Constant PVCS ruining my life!

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Hi, i have resorted to asking for some advice on the dreaded PVCS and PACS, i have been having these for about 5 years and recently they have become unbearable! I constantly think im going to drop dead, my anxiety is through the roof, i hate leaving the house and im not coping at work 😦 i have been the doctors and cardiologist several times had all the heart tests including a heart scan and exercise test and all they found was a slightly long QT interval and which he said was nothing to worry about and that my heart is healthy but its made me freak out even more after i googled long QT! My doctor says the PVCS are down to anxiety, i must have about 2000 skipped heart beats a day its so horrible it feels like my hearts doing flips! i am on bisoprolol and have been for a year but its doing nothing for me 😦 any advice would be great! Thank you

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31 Replies

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    are you feeling any better? i have them also and its the worst!!!

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      I am having them too - all weekend which is so unusual for me. i am so stressed out with them (they started randomly when i wasnt stressed at all!) I just hope they stop soon. i will probably go back to my GP for ecg this week just to put my mind at ease. like you all, i have been through these tests before and all was normal

      They are SO horrific

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    i have been experiencing severe PVCs for the past 2 months. All my cardiac tests come back normal but i am convinced they are missing something. i have never had anxiety but they claim this is the issue. i was prescribed zoloft and have been taking 50mg for 3 weeks and it seems to have gotten more severe. The past 2 weeks I have developed shortness of breath and an unable to take satisfying breaths, in addition to chest pain and throat pain probably from trying to breathe. My bp is also high fluctuating between 160 and 180/100. I am genuinely scared that i am going to die soon. I should mention i am 35 was always very active running 4/5 miles non stop. past 2 months have been unable to run or do much because of PVCs and the other symptoms mentioned. Has anyone been through all of this and recovered?

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    I understand completely. I've been having PVCs for three years now. I had an EKG, ECG, stress test, and wore a two-week monitor — all normal. I have had a short run of SVT recorded by the monitor, which the doctor seemed totally unconcerned about. He tells me not to worry about them, to ignore them, that they're not life-threatening, and that my heart is strong. It's easy to say all of that when you're not the one experiencing them. It is ruining my life and preventing me from exercising.

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    I recently had Covid. As the initial cold-like symptoms cleared up, I noticed other issues that seemed to linger, including a higher than normal resting HR, along with what I described as palpitations/fluttering of my heart. So, I went to my Dr and was referred to a cardiologist...after many tests (blood, urine, xrays, ekg, echo, ultrasound, holter monitor), which showed nothing abnormal, I was told I have PVCs due to anxiety, and that they are benign. I was put on a low dose beta blocker which has helped overall.

    My PVCs mainly start while I'm sleeping...I wake up, usually sweating...most of the times I do box-breathing and that settles everything down and I go back to sleep...on occasion, they keep me up and, at best, I doze on and off until my alarm goes off...they sometimes linger into the morning but eventually subside.

    My Drs think it's anxiety from Covid or just Covid (which there are studies around increased HR and other heart related issues tied to Covid - other viruses impact the heart as well). My echo showed a normally functioning and structured heart, so I guess it's down to anxiety?? Maybe my dreams are causing anxiety??

    Best to all.

    • Posted

      That is exactly what happened to me March 2020 i had Covid symptoms and on the 4th day i developed those horrible Ectopic beats the symptoms cleared in 5 days but since then the Ectopics never gone away ,,,it is been on and off since then ,,it is making my life miserable...i didnt have it for nearly 3 months and i start to forget about it and then it came back with vengeance i have been having hundreds everyday for the last few weeks...i have had Echo and holter last year and same as you it is PVC 99 perecnt i also get PAC but very rare ..even 2 weeks ago i bought 24 hour ECG ...yesterday the device recorded 563 PVC and 1 PAC couplet..the day before it recorded 1170 PVC ...iam back to my GP now waiting for a Holter ....i have tried to find any ryhme or reason for those PVC but i failed ,,it comes and goes on its own but right now iam having what they call a PVC storm i hope it settles down...when they started i used to have very few a day like 15 Ectopics or so but it used to be very strong now iam having hundreds but not strong but still the feeling of every Ectopic is unsettling...i have explaination of what happened to me when i had Covid because this virus is new my immune response was very aggressive and the inflammation in my body was way too high ,,they call it a Cytokins storm to defeat the virus and some how the heart either had a mild form of inflammation that messed up the electrical system ' Myocarditis' or it could be the high degree of inflammation in my body caused some Cardiac cells in my Ventricules to become very irritated and now keeps firing those signals ,,i hope it goes away completely but iam not sure ,,i hope Allah will heal us all...even now i start thinking about ablation because i cant take it any more ..

  • Posted

    hello. i have many sympthoms similar to yours. i have many pvc per minute, during sleep too. the doctors said i have a healthy heart and no medicine needed. my blood tests are perfect too... i am desperate. i feel this pvc from 3 weeks ago continuously...

  • Posted

    hello. i have many sympthoms similar to yours. i have many pvc per minute, during sleep too. the doctors said i have a healthy heart and no medicine needed. my blood tests are perfect too... i am desperate. i feel this pvc from 3 weeks ago continuously...

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    Hi. How do experience these pvc's? what do you feel?

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    i'm living a f'ken nightmare. i get crazy runs of pvcs with non sustained vtach. nobody seems overly concerned other than me. i can't work and have trouble leaving the house because when it strikes i turn into a bloody mess. hope you're well.

  • Posted

    hi, i also have the same feeling.

    it is so draining and makes me very tired at times docs say due to anxiety also.

    i have had 24 hr monitor, blood test, echo, 7 days montior done privately. doctors say its nothing.

    i am 22 years old and started experiencing these after i had my daughter. every now and then i get hot flushes and a rush to use the toilet.

    Everytime i experience these ( which are daily )

    i try and ground myself, by talking on the phone or being around people. trying to remain calm really do help.

    you are not alone!

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    I am new to the pvc/pac community. only been having them for about 4 months or so. I got them after a virus and had all the lab work ups you can imagine. I did have non ischemic cardiomyopathy from the virus we believe which we found out because of these dang PVCs.

    I was wondering if anyone has found any relief at all. I am currently on Motoprolol once daily and buspiron for anxiety. at first the Motoprolol seemed to help, but lately it's doing nothing. they seem to have gotten worse. the only way I can get them to stop is laying down. which they go away completely.

    I hope someone has good news for me because I am 33 and hate life right now. the anxiety makes them worse but it's not anxiety causing them. 😦

    thanks in advance!

  • Posted

    I have had the dreaded pvc's and pac's for many years, But the last 2 years they have been very frequent and alarming. I see you have had all the tests done on your heart. Anxiety does make them worse, but i don't understand why they occur often even when not anxious. I hope you can find some answers. The doctor I see does not seem to take it serously. I am on medicare and even though I had an echo and stess test 2 years ago, the doctor does not want to do another one. Best of luck

  • Posted

    My sympathies. You are not alone. I have been having frequent PVCs for over 2 years now. So I read that the heart does about 100,000 beats per day on average, so if you are having 2,000 per day then that is just 2% of your beats. My cardiologist told me that a PVC burden of <10% is nothing to worry about, so sounds like you are fine. My holter monitor reported a burden of 13% which was excessive, so I have been on medication ever since. I was initially prescribed Beta Blockers but they did not work, so I moved on to Flecainide which has improved my condition significantly. I still get PVCs but much less than I used to. So I'll be keeping an eye on it. Anyway, if no structural issues, then it sounds like it comes down to percentages, and that 10% is the threshold . All the best

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