Constantly worrying and feeling ill

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I am 51 and my life now seems to consist of different symptoms , feeling ill and like im at deaths door . I really cant imagine keep feeling like this for years on end . Ive already had symptoms on and off for three and a half years . Earlier this week I read that Jimmy Osmond had suffered a stroke at 55 and I guess the irrational , health anxiety side of me kicked in . Straight away I checked out all the details concerning strokes and heart issues . Not long after I convinced myself I had heart problems including aches and pains . Also I have had the migraine from hell for three days . I just want to cry and feel so depressed . I am going to make myself seriously ill if I carry on like this . As well I get spells of acid reflux and im convinced if that continues I will end up with cancer . Please tell me that I am not going mad

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22 Replies

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    I can identify with everything you're all saying. I am completely fed up and at a loss as to what is happening to me.

    I had hysterectomy in my early 30s but noticed nothing untoward for years. I had one random episode of palpitations a few years later, then nothing for a long time. Then libido started to drop, had a couple more palp issues, then in 2007 I started big time with hot flushes, ocular migraines, anxiety, depression, skin problems, and all the other symptoms known to man (or woman!).

    I cannot use hrt as my sister had breast cancer, so I went down the natural route and eventually found a supplement that helped - DIM - and that got me through the worst. It seemed to ease off about four or five years ago so I thought I was getting to the end of the nightmare. Then a couple of years ago I was woken in the night with horrific palps, and it's been a constant worry ever since. It was initially only during the night I would get the palps, but now I get days where I just want to curl up and do nothing due to the irregular beats. I also suffer from ocular migraines, which occur several times a week, and recently had another type of flash in my left eye which I put down to side effect of last beta blocker.

    I have gone through ECG, echocardiograms, CT scan, 24 hr monitor all OK, apart from I have a slightly leaky mitral valve. I've had beta blockers but the side effects are worse than the actual problem so I stopped those. I am trying meditation but really struggling to switch off the chatter and worry. Not having periods, it is difficult to tell where I am in all this. I am considering a blood test to see where my hormones are. Sheer hell!!

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      Should have added, I am just coming up to 60 years old.

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    Please take apple cider vinegar (with the mother) for the reflux. It helped me. x

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    i feel for you i have just had a good couple of day and bang 5am woke up with palps and sweating shaking needed the loo very quick as i have ibs and then its carried on and off for couple of hours i know iam peri but these symptoms are slowly doing me in sick of bothering the dr and havnt been work now for 3 wks and dont really wont to go back at the min as i feel so awful just dont know how to tell my body iam not going to die and stop this horrid feeling big hugs for all of you x

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