Coping with nausea after starting citalopram
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Now had 4 doses of 10mg which I take at 9pm. Does anyone else have awful debilitating nausea? I find it so difficult to cope with - any tips anyone? I am taking cit for anxiety which mainly presented as nausea and inner restlessness. I'm not enjoying or looking forward to anything anymore cause of how I feel - anyone else in the same awful position. Going to have to take more time off work too! Anyone got any encouraging words cause so fed up.
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David_21660 Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo,
Yes most of us have and we can confirm it ain't nice.
The way I coped with it was to crawl under and curl up under me emergency duvet downstairs and wait for it to pass and breathe long and slow, in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth (where else?!). Sometimes I would snooze or sleep for an hour or so. Eventually, I was able to think about what I fancied to eat, obviously not a meal and sometimes just comfort food. Comfort food can be whatever you fancy at the time, like a snack, savoury or sweet things. Of course fruit is really good for you, but ice cream (I reckon) more restorative! Lol!
I came here via work related stress and eventually removed myself from that and some of those that played there part in my illness. Of course I over worked and did not take proper time off which did not help.
When I was well enough and Cita had started to level me out I felt the benefit of also changing my lifestyle too. Every little helps!
All the best.
sharon12462 Gerrymoo
Many have said take your meds after your evening meal.. works wonders for some 😊
Misssy2 Gerrymoo
I found Citalopram to help me greatly for many years. However, I recently changed because I take other medications that affect Seratonin and I had Seratonin overload so I had to switch to a non-SSRI.
Always when I was about to stop Cit. because of the side effects.....I would start to notice...I was having less anxiety and more patience (more patience was the biggest benefit for me).....So, maybe give it a full week and if you still feel that to the prescribing Dr.?
katecogs Gerrymoo
Ginger ale is good to help alleviate the nausea, and as David says eating whatever you fancy too.
The first few weeks on these meds are the worst, but it gets easier.
I recovered from 16 years of depression and anxiety on these - took many months, but so worth the wait.
K x
Gerrymoo katecogs
Thanks Katecogs
I have been nauseous for so long with what now turns out is anxiety that I'm just desperate for it to go. It does tend to become less intense as the day goes on but since starting the ad it's like being sea sick first thing in the morning
katecogs Gerrymoo
Yes this is how it happened for me - I felt better as the day wore on. The nausea is usually heightened with the medication initially, and it does get better. The meds work slow, so don't expect immediate results - give it a good 1-2 months to start with, and then just keep going.
I was amazed when my anxiety finally stopped - such a relief.
It will get better for you.
K x
Thanks everyone
I seen to be sleeping better but the nausea hits about 5 - 6 am which is when I usually get up for work - hence me feeling I won't manage to get into work this week. Im not sure whether it's triggered by my anxiety creeping back. Strange thing is I don't even know why I'm anxious cause I'm not particularly worried about anything except these horrid feelings just now. It all happened after I quit low dose tram adolescents for my bad back at end of may and it's all just got worse from there - no appetite at all, Constant nausea, agitated feeling it's horrible. I hope this citalopram works !!
melissa20698 Gerrymoo
It gets better!! I just restarted my cit 12 days ago and I'm starting to level out. I had a lot of nausea, as well. Also, high anxiety.
I had also stopped taking it for 6 weeks prior to that which caused a lot of havoc.
It eases off so hang in there.
Drink lots of water. Remember it's temporary, even though it's hard to do!!
Good luck.
Gerrymoo melissa20698
I think my anxiety has manifest as a nausea problem which seems to be exacerbated by the citalopram. It's just constant and very waring and find it difficult to eat. Hope it goes off soon 😔
melissa20698 Gerrymoo
Anxiety is terrible. Just hang in there. It will get better.
David_21660 Gerrymoo
Sorry to butt in Gerrymoo however, try not to think or over think too much. Cita causes anxiety whether you have it or not (like me) to be able to treat ir. Nausea is a side effect (or as I sometimes call them added extras!) of taking Cita, but it will pass, just don't fret about something that you cannot change until it passes.
Everything you have and are saying is the cr*p that comes with nausea so, stop over worrying and start thinking about what you fancy to eat!
Re read some of your post replies there are some really helpful tips in them.
