constant pain under the ribs (on the right side the back)
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I am experiencing this pain under my ribs, on the right side and more towards my back than in the front..for about three months now and I have to take Ibuprofen almost every day
This pain is just annoying as its not as bad to prevent me from moving or do stuff, but it is very upsetting to have to endure it every day.
I am 29 years old (woman).
I went to the doctor first in February when he tested my blood. The result came back normal (he said he tested for infections). After that I went again and he gave me an X-ray in my abdominal area..well that one came back normal too.
Now, last week (30th of May) he said he would send me through the post a form or something like that.. to go with it and have an ultrasound. I waited now a week and I cant wait to receive it already as I want to see if they will see something at the Echo scan.
I would have wanted the ultrasound taken first if you ask I suspect it might be something like a kidney stone..or something like that..?
I only have this pain in my back, somewhere under my ribs (and on the right side), only when I stand.
I feel better when sitting down or lying. I am thankful for that at least..I suppose it could be worse I get some break from this.
The doctor as I see him is clueless and he said that if we don't find anything after all these tests..he might just blame it on a muscle that was pulled or something..
I mean..this is ridiculous as basically it would be just a guess..even leaving it like that..
what if in time it affects me more with some other consequences?
I am very concerned already and tired with this pain.
Please I would like to know your opinions about this.
I must add that I have no other swellings or other problems. Just this pain every day and is constant and annoying and I just want to know what it is already to treat it and get over with my life.
32 likes, 305 replies
Patient_Mod Geox
Hi Geox - there can be all sorts of reasons and causes for pain in your chest - it may be worth you checking out our health information article about chest pain at
karen75 Geox
Geox karen75
I wouldnt want to give up..but hopefully I will discover what it is in an ultrasound.I am still waiting though to receive the appointment from the dr through the post
I must say I freaked out when I read that you had these symptoms for several years! OMG..I wouldnt want that..
So it just went by itself in your case? what was it? Do you know..?
My pain its stronger sometimes when i switch positions..Like for example if I am sitting down and suddently I am standing then it hurts..but even this it only happens is so unpredictable sometimes. And no, it doesnt hurt after I eat..its just hurts when I stand even if my stomach is empty and not eaten yet..only when I take paracetamol or ibuprofen it dissapears for a few hours.
Thank you for your reply though! I appreciate it.
So bottom line, you havent found out why you had the pain..?
welly1157 karen75
ananya91383 welly1157
rodderricoz welly1157
I haven't been checked for over a year. problems. Whenever,
What I usually do is.
karen75 Geox
Geox karen75
A weird thing happened recently though..I just fell a few days ago..maybe because I was clumsy I just fell flat on my face..for no reason while walking and not having any type of obstacles in front of me...It was very embarrassing- I was fine when two people that were just passing by helped me up. So..I just have some bad bruises now on my right hip and my right I fel on my right side..
However, that same night my pain from my back right side, wasnt there anymore, but it had moved in the front..on my right side-in my pelvis area. I had to take paracetamol to be able to sleep. But after that night it hurts slighlty less in my back (on the right side) it went back there, only not as strong as before the fall.
Now..the newest thing is that last night I think I barely slept one I had weird numbness and a bit of tingling in my big toes from both feet..
What could that be now?
OMg, it will now take another few months before I find what is happening with the toes..When I press on the surface of my toes..I feel them numb just a bit-like a dentist anesthetic.. I am scared by what I read on the internet about these things..
I might need to phone the doctor for another appointment regarding something else.
And I might need to choose a new section to write about this here on the I am curious about this too
I am falling apart apparently.........
Kie Geox
chelsealillys Kie
Nahrin Geox
I'm very sorry you're experiencing such pain. I have the same pain on the right side towards the back. Sometimes it gets so uncomfortable it wakes me up. I'm not sure what this is. I wonder if it is kidneystone.
In any case, with regards to your toes, I believe you fall had a major role to play in it. Sometimes when we fall or move in a wrong way our spine shifts resulting in pinched nerves. I strongly suggest to see a chiropractor for it. A regular doctor would not fix this problem. I have come to learn a lot about human body since my car accident in 2003. I rolled my car 5 times and lost the natural curve in my neck because of it. Several month down the road I started having massive headaches which no doctor could tell me the cause of. I finally made a visit to a chiropractor and he discovered that my accident had cause a major shift in each of my neck vertebrae. My heaches stopped with the first adjustment, but I had to go to the chiropractor 3 times a week for a year to get my muscles back in shape again. Now I only go back to the chiropractor once every few months IF I need an adjustment.
I really hope you feel better soon. Take care.
jennifer46036 Nahrin
Nahrin jennifer46036
karen75 Geox
Geox karen75
It left me wondering. Not that I dont want to see that everything is normal with my health..but what was that pain then? So after my result from the echo, the pain went away in a few days as well so I didnt thought is necessary to see the Dr again.
If it will reappear, I will make an appointment.
I want to add that the pain reappeared two time in a these last two months that have passed since the echo, and in those particular days I have put in more effort at work (I work in retail at the moment, but not for long as I am looking for an office job).
Maybe it was like my Dr said in the beggining: a muscle was pulled while exercising, as maybe I havent properly warmed up; who knows?
But that would explain the pain.
However, I want to start slowly building my strength for running, as I have to lead a hea;thy hopefully I wont have a problem with that as well.
Before the pain I was floor exercising at maybe..I didnt warmed up properly..
So that is all, really...
I will keep you guys updated if anything out of the ordenary happens again, which I hope it wont.
I wish you all good health and all the best.