Constipation and Fissures
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Alright so this is gonna be kind of gross but bare with me.
I have a chronic fissure, after I pass a stool, I clean the area with regular toilet paper. For whatever reason I find I am not fully clean so I believe my excess wiping is what initially caused the fissure in the first place. Now with my fissure, I find when I wipe excessively it somehow loosens my bowels and I can't stop going. After cleaning each time the fissure pain gets unbareable. Some on here have suggested a bidet however I don't think it would be feasible as I drive for a living. Is there some kind of wipe I could use? My doctor initially said that preparation H was making the fissure worse, so I'm kind of lost as to what I'm supposed to do. And I feel like the way I clean the area is also making the constipation worse.
She did prescribe Destin to help with the itching but whenever I apply that creme, but I usually apply it after it itches so it doesn't seem to help. Do I just need to apply it all the time?
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Laura3333 Sean355
Tesco toilet wipes in a green pack, near the toilet rolls, they are quite big in a resealable pack.
Prep H makes me really sore, but these are really soothing and flushable, and get you clean.
Try to just clean the area, and don't put any cream on at all, that keeps the fissure damp and stops it healing. Use the wipes and gently dab with loo roll, and keep it dry.
It worked for me, all the creams just made it sting and burn more.
jquality Sean355
I use unscented baby wipes and Super Soft Charmin toilette paper to dry off and I bought trashcan's for every bathroom with auto close lid. Also, I've been told never to over wipe, just clean the area and NEVER go inside. Also - EAT Apple slices with skin on every day until the fissure is under control and then eat them at least twice a week forever. Make sure your kids and husband eat apple slices too. Forget creams - just wash area with soap and wash cloth when you shower and shower after all your workouts. Don't obsess.
mmarcus151910 Sean355
1. Try somee zinc oxide in the form of calmoseptine which has menthol to soothe the area down there as well. Calmoseptine can be bought at almost any local drugstore and can be bought online too.
2. Try squatting when going on the toilet instead of sitting. This is a much helathier position and the poop sometimes will just slide out, no pushing or straining involved.
3. I would definately take a fiber supplement, specifically metamucil is what I take evveryday, in ordr to allow your stools to be soft and to allow them to pass thorugh easily. THis being said, with any fiber supplemetn, you must drink lots of water when using them, or they will not work veffectively. Also, do not take too much as too much fiber can irritate your bowels on the way out and diarreah actually does worse down there.
5. I would recommend getting a sphicteronomy surgery if htings dont get better. I waited it out, gave up, had the surgery, and was able to heal within about two weeks. I had a chronic fissure, so I knew where you are ocming from with v all the pain and discomfort.
Try listening to music to distract your mind a bit, especially when going to the bathroom. If you are in writing pain, distract yourself with a movie or TV show right after. Also, to prevent myself from screaming and from putting more stress in the area down there, i bit down on a washcloth in order to make the tensions with my teeth instead of my sphicter muscle.
Hope this helps!!!
Firefly0817 Sean355
The area around the fissures needs to be as bacteria free as possible to allow your body to properly heal itself. Read my story, and see if it helps you.