Gerrymoo David_21660
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
Hi I started citalopram 13 days ago for severe anxiety and constant panic attacks. They think this was triggered from stopping hrt suddenly and some sort of biochemical reaction. Anyhow, first few days the cut sent my anxiety/panic through the roof and I've got awful nausea. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning I get anxious and feel sick, though it's wretching not actually being sick. I can't eat anything and I'm surviving on cups of tea and protein shakes when I can manage one. I have a mental cycle when I feel sick/nauseous then I get anxious, but if I'm anxious then I feel sick!
I've searched the net and these side effects are really common and should start to subside after a couple of weeks, I've just got everything crossed that's the case cause I'm so fed up with feeling like this.
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
Hi I started citalopram 13 days ago for severe anxiety and constant panic attacks. They think this was triggered from stopping hrt suddenly and some sort of biochemical reaction. Anyhow, first few days the cut sent my anxiety/panic through the roof and I've got awful nausea. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning I get anxious and feel sick, though it's wretching not actually being sick. I can't eat anything and I'm surviving on cups of tea and protein shakes when I can manage one. I have a mental cycle when I feel sick/nauseous then I get anxious, but if I'm anxious then I feel sick!
I've searched the net and these side effects are really common and should start to subside after a couple of weeks, I've just got everything crossed that's the case cause I'm so fed up with feeling like this.
Gerrymoo victoria_88777
Hi Victoria
Yes I can relate fully to your story, think my anxiety was triggered by quitting tramadol which I was taking for back pain. It came out of the blue and it's taken a while to work out that it is anxiety related nausea although which one comes first I'm not sure! It's a truly awful experience. I've been given diazepam which takes the edge off the anxiety but try and keep it to a minimum. I've also got cyclizine which is helping a bit with the nausea. I take the citalopram at night to try and minimise disruption but feel nausea constantly and struggling to eat.its just come out of the blue for me, just hope it goes away soon . Good luck and let me know how it goes
melissa20698 victoria_88777
Hi Victoria! I'm on the same boat as you. I've been on Citalapran 12 days now and I feel the same. Lots of anxiety and panic. The nausea has gone away.
Believe it or not my problem started because I stopped the Citalapran about 8 weeks ago cold turkey. I thought because I have been feeling great i would stop. I took it for four years. I got so sick. Panicked and nauseous beyond belief. Was told it was from stopping cold turkey. I have no idea but it was bad.
Started back up 12 days ago and have the side effects from starting it, like you. I'm so ready to feel better.
I hope you feel better real soon.
victoria_88777 melissa20698
Hi Melissa I just want the nausea to stop! Every day is so long when you feel so sick. I'm wretching every morning and dread taking the tablet. The only thing that's keeping me going with it is the fact that by evening time I'm starting to feel normal so I'm hoping that's a sign they are starting to settle in my system. I can't eat anything and I've lost a stone in 2 weeks, no appetite at all. It is reassuring that others go through the same but I need it to let up soon.
Hope you are staring to feel a bit better xx
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
Hi gerrymoo its so hard isn't it? I'm fed up of feeling like this. Every morning I wake with panic then start wretching. I just hope it stRts to subside soon.
I've got diazepam too but I'm only taking it at night to make sure I sleep, that's an improvement I suppose as to begin with I was taking the full dose during the day.
I know people say the side effects last a couple of weeks but I'm not feeling it yet and I'm day 14 now
Hope u feel better soon too cx
Gerrymoo victoria_88777
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo, I'm trying really hard not to take the diazepam unless I really need it. Been to the dr this morning and she has prescribed beta blockers - never had them before so dont know what to expect.
Strangely although I had the usual panic and wretching as soon as I woke up this morning, I havent had the overwhelming nausea from taking the tablet......that said I do feel very shakey and edgy. I just wish this would do one!
How are you feeling today?
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo, I'm trying really hard not to take the diazepam unless I really need it. Been to the dr this morning and she has prescribed beta blockers - never had them before so dont know what to expect.
Strangely although I had the usual panic and wretching as soon as I woke up this morning, I havent had the overwhelming nausea from taking the tablet......that said I do feel very shakey and edgy. I just wish this would do one!
How are you feeling today?
Gerrymoo victoria_88777
Hi Victoria,
Had to take couple of valium this morning to get some sort of control over my agitation it was awful. I'm at the drs this afternoon so I'll see what he says but I think it's a matter of ploughing on. I've only taken 6 so far, nausea is less constant but to be honest things are slightly different every day.
