Constipation and peri.

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Can anyone please reassure me if constipation is common in peri ?i have been extremely constipated and as I suffer anxiety too I think I have colon or ovarian cancer !!! I have a cyst on my ovary making me think this.i am on propolonol and norethesterone so am

Not sure if these are contributing to my constipation.any advice please as I'm worried sick all the time lately and my anxiety is through the roof !!many thanks Michelle xxx

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    Hi Michelle,

    I've suffered with it badly since early peri, I've had to take laxatives for some time, had to because it makes me bleed otherwise.

    Best natural to try first is a bit too much magnesium, mine is good quality and ionic and I usually take the recommended dose and half as much again. If that's not working double the dose.

    If I'm still having trouble I use syrup of figs (choice one) because it's quite a gentle action. You used to be able to get it at a chemist but last few years they stopped selling it. But you can get it online. If not ask your doctor if they will prescribe senna, this is also a gentle one.

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      Thank you I've just checked too and I'm on propolonol and norethesterone and both side effects can be constipation !!! I just can't win.but who knows what's causing it now tablets Peri or anxiety !! Xxx
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      Another weird thing about it I forgot to say before is for the amount I put in hardly any comes out? I have been on Meds that cause constipation but I haven't taken them for ages.

      When I started bleeding down there freaked me right out that's when I had to stay using laxatives. It may be good idea to get some just in case as mine just seemed to get worse.

      I had a tummy bug once and was so relieved after it I used a highish dose of Epsom salts several times because it felt like the pop was jabbing me somewhere under my ribs every time I tried to go.

      It's no fun just like having a flipping baby some times.

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    extremely common, its caused by slow digestion due to low oestrogen, thathen inturn causes gas, and bloat, and hey presto you have constipation, you need to lie flat if you can after evening meal to help food go through quicker, after 30 mins get up to keep bowels moving, or, go for a short walk to keep bowels moving, drink plenty of water to keep stools soft, if you dont later on you will develop severe diahorear,  as it causes IBS type symptoms, but all perfectly normal, so dont worry.
  • Posted

    Oh boy oh boy Michelle..yes it is common, it's had me scared a lot just lately. A lady here called Elaine told me to up my water intake and fingers crossed, for going on two weeks now, I haven't been so bad. My piles hurt and some days I've been nearly in tears with it. All I do is sip water occasionally, it hopefully helps my digestion process. I do drink decaff tea and flavoured water but the plain water is what has worked for me and as Elaine said, you don't have to drink a lot in one go and mild exercise can help too. There are other suggestions, sorry my head is a shed and I can't think of them at the moment. I have a cup of water on the table so when I go into the kitchen, I sometimes take a few gulps and try to before a meal too. 

    It will increase your anxiety too, it has done mine. I'm a worrier anyway but it's off the charts now so I know how you feel. It's horrendous when you feel so bad isn't it. I've found this forum to be a great resource and comfort on a few occasions. 

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      Thankyou I am panicking so much about not going I keep sitting in the loo hoping but the more I do that it's unlikely it will happen as I'm so anxious about going !!! X
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      That is one of the worst things to do Michelle because you're stress is going into overdrive and your body can't function even more than before. Try some of the suggestions here and start with the water. I really feel for you, honestly I've been in such a state many times over this. Try some relaxation and read through some of the threads here, that has helped me a few times, knowing other ladies know how I feel. One thing that has worked for me too is water melon. Unfortunately I can't eat it now because it can make me 'go' too much. Get onto the water suggestion, little and often through the day. You may need laxatives if you've not been for a while. If you do, make sure you add the water, etc, to your daily diet to keep things moving for you. I wish I could wave a magic wand. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes. Big hugs xx.
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      To start with try a double dose of your magnesium is side effect at a slightly too high dose is looser stools😊

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      Try slight overdose of magnesium mine is good quality and a half dose more than it says to take will ease your symptoms even double the dosage won't hurt.
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      as well michelle you could always try a very gentle laxative, but you will find you will develop diarhorear all of a sudden, due to the compacted stools, as meno causes IBS type symptoms and thats the end result, gentle exercise keeps bowels moving, and water softens stools, but like i said try a gentle laxative if it is that bad, but it will keep happening during a flare, the water and exercise will work. 
    • Posted

      Hey Elaine I took 2 tablespoons of lactoluse last night and within and hour was running to toilet lol !! This morning a bit better but still very loose lol 😂😂is it common for my pelvic muscles to feel sore and tender now as from all the pushing for days ? I feel so sore xx
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      oh dear cant win can we............dont push, it will come out when its ready, you will make yourself bleed if you do that.
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      Nobody it was a relief anyway lol !! And ok no more pushing bloody muscles are sore xxx Thankyou xx
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      well i wouldnt say pain and severe diarrhoea was good............ha it would have happened anyway, as thats what the menopause does, personally i prefer the constipation...........ha, its probs down to your laxative dont worry, it will wear off.
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      That's why I found it best to just keep upping my magnesium, then you are not going from one extreme to the other. Most laxatives can be a bit unpredictable (I don't know if it was you I told but syrup of figs is gentle and good for not doing that, for me anyway)

      You can only get it online these days.

      With the magnesium, I just keep track of how bad it is and take a bit more, maybe twice recommended, but usually one and a half dose works well.

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      I used to say that until it became impossible and painful to go. No joke being in the bathroom halfway into it and it's too painful to get out but no longer able to go back in lol and when I did manage it was like having a baby and made me bleed.

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