out I be sick.
    • Posted

      I get this terrible of lf balance feeling and dizzyness ever my gallbladder removal and it causes me alot of reflux docs say it anxeity.
    • Posted

      Believe it or not they could be interrelated, as I well know ever since I had severe chest pains that led to a heart work-up that nonetheless never convinced me I hadn't had some type of mild heart attacks. Glad I'm tuned into my heart rhythms now and they have taken the back seat to abdominal troubles of recent. I live with agoraphobia so I'm pretty much a hermit myself! Good luck in living on, friend! wink

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      Look into what is called EOE(or EE,same thing just abbreviated differently) it's what is known as an allergic esophagus. It can cause acid reflux, stomach pain, bloating, vomiting, and even headaches. My daughter has it and it's horrible. Shes on meds now. They actually seem to be helping. Good luck. I hope someone can figure something out for you. Don't give up. It took us 5 years!

    • Posted

      Have you ever found a solution? I know it's been a minute but I need help, I been feeling the same

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