Glad your nausea issue improved. I think the increased agitation is a well known side effect when starting ssris but as long as I know I can take the edge off with valium. The intense agitation starts upon waking 😔
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
That's not good gerrymoo, though it's still early days for you so keep with it. Mornings are the worse for me too. Everyone says the side effects only last a couple of weeks and we should start feeling the benifits around 3-4 weeks. It's just so hard getting to that point.
I can feel the anxiety in my tummy today just shaking continually. Going to go out to take my mind off it.
Can you get out for an hour at all?
I'm so glad to find forums like this where we can talk about it, help each other through.
melissa20698 victoria_88777
Victoria, it's the same for me. In the evening I think, "ok, it seems to be getting better I can do this". I even had 2 days in a row where I felt pretty good. We just have to hang in for a little longer for it to stabilize. I know it's not easy but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Feel better soon!!
Gerrymoo victoria_88777
Yes these forums are helpful but I suppose they do make you dwell a bit more. Let's hope things get a bit better each day. This has been the worst day for my anxiety so far but I have to report an improvement in my nausea - just hope it lasts! What's worse for you Victoria nausea or agitation? I've thought about this often and I'm not sure. Unless you've experienced that awful agitation and restlessness feeling you can't imagine how horrible it is. Let me know how you're getting on. I've got drs soon!
melissa20698 victoria_88777
Gerrymoo melissa20698
Hi Melissa at least you're not on your own. Just out of interest when does everyone take their cit? I was told to take mine at 9pm to try and minimise any side effects but don't know if it makes any difference. It's just interesting that mornings are worse for everyone
melissa20698 Gerrymoo
I take it in the morning. I just always have.
I think it's worse in the morning because our minds are just ready to go and the neurons are firing. I think we have to get moving to take our minds off of it.
Don't forget, this all will pass (-: everyday is a step closer.
victoria_88777 melissa20698
Thanks melissa for your positive thinking
I've been quite anxious today but not quite as sickly. Like you say we are 2 weeks in so hopefully the worst is behind us. It's just makes such a long day every day when you feel like this.
Sending you big hugs xxx
victoria_88777 Gerrymoo
Hi Gerrymoo, it changes from day to day. Sometimes its the nausea thats dibilertating and other times its the anxious gnawing that just wont stop.
How did you get on at the Drs? Hope you've had a bit of respite today
Gerrymoo victoria_88777
Drs was fine, got some more cyclizine for the nausea but to be honest I haven't felt sick this afternoon which is a turning point - a relief to say the least! Anxiety is better but it always is worse in the morning. See what tomorrow brings! The agitation is just terrible when it comes. Take care you two x
melissa20698 victoria_88777
victoria_88777 melissa20698
melissa20698 victoria_88777
The mornings seem worse and as the day goes on I feel better. One minute I'm thinking will this ever end then the next I think maybe it's passing and I'm stabilizing. The anxiety is the worst for me.
I keep kicking myself for stopping it and then having to start all over again with the symptoms when I started it back up after 6 weeks off. I guess it was completely out of my system.
It's so weird the reaction of stopping cold turkey and then starting. I guess it was withdrawal symptoms then starting up side effects. All I know it was bad. Getting better slowly though.
It will for you too. I took it for 4 years and never had a problem. It worked well. I just thought I was ready to stop. I don't know if it was the side effects of withdrawal or I need it. I'll never know because I'll never stop again. Can't go through this again. Ugh! Good luck. Hope you feel better soon.
Gerrymoo melissa20698
Hi Melissa, yes the anxiety has been worse for me too it's incapacitating at times. Do you take anything for it? Poor you sounds like you've had a double dose of everything x
melissa20698 Gerrymoo
I stopped Xanax almost one year ago and really don't want to use it but it got so bad I took a very small dose. I don't want to depend on that for anxiety. I took .125 mg just for some relief. I'm hoping the cit kicks in soon. It's been 16 days.
Have to do what you have to do!! Anxiety isn't easy. I did start seeing a therapist too. I'm hoping it helps. I've always been a worrier.
Have a nice day!!
Gerrymoo melissa20698
How long did it take for the anxiety to subside last time Melissa? It's seems to be hanging on with me too particularly mornings when I wake x take care x
melissa20698 Gerrymoo
I actually don't remember. It was 4 years ago. However, it definitely DOES go away. I'm hoping soon. As each day passes it gets less and less for me. Doesn't help though when it comes back. We will be okay (-: